Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 653: Layout the universe

"Are you still promoting clean energy in New York? The Osborne Group is also starting to develop new energy sources. Stark's stock has fallen a lot." After a cup of coffee, Daisy put her troubles aside and asked about another one thing.

Stark thought for a moment. Now his brain is filled with all kinds of armor and knowledge. Clean energy seems to be a thing of the last century: "You said Dr. Otto Octavius? His research is still Not bad, but using deuterium for energy is very dangerous and I am not optimistic about his experiments."

Stark has a little interest when it comes to business, but he is not very interested. He wants to go back to design armor. Today Odin provided him with two new ideas. What energy is not energy can be discussed later.

Numerous powerful figures appeared one after another, and his armor was a bit out of keeping up with the times, and he had to make great strides in innovation.

Moreover, the new term of the eternal family gave him a little idea. He knew that Daisy would not say it, and he planned to ask Grandpa Odin alone next time...

The conversation between the two ended quickly. Stark had nothing to do before. Now that he has something to do, he naturally doesn't care about clean energy anymore. If others want to invent, let him invent it. Anyway, he can't surpass me! Daisy thought he probably thought so.

Norman Osborne has great ambitions. Originally, he had cooperated with Daisy once, but unfortunately the two developed in completely different directions. Many forces did not want them to cooperate. Now they are going further and further.

Close the bullseye and try to control the New York underworld. Supporting Otto Octavius ​​in the development of new energy sources is preparing to grab the cake from Stark. At the same time, he had a close relationship with several members of Congress. The gossip even rumored that he was supported by heavyweights to establish a Skyhammer against S.H.I.E.L.D., but this plan is still on paper. , The total amount is so much, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra will not be disbanded, and he will not be able to recruit people.

Although I feel that Norman Osborne has become a gun in the hands of some people, the suppression is still to be suppressed.

Find a few people who have used the Osborne Group's pharmaceutical products to sue him, the bad news of the news media, the shortage of raw materials, the bank's debt collection, and a few more news to suppress the Osborne Group's stock.

The capitalist society uses a variety of methods, and a combination of punches has made him unable to get out of his life for more than half a year.

If it is true or false, the agents randomly make small questions, and Osborne, who was a businessman, can't bear it.

At the end of the month, Tekken Danny officially came out of the mountain. He returned from studying art and caused another small earthquake in New York.

The shares of the RAND Group began to plummet strangely. The return of the heir, not only did not boost morale, but caused panic among many shareholders and further made investors lack confidence. On the day of the market opening, the RAND Group, a leader in the global pharmaceutical industry, It plummeted by six percentage points.

The Rand Group, together with the Osborne Group, which had received a notice from Daisy two days ago, the stock plummeted, and the gossip told Tony Si who returned to Los Angeles to tinker with his own armor and no longer participate in the daily operations of Stark Industries. Tucker, all kinds of unfavorable news are flying all over the sky, and the three major groups have fallen to varying degrees. Analysts believe that a new round of economic turmoil is about to take shape, and the entire market is plunged into panic.

"Is it such an exaggeration..." Daisy went to the European sub-base to inspect for two days. When she returned to New York, she found that the originally orderly market had become conservative, with layoffs, unemployment, robbery, and the economic downturn brought on the streets. Crimes have all increased.

After the nest was covered with eggs, her stocks were sold off. She really did not expect this result.

Daisy now doesn't pay much attention to the business of the earth, and most of her focus has shifted to the universe.

The battle between Dou Jian and Shinrikyo is in full swing, and the dark elf's mini black hole grenade has sold out, earning her a lot of credits.

The grenade is limited by raw materials, and the market is difficult to expand in the short term. She set her sights on another goal.

For this reason, she had an in-depth discussion with Peter Petruski, codenamed ‘trap’.

This guy is also a big bald, Daisy suspects that too much chemical exposure has caused her baldness.

In the middle and later stages of his experiment, the funds were provided by Hanmer Military Industry at that time and Sky Military Industry today, which means that his products, Sky Military Industry have full use and ownership.

The model of capitalists and scientists is basically the same. One gets a name and one gains. As the provider of capital, the scientist needs to do everything possible to provide it. The final research results belong to the capital. This is a gamble. The capitalist makes money and loses it. The capitalist is unlucky, and the scientist goes to find the next bully.

The United States creates new projects and new ideas every day, but there are very few who can actually make money. Most of the time, it is the capitalists who gamble and fail, and the scientists want to jump off the building.

Parents like Little Spiders got funding from the Osborne Group for many years of research, spent Norman. Osborn countless dollars, just after the results appeared, the two did not give the results to Norman Osborne instead injected the gene fragments into his son, and then ran away with the data.

This is a special case. Normal people do not do this. The behavior of the two has actually broken the bottom line of the capitalist world.

Daisy can now completely take away the research of the trap without any psychological barriers. This is a project completed with her funding, and it is reasonable for her to take away the results.

However, Super Glue is not a one-shot deal. It will be further subdivided and upgraded. She also needs this bald head named Peter Petruski to continue researching for her, so she took the time to meet with herself.

A few words of encouragement are all scenes, really nothing new, the point is that she gave a dollar reward.

A personal reward of 500,000 U.S. dollars and a follow-up research and development fund of 2 million.

Of course she can give more, ten times a hundred times is no problem, but too much time, a folk chemist, 500,000 is enough for him to do a lot of things, trap this person's greatest achievement is to invent super glue, when he is a villain He's just a funny character, half a million is no more than no less to him, just right.

As for how much Daisy can make with super glue, it has nothing to do with him.

Super glue and mini black hole grenade are the two products she has high hopes for. Basically no one is involved in the glue field. The black hole grenade can quickly open up a market by relying on the identity of the marshal of the world warrior. The benefits of the two projects can be expected.

The production of grenade and super glue requires a lot of credits. Her own wealth is a bit short. She is going to find Goblin Chocolate to invest. As for the future share, hehe...

With a smile on her face, she drove back to Skye Building and saw Peter Parker, a hard-working worker.

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