Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 207: Promotion

It's a pity that Pierce poured cold water on him: "The scientific name of this thing is a plasma arc reactor. It's fusion, not fission, so it's not a nuclear reactor."

Pierce is a long time old and has devoted himself to researching information for a whole afternoon. Now facing fat politicians, he has a sense of superiority in IQ.

"Can you arm hundreds of steel suits?" Senator Stern only cared about this issue.

Pierce looked a little dull and shook his head.

The bald brother Sitwell on one side quickly explained for the boss: "According to the drawing, we can only build a huge reactor of the same size. Unless we also build a flying mothership, this reactor is not very useful."

In this room, only the bald brother had a touch of technology, and he patiently explained it for a long time.

The fat Senator Stern frowned and thought for a long time. Poorly his brain hadn't thought about the relationship between peaks, frequencies, and electromagnetics. He only knew that there were drawings and he couldn't build a reactor.

But he has his way: "Could that Daisy Johnson also make a steel suit, so that you can get the drawing?"

He admitted that he proposed a good solution.

Pierce thought for a while, then shook his head again and refused: "I can't directly suggest Nick Fury to do something. If I push it secretly, the cycle is too long."

"How about tying her up?" Stern had another idea.

This time it was a cross-boned answer. This warrior with both good and evil temperament looked down on politicians. He replied a little carelessly: "Daisy Johnson is extremely capable of fighting and has precise marksmanship. Unless I take action, most people can't catch her, go to catch her It's better to catch Stark."

The problem came again after a round. The overall judgment is that it is the most cost-effective to capture the rich man Stark, a billionaire super rich, and a weapon expert. If he is caught and brainwashed to become a part of the Hydra, this is simply a profit.

The plan was negotiated, and they felt that it was easier to catch a **** who had little ability to fight back than to catch Daisy.

But the next day, the crossbones brought them bad news. He saw the Black Widow next to Stark, and they seemed to be very close.

There is no doubt Nick Fury behind this incident.

"All the actions are stopped, we can't be exposed, and Baron Strak said that we are thinking of ways." Pierce stopped the action on the spot, and a steel suit is not worthy of him to expose.

Relying on the input of a large amount of materials and abundant human resources, a month later, a giant plasma arc reactor covering an area of ​​nearly 100 square meters and a height of 15 meters was built by Daisy.

The design parameters fully meet the requirements. Fusion is much cheaper than fission. It is safe and pollution-free. The overall cost is nearly 300 million. Daisy reported that the cost is 470 million. There are too many intermediate links and too complicated. Nick Fury looked through half of it. Hours, and finally sign for confirmation.

Looking at the huge reactor, the two directors of SHIELD were sighed with emotion.

"Such a reactor can power SHIELD headquarters for a hundred years." In order to let them personally experience the effects of the reactor, Daisy plugged the entire headquarters' supply into the reactor.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters is not limited to the three buildings on the ground, and the daily consumption is not just the office waste of printers and projectors. The focus of consumption is underground. They also have supercomputers. Underground facilities are five times larger than the ground. Various weapons processing plants are advanced. The science laboratories are all here, and it can be said that daily electricity consumption is a big number.

"Miss Johnson is really a genius." Old man Pierce sincerely compliments. There are many S.H.I.E.L.D. elites and more scientists, but it is only Daisy who can connect science with practical applications. As the former director, he knows daily life. The figure of electricity consumption is good for two days a day, and the accumulated figures over time can scare ordinary people to death.

Nick Fury, who has always been unsmiling, also expressed his appreciation, but he asked Daisy to keep secret of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s use of the super large arc reactor. He didn't give a specific explanation as to why it was kept secret. Daisy estimated that this product also intends to use the daily consumption of electricity as a cover to defraud the Security Council.

"Since this reactor has been connected to the headquarters, according to the original plan, two more reactors will be produced for the flying aircraft carrier. You have to hurry to study the technology of the turbine engine."

The two directors quickly made a decision. Daisy Johnson will directly lead the Science Department. In addition, the Information Department in her hands does not directly lead the War Department, which is still in charge of the Bald Brother. She has actually led two and a half departments. The seventh-level agent of the company is a bit low.

"Miss Johnson's ability fully meets the standards of the eighth-level agent. It happens that John Garrett's eighth-level agent is vacant. I think Miss Johnson should be promoted." This red face is usually Pierce singing, Nick Fury It is necessary to maintain the majesty of the director, and now the old man made a suggestion, and he agreed with it.

Nick Fury knew that the figures she had reported before were inconsistent, but everyone tacitly agreed, and no one said who, this time directly allocated 800 million yuan and asked her to continue to produce two reactors.

As for whether the technical principles and patent ownership of the reactor are still in Tony Stark's hands, none of the three mentioned.

In less than a day, news of her promotion spread among senior agents.

Daisy's popularity has always been good. The eighth-level agents are definitely in the leadership. Except for Victoria Hand, who was so angry that he dropped a cup in the office, everyone else expressed their congratulations.

"Rising very fast" the tone was sour, Hill was ordered to participate in the transformation of the aircraft carrier, as an absolute confidant, Nick Fury appointed her as the captain of the first flying mothership.

Upon entering the headquarters, Hill knew the news of Daisy's promotion. When the two met, her tone was a little depressed.

Fortunately, they had a certain tacit understanding before, and there was no abnormality from the outside.

"My Iliad will be refitted by you. Don't be too tired. Pay attention to your body." Seeing no one Hill whispered. At this time, Daisy wanted to study Wakkan. Tat’s turbine engine docking with the arc reactor has been studied continuously for several days.

My hair is messy, and it looks like I have been working for a long time and having a bad rest.

Daisy waved her hand to indicate that she was okay. Hill quickly completed the work handover. S.H.I. Stay longer and leave for a vacation at my home in Chicago, Washington.

Wakanda's technology is very powerful, there is no doubt about it, but their technology and the outside world are not developed on the same technology basis, which provides Daisy with a huge workload.

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