Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 1486: season finale

"You know, this is not my intention. The disciple lost his heart in front of the powerful force, and he lost control." Old man Merlin first gave an explanation. This explanation is very important. It is related to the position of the next conversation. At least he is Thought so.

Daisy seemed to smile.

After a long time, she meant to point out: "In fact, you don't understand what happened, and you don't know the impact of this incident."

Ok? There is something wrong with this dialogue mode. As a sage among many cosmic powerhouses, it is uncomfortable to be pointed out to the person that he does not know something or something related to his personal interests.

Thinking about the incident from beginning to end, he didn't find anything he had missed. The disciples' loss of control was indeed serious, but it was not a big deal for him, and it should be easier for Daisy.

What's the matter?

"Please give me some guidance." In order to gain knowledge, Merlin was willing to pay any price, and now lowered his posture a little, and asked sincerely.

Daisy pointed to the void: "When I saw the disciples, I knew why OAA allowed you to exist. I thought it was an accident before, but now I know it's not."

This question suddenly rose to the extreme, and the corners of Merlin's eyes twitched slightly: "What do you mean?!"

"The disciple represents your past and is a part of you. Now the disciple has copied the abilities and responsibilities of the life court. What does this show? It means that he will serve as the life court someday in the future."

Merlin still didn't want to understand the connection, he tentatively asked: "I think you have stopped him, that future does not exist."

"For some reason, I left this world for a short time, OAA was also asleep, and did not intervene in this matter, so the disciple got a chance. Even if I correct everything today, that future exists in theory. You The past will serve as the court of life someday in the future. This is the reason why OAA and the whole world have not cleared you."

The meaning of her words is very simple. Old Man Merlin was not an outcast from the beginning to the end. Because of the disciples' reckless behavior, his past became a court of life, and he was included in the entire Marvel world.

Even if this future is far away, it exists objectively.

Because of Daisy's return, the disciple, the future version of the court of life, will always stay in the future, but for the whole world, he served as the court of life and is an inseparable part of the world.

Old man Merlin has always advertised that he is very free. In fact, after the birth of the disciple, destiny has connected him with the Marvel world, and the connection will be tight. This is the book of real destiny from Daisy Xi DC, and it is with Big Brother Destiny. Enlightenment gained after a long talk.

For their existence, time is meaningless. It only takes one thought to appear in the past, present and future. Merlin can be the teacher who assisted King Arthur, or the powerful existence at the beginning of the world. The two are not contradictory. .

Disciple, the future version of the court of life, is a bit of Maitreya Buddha, the future Buddha, always in the future, always in the future.

Instead of gaining power, he dragged Merlin into the water. Next time there will be an invasion by the Super Protoss, his old man will have to carry his staff on top!

With a mysterious smile, Daisy resurrected the court of life and erased his memory of the disciples, and then left Old Man Merlin to ponder in place and return to the multiverse.

Before entering the earth, she stopped.

It was originally the situation where the king did not see the king, but now that she breaks the tacit understanding, it will be boring for her to pretend to be confused.

Daisy turned and walked through the gap in the world. She came to a space that did not belong to the past, present and future. She opened the wooden door and walked into the fulcrum bar.

The statement of Fulcrum and Daju is not wrong in the strict sense. He is the past of OAA, and OAA is his future. This sentence is completely correct, but he still has one sentence to tell Daju that his future is too strong. As for the assimilation in the past, at this time he is both the fulcrum and the OAA.

"Would you like a drink?" Fulcrum was not surprised by her arrival.

"Thank you, I've quit drinking, and I'm a little tired recently." She waved her hand, looking around randomly like an old acquaintance.

This space is very peculiar, and is different from the need to strictly control one's energy in the material world. Here she does not need to control it. Whenever she emits a trace of energy, the space will separate a trace of energy to offset it.

"It's a great place, did you do it?" she asked.

"Yeah, it takes a long time to find something for yourself. What are your plans? How do you plan to kill these endless years in the future?" The question of pivot is very acute.

"Of course I went home to be with my family. When I was not at home, they made a mess of things, but they still thought they were doing the right thing and had a headache! They wouldn't work without me. The worry-free guys don’t know when they will mature."

His mouth didn't make people worry. In fact, there was sweetness in her eyes and some envy in the snacks. He lowered his head and wiped the wine glass.

"Is there any plan to go out recently? The disciple's matter is destined to happen, and your timely departure is in line with my expectations, but if this kind of thing happens again, I think you will be very upset, right?"

Daisy leaned her back as far as possible, her eyes blurred: "In fact, I still have a subordinate who has fallen out of the world. I don't know where that guy was taken. Sometimes I think about it, it's pitiful."

Fulcrum frowned: "Are you leaving?"

"No, let's take a few days off recently. That guy is very lucky, and there should be no accidents. I have been busy talking about it for so many years and I should have a good rest."

Fulcrum was wiping the cup, Daisy watched him wiping the cup, and both fell silent for a moment.

"You are very good. You didn't make a mistake as a life court at the beginning. You are more capable than you."

Daisy snorted coldly: "Is there a difference in the court of life? No matter who I am or what job I am, I have to guard the world. I jumped out of the prison you set up. It is my volition to assume my current duties, not a gift. It’s not a destiny, it’s the result of my hard work."

Fulcrum hung the glass aside: "Yes, you are more aggressive than Dang."

Daisy's finger tapped him: "You still don't understand. You and Adam don't understand. The old man Merlin didn't understand. You have been immersed in your own world for too long. Go for a walk and take a look. I have A friend, she has to be a mortal one day every 100 years, a thorough mortal without extraordinary power.

We shouldn't spend all our minds on the state, rules, and movement of the world, and look for something in our lives. It's up to you, I'm just a suggestion. "

She got up and turned to leave.

"Don't you want to pursue a higher realm?" For the first time, there was uncertainty in Fulcrum's tone.

Daisy pursed her lips and chuckled, "Higher? How taller? I'm just an ordinary person and I'm already content. Well, your bar has a good environment. If you don't want to do it, you can sell it to me. How about $20,000? kind?"

Fulcrum looked puzzled.

"It seems that you haven't made up your mind yet. If one day you are ready to leave this world completely, come and find me, I will take over your bar." She emphasized the word ~ Is it really good to leave this world and go to a higher level? Not necessarily?

Stepping on the earth and standing in the sun, Daisy only feels refreshed. She doesn't need too much attention in the future. She is satisfied at the moment, which is enough.

Just three seconds after returning to Earth, both phones rang at the same time.

"Daisy, Franklin is cooking, hehe, that's interesting, what kind of pie do you like?"

"Daisy, this is Stark. We met a strange alien. She herself is the eternal daughter, Entropy. Do you know this guy?"

One is going home to eat, and the other is going to open a literacy class. Does this require a choice? entropy? Who? The unnamed general who did not know where he came from asked himself if he knew him, a joke! Daisy hung up Stark's call, turned around and went back to her home. She doesn't want to talk about work now, and after struggling for so many years, she should rest and rest. The sunrise in front of her is beautiful, and the home not far away is even more beautiful!

End of the book!

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