Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 643: Walter Alheim

Stark had doubts about the fact that Thor was Odin's son, but he soon found a new topic and started talking with Odin.

They were really chatting, they stood with their hands behind their backs and chatted. Remaining! One counts one, everyone is helping the old man clean up the house!

The Immortal Palace Warriors and Sif have the lowest status, and the four have undertaken the most work. From time to time, Loki changed the surrounding furnishings into Odin's favorite style.

After Friega did it himself, Director Dai, who was like a slacker, also helped move the table, and the bald brother even wiped two pieces of glass.

While they were working, Odin and Stark had been standing by and chatting, and from time to time they could hear Odin’s admiration and hearty laughter.

"Really wise." "Your insights are very enlightening." Barabara...

The American team asked Daisy with a puzzled look.

"Maybe more congenial." She can only say so.

Some people are not related by blood, and it is the first time to meet each other, but it is true that there is a situation that is particularly compatible with each other. Others don't say that this is the case with Director Dai and Luo Dan.

If the earth explodes, the top three on her rescue list will definitely be Wanda, Hill, and Lorna, and the fourth place is the brine egg. The rest of the characters will see if they can't see it.

This situation is even more common in superheroes, such as Spider-Woman and Ms. Marvel. Although they have a difference in age, they have a very good relationship. Another example is the US team and the Falcons. And some people are born with rush, such as Laser Eye and Wolverine...

Also in the reunion, the US team has a good relationship with Thor. They appreciate each other's courage, belief, will and so on, but does Thor appreciate Stark? According to Daisy's observation, the two rarely spoke.

Rocky ridiculed Thor, but also transformed into the US team, he will not become Stark, because he knows Thor and Stark have a similar relationship.

Now Odin really valued Stark, it was an appreciation of seeing younger generations.

The kind of appreciation in his eyes, let alone see if Daisy is not, even if he sees Thor and Loki, he also seems to appreciate Stark when he thinks that Thanos seems to admire Stark, Director Dai looks from left to right and he doesn't see what is unique about Stark The place.

I can only say that they are all the same kind of people.

Daisy knew that there was a timeline for Stark who gave up technology at the age of 126 and became a supreme mage, perhaps because of this trait. The wizards in the Marvel world may not have high intelligence, but the ones with the highest intelligence actually have the potential to be wizards...

"I'm telling you, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility." When she was in a daze, when she suddenly heard such a sentence, Daisy was so excited that she almost jumped up.

Super Sight activated, turned his head and looked over. Sure enough, he saw Uncle Ben on the other side of the nursing center, a square hundreds of meters away from them.

Why is this old man here too! Isn't this the care center for our SHIELD and Hydra?

I beckoned to ask the bald brother to ask. Then I realized that Uncle Ben retired a few days ago and had nothing to do. He came to the nursing center as a temporary worker, and chatted with a bunch of old men to relieve the boredom.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility! Thor's father, Mr. Ao, can't listen to this now! Hurry! Hurry up and arrange him to leave, so that he won the lottery. Europe January Tour, quickly arrange for him to leave! "Daisy was so eager to be wise, she immediately thought of a good way. It is not appropriate to dismiss directly. If you say he won the prize, ordinary Americans would not refuse.

Now Odin needs to recuperate. You told him that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Isn't this stimulating him? If Odin considers himself the most responsible and kills Shia with the Eternal Spear, would you stop him or not? Let him enjoy his old age happily.

Seeing the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent pretending to be a staff member, saying that Uncle Ben had won the lottery and seduce the old man Tan Xingzheng away, Daisy was relieved.

Settle in Odin, Thor is going to be a filial son on Earth, by the way, dating Jane Foster, bragging with the Avengers, Rocky then went back to film his drama, without Odin and Thor in front of him, he The'scale' can be bigger.

Only then did Frigga ask about Daisy's coming.

"Wat Alheim? What are you looking for the dark elf? I heard that it has been deserted for a long time."


Walter Alheim was flattened by Bor before Odin became the King of Gods. The dark elves looked ugly and were full of evil in their hearts. Bor led an army and directly attacked their royal city. After that, they scattered all around and killed the dark elves. After that, the class teacher returned to the court.

This plane has been deserted for a long time, and it has long been forgotten. The sky here is withered and yellow, with overcast clouds, and there is nothing on the earth that can be called life.

However, after a small group of dark red energy came to Wat Alheim, several spaceships rushed out in the deepest part of the wasteland. They were the only dark elves left.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the Asgardians, from Malkis to the dark elves at the bottom, they all chose deep dormancy to spend a long time waiting for a good opportunity to retaliate against Asgard.

The arrival of the etheric particles awakened Malekiss. Although he did not know how the particles came back, Malekis led his men to rush out of the hiding place. Sgard's revenge.

"There is no conspiracy? It's strange, but the total amount seems to be a bit small..." Malekiss led the people around the etheric particle twice, making sure that there were no ambushes around, a few leading to Asgard There are no traces of army entering or leaving the passage.

He didn't know that Daisy was a little too late when she came out of the gap, and was delayed some time by Odin, who was demented, and she was still on the way.

Looking left and right, there was no ambush. Malekis directly absorbed the ether particles. This was originally something he made by dark magic, and the core also had his spiritual brand. It was very easy to recombine the two.

However, after the combination, he finally understood the problem. This etheric particle was incomplete, and it seemed that a large part of it had been cut off by something.

Where is the rest? In Asgard? Not here! Malekis sensed it carefully, and somewhat unexpectedly discovered that the remaining etheric particles were all in Watt Alheim, but very far away from his location.

What the hell! Ether particles are more important than anything. He awakens all the people of his tribe and kills them in the direction he perceives.

Daisy on the other side took a lot of time to enter Walter Alheim. Several large spatial passages were blocked by Bor. The Dark Elves must have their own secret passages, but Asgard did not know.

Frigga searched through the records, and only then helped her find a path and forcibly squeezed into this plane.

Where birds don’t **** and chickens don’t lay eggs, this is Wat Alheim. The ground is full of gravel, and the nitrogen content in the air is obviously too high. If it weren’t for the ether particles and the real gems in it, she wouldn’t have come This ghost place.

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