Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 758: Kerry Empire

Ronan’s words made Daisy’s facial expression stagnant. Shiah does have this rule. There is no way. There are too many races in the country. In order to be as smooth as possible, high-level people will always be involved in cases involving this race. Choosing to avoid, Ronan now extends this avoidance principle to the entire Shia Empire.

As for Thanos’ daughter and Thanos’ father, does it matter? In fact, it doesn't matter at all, the instructor is afraid that he has never seen Kamora, but in terms of legal principles, they are related!

Daisy grew up for a while, why did her elder niece Camora and Xing Jue get together again?

Ronan's words made her very passive. The other party insisted that this was their Shia law. If they follow the Shia law, they must avoid it. If they follow the Kerry law? Then there is no need to talk about it!

Ronan didn't let anyone go, let alone let her take away the dark vortex. After finishing the call, she couldn't help but glanced at Yongdu complainingly.

If she didn't know the inside story, she would even think that these cosmic pirates and Thanos were accomplices, otherwise she couldn't explain how Xingjue got together with Kamora.

Normal thinking will make this reasoning, and courage is naturally okay. He hurriedly explained: "This is Peter Quill's private behavior and does not represent a predator. We have nothing to do with Thanos!"

At the official level, they are all similar. They are all vigorous social organizations. They belong to the kind that can be paid when they think of it. At most, Thanos is very powerful, and the courage is relatively weak. This is the difference.

But from Yongdu's point of view, they have nothing to do with Thanos. One is the number one terrorist in the universe, and the other is a social man in a spaceship. The two are not comparable.

Courage was too anxious. He watched Daisy lower his head and thought, and couldn't help but suggest: "Can we use some means to cross the line?"

Are you ready to play hard? Yongdu's hard-grabbing plan is in line with Director Dai's appetite, and she agreed to it during the change, but now there is still the God of Time hiding behind the scenes and doing things, she needs to make the most reasonable plan instead of rushing to grab it.

She has already shown up. If something happens to Ronan, her suspicion is the biggest. Between countries, sometimes it is not very evidence. If the two countries conflict, she will bear huge political pressure, which is good for her in Shia. Personal image is a blow.

Of course, no matter what happens, Doujian will definitely help her to hold her, whether it is a war with Kerry or other diplomatic disputes, she believes Doujian will bite the bullet and go up. This is fighting. The sword owes itself. But for the boy Xingjue, it was too wasteful to spend so much of his favor.

She wants to settle this matter in a peaceful way.

"Since Peter Quill is so important to you, I'll help you save people. You have to pay?" When Yongdu was thinking about the rescue plan, Daisy suddenly said something like this.

It's normal for employers to pay mercenaries, but it's rare for mercenaries to pay employers. Rao is courageous and knowledgable on the spot.

This is like the decoration team decorating the owner, halfway through the installation, and the carpenter was injured and hospitalized. Only then did they know that the owner was a doctor, and the previous expenses were free, and they even had to pay the doctor back.

Yongdu has been an interstellar pirate for so many years. This is the first time someone asks him for money. It feels weird.

He didn't want to pay, because from the outside, Daisy had nothing to do with her except for the title of senior consultant.

"Stupid, do you want to kill Ronan's battleship like this? You need my help." Daisy turned into a female Cree with blue skin in front of Yongdu's eyes, and then switched back to her original appearance.

Daisy doesn't worry about Yongdu revealing this secret, who do they tell them to be a pirate? If you say it, others don't believe it.

And Yongdu is a very smart person, he can fill up a lot of information.

Yongdu did fill up a lot of things. His first thought was that Daisy was a Cree, a spy sent by Cree to Shia, or a senior diplomat. In any case, it was Very secret and extremely important thing.

I knew that the consequence of this incident was not a freak, but I needed to worry about being blown into fly ash by a dark matter bomb when I was sleeping.

Pay! Pay immediately!

But they are pirates and don't have many credit points. Many planets have their wanted warrants. Once they get close, they will be bombarded by the main artillery.

Regarding Yongdu's use of various materials and stolen goods to pay the bill, Director Dai readily promised that as long as it was valuable, her elderly did not dislike it. She even promised Yongdu that she could help him sell the stolen goods.

It was too difficult for Star Pirates to find a channel to sell supplies. Like Daisy's position, those who were willing to do business were relatively rare. The more they talked, the more speculation they had, and they almost forgot Xing Jue.

Fortunately, Father Yongdu is more affectionate, so he stopped the idea of ​​selling things first, and forcibly transferred the topic to the rescue of the star.

"Okay, save people first, let's go to the Kerry Empire." Someone was a little distracted, but thinking that the dark vortex was also important, she contacted Shia's intelligence agency and grasped Ronan's path.

Two days later, the Kerry Empire, the main star Hara.

Daisy and Yongdu mixed into other people's capital, waiting for Ronan's flagship to return.

Daisy turned into Cree's appearance, wearing a straight military uniform, walking down the street of the main star Hara.

She can transform, but Yongdu doesn’t have this ability. Although he and Cree have blue skin, but blue is different from blue. Yongdu is a centaur. In the eyes of Cree, this difference is very big. of.

Now Yongdu can only pretend to be Daisy's servant and follow her along the Yongdu has visited the main star Hara. The Kerry people strictly enforce the law and often chase him like a dog. It can be said that they have no good feelings about this place, but Daisy is very interested.

Looking around at the different scenery in the universe, she enjoyed this experience very much. The only pity was that it was not Wandahir beside her, but the terrible old man Yongdu, whose interest in visiting dropped slightly by two points.

The Kerry people are soldiers, even ordinary citizens, their costumes are very solemn and solemn.

You can see various ethnic costumes on the streets of Shia, and some costumes are like the bikinis of the earth, walking calmly on the streets, which Shia people are used to. But Kerry’s clothes that are not allowed to be exposed, except for the hands and face, are not allowed to be exposed at all. This is strictly regulated by the law.

But they have high heels. In order to obtain the same status as men, Kerry women designed high heels as early as a million years ago. The purpose is to make female Cree not look up to male Cree.

The laws of the Kerry Empire encourage fertility. Daisy has contacted Queen Shia and Queen Skuru, but to be honest, the status of Kerry women is the highest among the three empires.

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