Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 1440: Little Morgan's discovery

The Red Skull is no longer the Red Skull.

Integrating all the evil thoughts of Professor Charles, while retaining a large amount of personality, he also gave up some of his thoughts as an exchange with evil thoughts.

The former thought of Aryan supremacy was infiltrated by a large number of evil thoughts and changed to mutant supremacy. Anyway, he is no longer a human. There is no way to talk about the blood of Aryans or Aryans. Trading, he has no psychological burden at all.

He is now ready to implement a mutant-oriented plan.

"Friday, authorized the production of X-5 Stark Sentry." He said to the artificial intelligence gloomily.

Stark and Daisy got Dr. Bolivar Teslak’s draft sentinel plan and some macro-level technical ideas. This deformed doctor is definitely a genius. Time has proved that many of his ideas are correct. It was only the industrial level and infrastructure in the 1960s that restricted his methods, and the sentinel plan only stayed on paper.

After Daisy got this information, she developed the third, fourth and fifth generations of sentinels. After that, she gave up science and concentrated on studying feudal superstitions, trying to make herself immortal and immortal!

Stark’s hacking skills are good. Today he took a peek at him. Tomorrow, he will install a backdoor on Daisy’s server while talking. With his own talent, he has produced an enhanced version on the basis of the five generations of Sentry. Named Stark Sentinel.

Red Skull likes these killing weapons very much. He wants to slaughter mankind on a large scale by relying on mechanical soldiers, and then cause wars in several major nations of mankind. It doesn't matter who wins and who loses. What he wants is chaos and killing.

Only chaos, mutants have a chance, at least he thinks so.

"Sir, are you sure you are authorized? This violates the security protocol No. 229 you set." The artificial intelligence named Friday is very mechanical. After the red skull verified pupils and blood, and three key questions, he recognized that he is Star Gram himself.

The Red Skull's tone is extremely cold: "According to the No. 9 and No. 14 Supplementary Clauses, I have the right to change the security agreement. Now is the dangerous moment I have been worried about. Mankind is facing a huge crisis, hehe..."

The logical thinking of artificial intelligence could not understand what his sneer meant, and after verifying that it was correct, he completely let go of his authority.

Each instruction is encrypted by satellite and sent to all parts of the world.

Stark concealed the directors of Stark Industries and drew funds to operate at all of the fifteen processing bases secretly established around the world after receiving orders to deal with this ‘earth crisis’.

Little Pepper was too busy and found no abnormal tasks. Instead, the five-year-old Little Morgan discovered something wrong with her father. After a day of careful observation, she decided to ask some of her friends for help.

All things are divided into circles these days, and the three children of Johnson have three circles.

There is no doubt that Da Rachel has grown up. At this time, he and Lorna are staying and flying, eating, drinking and having fun, traveling around the world, so beautiful.

The two also sometimes responded to the call of the new Captain America, Sharon Rogers, to help deal with some crises.

Little Franklin has her own academic circle. The current members are Xiaowa and Tunmei, who have an IQ of more than four digits. The three camps are relatively neutral. They are not interested in justice and evil. They focus on the truth of the world and gather from time to time. Discuss together some weird issues such as the creation of the universe.

Well, it's amazing for little Rachel, what is the creation of the universe? What is your business? What formula can be used to calculate this point in time? What's the point of this? Her little head didn't understand this question, so she stayed with her peers.

At present, there are probably so many children around her.

The daughter of Quicksilver and Crystal, who has already awakened initially, can run as fast as an old man, Luna Maksimov.

However, the child also inherited the fragile body of her mother's crystal. He should get better in future exercises, but he can't resist too much air resistance now, so he can't run fast.

Luna is considered a relative in name, and there are still a few new partners left.

Among them are the cloned girl Wolverine brought back from the future, Little Wolf Girl, X-23, and Laura Ginny.

There is also the daughter of Deadpool, who is skilled in swordsmanship and has the blood of mutant and demon lord at the same time.

The last member is Little Morgan.

The members are all girls...It's not that everyone has any prejudice against boys, but the superheroes are all girls! Except for a boy in Hawkeye's family, all the rest! All girls!

Daisy did not intervene in any way, it was a complete coincidence...

With a loud bang, the children's version of the Mark armor, which had shrunk a lot, landed on Daisy's manor in New York, and Little Morgan walked out of the armor a little anxiously.

She looked around in the manor, and when she found little Rachel, the second girl was fishing by the sea.

According to common sense, there is no unhealable trauma Under this premise, she should be exactly like Da Rachel in the future, after all, they are the same person.

There will be differences in personality, ways of doing things, worldviews, and habits of thinking, and appearances will not be too different. This is genetically determined.

but! Daisy broke through the omnipotent universe level and broke common sense. As the closest daughter to her, Rachel was also influenced by her father. At this time, she has bright eyes and white teeth. She can see the extraordinary in appearance at the age of only six, and she does not speak. , Without in-depth contact, that cute breath will be considered by outsiders that this child is particularly aura.

Among the three girls in Johnson's family, Rachel is the most beautiful.

This makes Da Rachel often complain to his father that fate is unfair to him...

Ordinary people say that ‘fate is unfair to oneself’ is just to talk casually, but Johnson’s family is different. Ms. Tianming is responsible for this, and she has an unshirkable responsibility!

Daisy also wanted to change Rachel's appearance, at least slightly adjust it.

But Rachel has finished making changes, should Lorna make changes? After Lorna's change, what about Wanda and Qin? Change everything?

By the time it wasn't messy enough, Daisy directly rejected Rachel's idea and allowed them to grow freely without external interference.

At this time, the appearance of Little Rachel sitting on the beach and fishing is very beautiful. The red morning glow and the calm beach did not affect her beauty. Just sitting honestly with the fishing rod, you will feel a burst of indescribable harmonious.

Little Morgan didn't have time to appreciate it, and she couldn't appreciate it. She was too young, so she yelled, "Rachel! Rachel!"

The little beauty Rachel, who was about to fall asleep, was sitting on a large sea turtle. The call from a distance made her almost plunge into the sea, and she responded hurriedly: "This, this!"


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