Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 712: The sacrifice of Professor Charles

The golden-red woman looked at the blackened Charles, as if she was looking at a poor worm, with her golden palm aimed at the other party, and her unmatched mental power directly enveloped the entire space.

The battle of the spiritual world is in full swing, and the world of reality and intersection is also very lively.

The US team was very decisive. He picked up the medicine and rushed to the main building of the school that seemed to be a concentration camp.

Selling a flaw first, defeated the Nightcrawler with first-class short-range teleportation ability, and then stunned the flying shield to prepare for amplifying the move. As a result, because of the different rules, the lightning storm girl was not called for a long time.

Finally, leaning on the two long legs, he left behind the slow-moving steel man.

The scenery before entering the main building is changed again. It is upside down. On the walls, there are the original Xavier school layout and some Third Reich war slogans, which are very nondescript spliced ​​together.

"Where is the basement?" The U.S. team panted, and being besieged by a group of mutants made his physical strength drop very quickly, that is, the heart-controlled mutants would not be able to exert much combat power, otherwise he would definitely not be able to rush into the main building.

Looking at the surrounding layout and quickly analyzing the layout of the building, the east, west, north and south are in chaos, the main building is like a maze, and the US team is also scratching his head. Although he has been here twice, he can't see where the basement is at this time.

I can only follow my feelings, find and fight all the way.

In the end, he saw the same exhausting laser eye in front of a huge black door.

He struggled to stand in front of the gate, blocking the way of Captain America.

"Captain, do you also want to eliminate the professor's abilities?" Laser Eye used a lot of physical energy to resist the mind control of the spiritual entity. The electric cable device can only help him resist the erosion of the mind and cannot restore his physical strength. Now he is holding on to the wall, It's a miracle to barely fall down. It stands to reason that he can't stop the US team at all.

This was the first mutant who could speak normally after entering Xavier School. Captain America sighed and was chased by a group of mutants. Even though his conviction was extremely firm, he was injured at this time.

Especially the ice made by a German soldier before was too cold, even though he had not resisted the ice resistance he had trained for 70 years in the Arctic submersible, now half of his body is paralyzed.

He breathed in, trying to adjust his breathing.

Facing the problem of Laser Eye, he replied firmly: "I will help you, we are not enemies."

This answer is too official, and Laser Eye is not satisfied.

The US team doesn’t know how Daisy’s situation is, or whether this strange so-called dream will spread to the outside world. There is no time and laser-eye nonsense. After a little recovery, they start to charge, slamming on the ground with muscles. The strength was maximized, and a series of actions from stillness to assault was completed in an instant.

In addition to its own abilities, Laser Eye has also conducted a lot of fighting training secretly. Under normal conditions, he will not be inferior to elite agents.

I am weak now, and the reaction is half a beat slower than usual. However, the US team is not in the best condition. The laser eye turned on the quartz glasses, and the two scarlet lasers were close to the US team.

The omnipotent shield made contributions again, the laser was blocked by the shield, and the US team slightly shifted the angle of the shield, turning the impact of the laser into a part of the driving force for its own assault, and hit the wall like a violent bear. It made a depression and rushed in from the side of the laser eye.

Professor Charles is lying on the innermost medical bed. Although his face is as peaceful as ever, the burnt brainwave therapy device beside the bed can show how active his brain is now.

"Professor, I know you can hear it. Let me say, you come and listen." The US team repeatedly weighed it, but still gave up the direct use of elimination potions, which did not conform to his principle.

"This is Steve Rogers."

"The issue of mutants has always been ignored by me. I never knew that mutants have been treated unfairly. This is my mistake. Humans should not kill each other. We will definitely find conditions acceptable to each other. I need your strength to put away these messy things outside. I hope to have a face-to-face discussion with you."

The American team is not pedantic. He holds the leech potion that Daisy gave him. Once it reaches the point of irreversibility, he can make up his mind.

Hearing the slight movement behind him, he threw out his shield, bounced twice, and completely stunned the laser eye.

Captain America counted silently in his heart. The time he gave himself and Professor Charles was 30 seconds. If there is no response, he will take the last resort.

"If you want, I can come forward and make some guarantees for the mutants. SHIELD is also actively seeking the basis for cooperation between the two parties. Professor, please trust our sincerity. We have no malice against the mutants."

Seeing that the time is getting less and less, and there is no sign of improvement in the surroundings, cold sweat slowly oozes from his forehead, and he has to speak again to urge.

"Professor, please take back these mental powers..."

Captain America tightly held the syringe in his back of his hand was bulging, showing the extraordinary in his heart.

There was no response, and his heart sank. Just as he was about to inject the leech potion into Professor Charles, a weak hand grabbed his arm.

The old man's palm muscles are loose, but his eyes are as bright as stars.

The emotions in his eyes are extremely complicated. It is not the usual kindness to others. It faintly reveals a fierce light, wisdom and cruelty, reason and madness, forbearance and decisiveness, all of which are integrated together, that is the real Professor Charles.

Even though he has seen countless people, Captain America still feels that he has never seen such a pair of eyes.

The dark side of Magneto is just an inducement, the real disaster is in Professor Charles's heart.

Lao Wan's negative emotions can actually be vented out at ordinary times, at best it is a nightmare of youth.

Professor Charles is different. His psychic powers are too strong, so strong that a single thought can change the situation of mutants, and he is restraining this thought every moment.

"I heard all of your conversations, help the mutants, captain, please solemnly promise me." Professor Charles took off his mask, without the pretense, he is now an old man who has been working for the mutants all his life.

This was originally my promise. The US team solemnly nodded: "I promise you that I will use all my strength to improve the survival of mutants."

Professor Charles nodded, as if letting go of his heavy burden, and extended his hand to Captain America: "Give me the potion, the world doesn't need me anymore. If I don't want to be imprisoned for life, then eliminating the ability is also a good way."

A quarter of an hour later, Captain America pushed Professor Charles out of the medical room. His abilities had been completely eliminated. He was like an ordinary old man in a wheelchair.

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