Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 382: Reinforcements sent by

Phantom Cat Katie's mouth is slightly open. Daisy's top secret mission is a bit like a game and novel where two groups of people fight for life and then the protagonist secretly takes away the treasure. I have to say, very exciting! But she was still a little worried about her safety, the blur might not allow her to cross the battlefield.

"It is indeed a bit dangerous outside, but I will send someone to protect you, come, Drew!" The thief's Daisy saw the little girl's concerns at a glance and beckoned to call the spider woman over.

On the first day of work, Miss Drew, the spider girl, turned into an experienced S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in her mouth, let Katie remember the route, and then sent the two out to secretly take the universe cube.

Even if Katie told Charles about the incident afterwards, he was not afraid. The information was asymmetrical. The old bald did not know whether Daisy represented S.H.I.E.L.D. Cube or herself with the Cosmic Cube. The advantage of the identity of the director of S.H.I. She can change the roles between organizations at any time, and outsiders can't verify it.

"Emma, ​​stare at it mentally, don't do anything, it's not good to confess to old man Charles then."

Although Miss Drew lacked a lot of knowledge, she was indeed a general. The Phantom Cat Katie was also excellent. The two cooperated and the White Queen was staring secretly. Daisy was still very relieved.

It was the first time Katie took on such an important task. She carefully walked out of the Xavier School through the side door, and the fighting outside made her shiver.

But her natural heroism and game console encouragement made her take the first step bravely.

She wanted to say something to Miss Drew to ease the tension, but she didn't know what to say when she watched Spider-Woman hurry on.

Forgive me, Miss Drew is also doing ideological construction at this time. She feels that Daisy has given herself an important task to protect the Phantom Cat Katie who looks a little cumbersome.

I am an adult! She has been cheering herself up in her heart. Miss Drew thinks that when Daisy treats herself as an adult, she must be worthy of this trust, and the spider reaches its maximum size and leads Katie through the streets.

This young lady is amazing! Katie didn't know Dao Lu's psychological age. She looked at the other party's lordosis and turned back, and she was the so-called professional agent Daisy said. She thought she was much older than herself, and she was completely admired for a while.

In order to show her own value, or the show-off mentality of a bear child, she also pulled Drew through with her own abilities when she was really unable to avoid it.

wall? Go through! metal? Go through! enemy? Go through to kill!

The first time I realized the ability of blurring, Miss Drew was taken aback, and then came the approval that I was not the only weird person in this world, which was great.

If the two of them can hide, they can hide, and they can walk through if they can't hide.

A large number of Qitarians have left the excavation site, leaving only a few disabled and guarded in place. It is not difficult for the two to take out the Cosmos Rubik's Cube from the ground without the guards.

With light hands and feet, they took the treasure under the enemy's eyelids. The two little girls were so excited that their hearts were about to jump out. They soon found the Rubik's Cube and placed it in a special box made by S.H.I. The desire of the machine drove Miss Drew back.

At this time, Daisy encountered a little trouble. Xavier School was able to hold on with the toughness of several mutants, but Captain America’s assault power was not enough. Thor and Iron Man were caught fire by the enemy several times when they lifted off. Had to become infantry and rush with the US team.

"Daisy, I'm really sorry, I still need some time." When Daisy urged for the third time, Captain America panted and apologized.

In fact, he didn't have much energy anymore. He organized seven consecutive assaults, but they were all hit by the intensive firepower of the Zetarians. He was shot in front of him, and the blood had already stained that special theme. Combat uniform.

"Where is Dr. Banner?"

"Dr. Banner was led away by the enemy, he should be out of control."

Daisy pondered for a few seconds, "Wait a minute, reinforcements will come soon."

After hanging up the communication of Captain America, she connected to the bitter egg. "Captain America lacks the strength to attack. That guy must use it. Anyway, he is not harmful to society."

"Okay." The halogen egg put down the phone and turned to look at the huge container on the side. It was the red tank that was transported from the secret base inside.

"From this intersection to the north, turn left, there is a giant metal fortress, as long as you knock the fortress out of a passage, I will give you eight thousand dollars, how about it?" Nick Fury asked the angrily red tank.

The eight thousand dollars is really not just talking nonsense by Daisy and him. Instead, it is the highest price found from international mercenaries. The Red Tank is very powerful. Unfortunately, I don’t have a brain. The hire price is very low. Eight thousand dollars are considered high. .

Sure enough, the Red Tank didn't care about the amnesty or the release after serving his sentence. He only cared about the small amount of money, and his eyes were red when he heard the huge sum of eight thousand dollars.

Marinated eggs carefully opened the black technology prison, and the red tank came out like a mountain of meat.

Why is it that I am free, and there are no bridges where the sky does not cover his eyes, and the ground does not bury the heart. This guy stared at a pair of bull's eyes "Where is the money?"

Considering that this guy doesn't know how to use a bank card, all the marinated eggs are prepared in cash, scattered, there are 100 and 50, and there are many 20 and 10 US dollars in banknotes.

It was full of boxes, and it looked like a lot.

Daisy expressed support when she heard this idea at first, and smiled twice, thinking that the bittern method is very good.

Ludan didn't tell her deputy director that the change was taken from her office.

Nowadays, the streets of New York are in turmoil and the banks are closed. Suddenly there is indeed no cash for the eggs. Fortunately, he was very observant, and found that Daisy, a foodie, often asks his subordinates to go out to buy food, buy a naturally there is no way to buy a Coke by credit card, there is no WeChat payment here, street vendors only Cash, so there is a lot of cash in Daisy’s office

The facts are almost the same. There is a box full of marinated eggs, he estimated that there must be eight thousand.

"50! 100-150, 200!" The Red Tank didn't have the joy of regaining freedom at all. He squatted on the ground and counted the money twice. Hey, it seems that there is more than 200 dollars?

Give me more money for this mentally retarded? The Red Tank decided not to tell the charcoal-like guy in front of him, annoyed him!

He closed the box in one hand, indicating that the transaction can be completed, and he asked in a stern voice, "Where is it? What metal fortress did you mean?"

The marinated egg was cautious to show him the way, and the two of them saw the pure metal fortress built by the Zetarians using the troop carrier before they had gone far.

"That's it, if you smash it, even if the transaction is completed!" The salted egg can also see it. You don't have to be shy about this kind of rammed goods, just tell the truth.



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