Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 1433: The world inside the wall

The thought channel that was connected instantly made Daisy couldn’t help but exhale softly. This guy looked ordinary, but he could actually be locked in a wall. This is a symbol of strength. Nowadays, there are a lot of so-called strong people hanging on the surface of the wall. However, those guys are too weak to be rejected by the Wall of Origin.

The Omega Titan in front of him is better than the guy who has to pick his feet.

The other party bypassed the energy shield on her body surface, and even ignored the different geographical characteristics of the two sides, like a super program, crazy reading Daisy's many understandings of the DC world.

There are the knowledge gained from the Book of Fake Destiny last time, as well as the brand new insights gained here after reaching the Almighty Universe.

This knowledge is very domineering and intelligent. He wisely chooses to avoid the knowledge from the Marvel World. Like in many film and television works, he reads something he cannot understand and blows his own head. It may have appeared.

"Great, great."

Daisy praised her from the bottom of her heart. The method used by this guy is a bit like a former planetary devourer in Marvel's world.

It's just that the acting style of the Planet Devourer is simple and rude, stupidly pulling hatred every day, using a junkyard-like posture, to decompose the entire planet into pure energy.

It's like incineration of garbage without sorting, and the waste is countless. And the Omega Titan of the DC world is undoubtedly much more high-end, he should have studied garbage classification, or read similar books, using an efficient and clean way of devouring, no garbage, he needs knowledge.

A pale green channel connects the two, although the size difference is huge, but Omega Titans is very cautious.

In terms of size, he is more than 20,000 meters, while Daisy is only 1.7 meters, 10,000 times worse.

But in knowledge, the gap is reversed.

The Almighty Universe's understanding of knowledge far exceeds his imagination. Just like electronic computers and quantum computers, the two sides' views on the world are completely different.

"Haha! Little guy, what do you remember? Your eyes are too narrow!"

Daisy didn't cut off the knowledge channel between the two parties for the first time, but instead used her superior knowledge to view the other's knowledge structure in turn.

This guy has been exploring this path and prides himself on his wealth of knowledge.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, he imparted science and civilization to those intelligent races. Once this race developed to a certain scale, he would descend onto it, like harvesting crops in the ground, swallowing up the knowledge of intelligent life on the entire planet. The thoughts and thoughts of all intelligent beings on the planet become a part of himself.

After floating away, leaving behind a planet without intelligence and full of walking dead.

With this overbearing method, he has acquired countless incalculable knowledge. Daisy has even seen his inner world. He doesn't think he is wrong, sow the seeds and then harvest them. Is there a problem with this?

To be honest, the life levels of the two sides are different. This Omega Titan believes that intelligent life is crops from the ground. Daisy can fully understand this view. From the perspective of the almighty universe, this is not too much, but from a human perspective. , This is very evil.

Ok? She suddenly thought of a question.

Since these four things are fine and spread their own characteristics to those intelligent beings, why should they enter the wall of origin? If it is not voluntary, who sealed them?

"Tita, don't resist me! Let me see your memory, the deepest memory!" Daisy finally took a three-pointer seriously, her eyes glowed with a light blue halo, and the world origin contained in it made this Omega Titans was in a panic, he tried to disconnect, but his thinking has lost control.

Daisy turned against the guest and forced to read the true past of Omega Titans.

"No! I refuse! I refuse! This is not the process of acquiring knowledge, no!... This is not..." Omega Titans resisted stubbornly, but he died, that is, Marvel World Multiverse Advanced Compared with the level, because they have been sealed for many years, it is better to eternally them. He wants to acquire knowledge. Daisy has not refused. Now Daisy wants to see his past in turn, he has no right to object!

This Omega Titan really collected a lot of knowledge hundreds of millions of years ago, but it’s fragmented and fragmented. It’s a bit of a hammer and a stick, that is, his life level is different. Ordinary intelligent life stores knowledge like him. Silly.

If the intelligent life acquires this knowledge, retreats for tens of thousands of years, and thoroughly integrates it, after it comes out, it may be able to initially enter the realm of pseudo-omniscience.

Even if Daisy took a look, her insights were far beyond the limit of Omega Titans' understanding, and such knowledge was not rare at all.

She is carefully watching the past of Omega Titans, wanting to see where the sacred seal is.

Most of this guy's mind is the memory of planting, harvesting, and devouring. The memory after the seal is very blurred. These four Omega Titans are just small shrimps inside the wall of There are countless insiders. According to this horizontal comparison, many of them have reached the level of the court of life.

"It's amazing..." I thought that the DC world was weak before, but now it's not weak at all. The strong are all locked in the wall, which naturally causes the material world to look very weak.

Daisy is not afraid of singles, and seven or eight together is no problem, but if one hundred and eighty characters equivalent to the court of life come to beat her, she really may not be able to beat her, no matter how high the realm is, this is DC world , It's too far from her origin.

Daisy saw that a woman named the Watcher was locked in the depths of the Wall of Origin. This watcher was different from the Watchers who used the universe to power super battleships. She was more primitive and closer to the world. The origin.

She is the source of all superpowers in the world, and...then, she is sealed!

Daisy secretly thought, this is equivalent to a DC version of Datongmu Huiye...

From the perspective of knowledge, this power is equivalent to when the new court was at its strongest, infinitely close to the almighty universe level, and it is not too much to say that she is the mother of all things.

However, the mother of all things is not the most dangerous enemy. In the memory of knowledge, he has heard some rumors. In a corner of the wall of origin, there is a role that makes God tremble.

In the DC world, God is equivalent to the OAA of the Marvel world.

There are not many people who know God. The only few who know the message of this supreme existence rely on contact with the ghost. As for meeting in person? It seems that no one has seen God with their own eyes, and Thea only saw part of God back then.

Thea even suspected that God had already left the DC world.


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