Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 1385: Daju's new friend

This time, Big Orange not only brought two old friends, Captain Beauty Cat and Pigman Spider, but also a half-baked friend and a brand new friend.

"Archon Johnson, admiring your name for a long time, I have never had the opportunity to visit my door." The blue skin, white hair, and youthful young girl is this half-baked friend.

The little girl’s name is Vanie Gast, the code name Navigator, and her father is also considered Daisy’s old friend. She is Gao Tianzun’s daughter.

That's right, Gao Tian is very old and strong, perhaps because of his own increasingly mentally handicapped colleagues of the elders of the universe, perhaps because he was too lonely, he also had a daughter with one of his own wife.

The child has just been three years old, but the structure of the cosmic race Gao Tianzun is different from that of the people on earth. It is cultivated with primitive cosmic energy and has undergone a lot of learning and training. At this time, Vanie Gast is already like a fifteen or sixteen year old The girl.

Gao Tianzun was going to let his daughter inherit the position of a cosmic elder, so after her period of study expired, she sent her out for a tour.

It is not only the eternal race that can absorb the energy of the primitive universe, but the ancient races such as Gao Tianzun can also.

The little girl nicknamed the Navigator absorbed part of the original cosmic energy and successfully awakened her talent. She is very good at teleporting.

During a tour of parallel universes, she met Daju, chatted for a few words, and found out, huh? Everyone is very close!

Daju is not good at teleporting. Now a little sister who is good at teleporting has fallen from the sky. She has no reason to refuse.

The navigator also has a good impression of these people in the animal universe. Please discuss it and form a team together!

In this way, the navigator joined the exciting and thrilling cosmic adventure of Daju.

Daisy said something to her. The little girl's actual age is not as old as her daughter. Why should we pay attention to studying, and what should be high-key and low-key life. She pretended to be an elder and exhorted her a few words. .

Then she looked at Daju's new friend.

"Uh, this is" Daisy looked at Big Orange's little friend, a little dumbfounded.

"Hello, beauty, I am a frog!" The frog wearing a golden crown and a red cloak jumped onto Daju’s head and greeted her happily. This guy was holding a shrunken version of Thor in his hand. The hammer.

I heard that this is a shard of Thor’s Hammer from a certain universe. It was found by Daju and given to the frog after being recast.

Daisy also didn't know what to say to this frog Thor, tell him to do things high-key, and be a frog low-key? While she was thinking about the wording, Deadpool ran out, and he saw these people in the animal universe at a glance, especially the frog that was still squatting on Daju's head.

"Oh! God! Let us welcome the arrival of the frog prince!" He held the frog like a treasure, and ran all the way into the central park where the wedding was held.

Then his loud voice came from the park, "Ladies and gentlemen! Let us welcome the third Thor who is here today!"

After Deadpool finished speaking, he didn't seem to feel enthusiastic enough. He clapped as if there was no one beside him. The guests were silent, and the only ones who responded to him were the old mercenaries and Xia Kela.

The applause was sparse, in short, it was not a cold show.

Daisy led a large family into Central Park. She looked at the female Thor, and then at Thor, who had rushed back to attend the wedding specially, and looked at the embarrassing faces of the two of them, and almost made her laugh.

The frog is just a small episode, and there is no problem in integrating into the environment of the scene. He was once a normal human being, only to be cursed by a witch before he became a frog.

Daju tried to solve this curse, but it took too long. The curse has solidified with the body. The frog is also a good mentality. After adapting to the frog state, he doesn't want to change back to a human.

Captain Beauty Cat, Pig Man Spider, Big Orange, Too Frog, and Little Sister Navigator, these five weird guys travel the universe together and are beaten up by various aliens from time to time. There is no shortage of fun during the trip.

There were so many guests at the wedding.

The Avengers are all present. Captain America, Stark, Dr. Banner, Black Widow, Ant-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, and others all put on formal clothes. Some of their identities cannot be revealed, so they are deadpool. Neighbors, classmates, or elder uncle’s cousin were present to celebrate.

Even Hawkeye, who had officially announced his retirement, was dragged back from Australia by Deadpool.

The X-Men were all present, and all the superheroes belonging to SHIELD were also here.

There are some scattered characters left, such as the Fantastic Four who are going to regroup recently, such as the vulture and Dr. Lizard employed by Daisy, such as Hercules, Ares, and Asclepi who are still wandering around the earth Russia, such as Jessica Jones, such as Lorna, and Cuckoo Sisters were all present.

Daisy was still behind a tree and saw the marinated egg. Of course, this one was definitely not invited.

Even Xingjue, who claimed to never return to Earth, was forcibly pulled back. He was chatting with Rocket Raccoon.

Kamora and Nebula were three meters away, and the two looked at each other. Finally, the bald brother pulled Nebula away, which was considered to have not started a fight on the spot.

Deadpool is rich! When he returned to Earth, he asked Stark to pay back his debts. Currently holding a check of fifty million in his hand, he easily covered Central Park for a whole day.

Wanda and the Invisible Girl, Spider-Woman, and Little Pepper walked to the side to exchange their baby-raising experience. Now Franklin’s studious has spread in small circles, and all the mothers think that Wanda’s education is well done.

Qin also chatted with Storm Girl and Professor Charles.

The children went to fight with their partners as if they were herding sheep.

Daisy sat aside and chatted with Captain America and Captain Marvel.

While talking, Stark came over and handed her a sticky note "Can you get the things on this?"

She took it over and took a look, heh, it's all high-tech devices.

Many devices are so high that they can't be replicated with the current level of technology on the These are all alien technology products, you want? "

Stark made it clear that he wants!

Isn’t it a god-eater armor? Daisy knew it, so you can do it if you want.

She is so busy that she doesn't do the express business, but she won't lose the income from delivery to the door.

She took out her signature pen and wrote a communication coordinate on the back of the note, "Contact this person named Yongdu. Well, he is the adoptive father of the Xingjue over there. He will help you purchase these equipment."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the wedding officially began.

Deadpool is not a devout believer, not to mention Xia Kela, succubus queen, how could she equate the word cultist, a proper great devil, if a wedding is held in a church, it is almost blasphemous. Now, the wedding in the park is just right.


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