Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 387: For those who died

"Hehe, Mr. Wade Wilson, let me give you a piece of advice. Go to the hospital for an examination if you have time. Your illness is very serious." She didn't talk nonsense with Wade. Director Dai was busy and drove away.

"Hey, don’t go, your animation company can’t hire an artist, I’m fine for drawing." Wade didn’t pay attention to any physical examinations at all. He didn’t want to give up Daisy, a fat sheep, and pay when she got in the car. Selling yourself hard.

After Daisy left, Wade recommended himself to Coleson, meaning that they could also help build the school, clean up, help students with homework, and protect students from school.

When I went to Hanmer Military Industries' own office, it was normal, much better than Skye Films, which had been knocked down half a building. He slandered Stark's careful eyes and began to count the losses.

The change in the drawer is gone! This was the first thing Daisy found, was it the Qitarians stole it? It's unlikely. She thinks that it was mostly a fight, and someone took it away in her office.

She didn't install surveillance in the office, nor did she have the ability to track time. The scene was messy, even if there were clues, she couldn't find it.

Sighing, she felt that her economy had suffered another loss, but she didn't know how much money she had lost. Whoever had nothing to order how much change she had in her drawer could only be a rough estimate.

Maybe a few thousand dollars? I can afford it!

She called Justin Hammer and the gangster to know how many Zetaric weapons she had confiscated.

The bragging king doesn't understand this, he just brags, and now all affairs are done by gang soldiers.

"There are 1,129 energy guns, but the energy is basically depleted. Only 422 can be used. The Zetarians' bombs are not much harvested, only 95 yuan, and 775 aircraft have been seized. They are also damaged a lot. The specific numbers are below. We haven't counted it yet. We have collected the most corpses of aliens, with more than 2,000. The armor fragments on their bodies are 30 tons. We also grabbed two of those huge troop carriers."

The gangster reported the harvest to her, and the harvest of Hanmer Military Industry was second only to the military and SHIELD.

In particular, the two huge troop carriers were cut down by Daisy Atom, and the inside was basically intact. She shot down her front foot, and let her men move away with her back foot. The military did not find a chance at all.

"Let our people step up the research. You take this information. On this basis, combine the technology of the Zetarians to create localized energy weapons." Daisy took out the energy gun information of Baron Strak. .

Hanmer Military Industry still has shares in Hydra, but they are all in the hands of Daisy and Viper. Except for the scattered shares in the market, the military, and politics, Daisy already has nearly 30% of the shares in Hanmer Military Industry. This ratio is not small anymore, and Stark has so much in his own group.

The technology of the Zetarians and the research results of the Baron Starrak combine the two together, making localization easy.

There was a Viper on the baron to carry it, and she had little pressure to make money behind.

Baron Starrak can dismantle Daisy's mechanical soldiers, and Chief Dai can naturally also use his energy gun technology. This level of battle is completely within the scope of the rules.

However, in order to take care of the military’s face, or to get the most benefit, she instructed her staff to study it out and let it go first, and wait for the military and those arms companies to test the water. This kind of update involving all human weapons will involve To the benefit of countless people, it can even cause a world war, and they don't need to be the first to enter.

Hanmer Military Industry is only an auxiliary. Daisy’s main energy is still on SHIELD. As the commander who led the human coalition to win the Battle of New York, her name was accompanied by the first alien invasion. There is no doubt that Has been written into history.

In the future, children in the United States will most likely encounter such exam questions during exams.

Please select the commander of the Battle of New York from the following three famous people ()

a: Steve Rogers b: Daisy Johnson c: Tony Stark

Thinking about that picture is quite cool, the prestige is high, the authority will naturally expand, and Pierce and the crossbones are still in the treatment stage, her reputation in S.H.I.E.L.D. has surpassed the halogen egg.

S.H.I.E.L.D. agents lost a lot this time. Both Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers sacrificed on the battlefield. Excluding their personal wishes and ambitions, they are all warriors fighting for humanity.

The pension must be paid out. The two directors have no objection on this point, but it is the turn of the pension payment method, and the two have some disputes.

The casualties of the US military are paid as a one-time subsidy of 650,000 U.S. dollars per person. The spouse of the dead soldier receives a monthly subsidy of 948 U.S. dollars, and the children receive 237 yuan until they die.

The value of agents is much higher than that of American soldiers. They have been kept incognito for a long time, and their family members have no idea what they are doing. Now that they have sacrificed, S.H.I.E.L.D. must have a statement.

"How did I tell their family, how did this money go to their family? Huh? I said that your son won a lottery outside, and then got into a car accident. I took his body and the bonus? Nick, We can't do this anymore."

Daisy lost her temper very rarely, because the marinated egg had been doing this before, and this time she planned to follow the previous treatment method and continue to do so.

Find a few gaming company staff to cooperate and give a large bonus to relatives. The relatives of the killed agents thought that their son and her husband had been beaten to death by fooling around outside. While holding the money, they cursed their relatives. I have brought a little benefit.

This solution is very deformed The long-term sacrifices of the agents have been ignored, and there is no human touch.

Indifferent, ignorant, and indifferent. Under this set of handling methods, it is a joke that the agents are required to be loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D., loyal to their duties, and dedicated to mankind.

Daisy reiterated what she had said before.

"Registration is to register all those who died in the war. No honor can be given during their lifetime. Then after death, they will be given the honor of giving their lives for the country in the name of the Bureau of National Land Strategic Defense and Logistics Guarantee!"

Her tone had never been harsher, and Hill, who had wanted to persuade him, shrank instantly. She didn't know that Daisy, who had always been laughing and joking, had such a serious side, which she had never seen before.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. didn’t do the right thing! It’s so decided, Commander Maria Hill, you bring the combat office to count the names, nationalities, and living relatives of the dead colleagues. I will discuss with the Pentagon. According to the level of agent, one person Given a military rank, they should have a decent funeral!"

Such a name and surname made Hill stand upright automatically, until she pulled the door to leave, Hill was relieved.


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