Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 1381: Abnormal superhero

Loki is not shy about his origins, he frankly told: "I come from a parallel universe, Captain, you must be familiar with all of this... Before the formal conversation, can I ask your origins? How did you become like this?"

Loki wanted to get directly into the subject, but couldn't help his curiosity. He felt uncomfortable without asking for the answer.

Captain Supreme drank a sip of tea. He smiled very gently. His majestic body does not make people feel heavy pressure. In terms of temperament, he is better than the genuine Doctor Strange with a long face and facial paralysis that Rocky knew. too much.

"There is nothing to say, many ordinary people know it, and I have told about my experience in formal occasions many times... In fact, your flaws are obvious. You don't know my identity, obviously from a different place. Face...My magic power comes from Dr. Abraham. He found an ancient magic circle, and I am a super soldier who carries and uses magic power."

"After that, I went to India to find Master Jasper Hitwell, and studied magic under the master. After the master left the world, I returned to the United States."

Rocky: "..."

What the **** is this? Do you dare to be a little more ridiculous?

Before sitting down to say a few words, the more outrageous guy jumped out.

A super villain named Red Domam was summoned by the youth and is now raging on the streets of New York. Captain Supreme hurried to the scene to rescue him with his servant and assistant King Bucky.

Loki, with an expression of nothing to love, can only follow to defend justice.

Red Domam has a red skull head, wears a brown-black military uniform, is five meters tall, and is full of dark magic in his body.

The Supreme Captain was as vigorous as a cheetah, and constantly greeted passers-by to escape. One jumped and plunged more than 30 meters. He stepped on a car on the side of the road with one foot, then his body rose into the air, whizzing his legs and kicking at the red Domm Skeleton head.

King Bucky was also extremely brave. He rushed to the battlefield only ten seconds slower than Captain Supreme. He was holding an M249 machine gun. With the muzzle of fireworks bursting out, countless bullets engraved with magic spells hit the red Domam. On the back.

The three are already old opponents, and the Supreme Captain's use of shield magic can be regarded as masterful. The spell of Gragador's Circle was changed from a fist-sized small magic shield to an arm-sized medium magic shield.

Unlike the metal shield, the shield made of magic is more plastic. The golden round shield has sharp edges and was thrown out by a special technique. The shield spins quickly in the air, cutting it on the shoulder of the red Domam like a chainsaw, on the other side. King Bucky in a very brave posture threw away the machine gun that shot bullets, holding two magic daggers, and piercing the enemy's neck fiercely.

This immediately interrupted the magic channel of the red Domam. The black lightning that had been formed was only half completed because of insufficient magic power and turned into air.

"In the name of my supreme captain, go back to the abyss, you maggot!" The supreme captain quickly drew the spell with both hands, with the hot white glow on his fist, he flew up and punched the red Domam. Skull on the head.

"I'll be back!" The five-meter-tall enemy only left a harsh word, and was forcibly exiled from the material world.

When Loki arrived, the battle was over...

Although he did not help, the supreme captain of the good man expressed his gratitude: "Thank you for your help, Loki, you are a good man."

Loki curled his lips when he heard the words that pierced the heart. His heart was completely absurd, but he returned to the New York Temple with these two weird guys.

No one was bothered this time, and he was finally able to talk about his intentions. At the same time, Loki also talked about his own question, why the souls of ordinary people in this world are reduced by half.

"Tor? We don't have a person by this name here. As for the soul is half less? Are you sure?... Sorry, I mean, I haven't seen what you mean by the soul being complete. , In my opinion, the soul of all people at birth is like this."

The Supreme Captain groped his chin, thinking about the key.

He would not go to investigate with a big fanfare just because of a few words from a stranger, but kindly persuade Rocky to let him stay in New York for a few days, contact friends and collect clues by himself.

Rocky was kind, and he was also very curious about this New York, and the two agreed to meet again in three days.

Leaving the New York Temple, wandering in this unfamiliar street.

Rocky saw a lot of strange people.

He can see some of the superheroes with relatively high popularity and high exposure.

For example, Wolverine and Professor Charles are one person here, with superb melee combat ability and telepathy, and he is known as Professor Wolf who can control your thoughts with a single stab.

He also saw a steel hammer wearing a steel armor and holding a hammer.

There is also the evil spirit ghost leopard wearing Wakanda vibrating suit and riding a flame motorcycle. Wearing a white hood and a white cloak, a spider knight who believes in the Egyptian moon **** and has a golden spider pattern on his chest.

Mr. Invisible who can stretch and invisible. It is a boulder of fire that is covered with rocks, but hot flames can emerge from the rocks.

He is so small that he is almost invisible, but he has a grumpy temper. He wants to make a hole in the quantum universe. The agile, but powerful Red Widow.

Some of these people, Loki, can see the origins, and have nothing to do in Asgard. Peeping at the earth is also one of his pleasures.

He knew the combination of Captain America and Doctor Strange.

As for the combination of King Bakiga, he can only apologize, not familiar with it!

Three days passed quickly, and when he stepped into the New York Temple again, he found several guys he felt familiar had arrived.

It is still Captain Supreme telling him about the status The invisible man here has made a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of ordinary people, animals and all plants. According to his calculations, all life in this world is indeed missing. Half of the soul, the existing data and calculations are seriously inconsistent, this is certainly not caused by innate.

"There is a problem in the soul world, we go to the warlock Adam, he has been helping us for so many years, he must have a way." Captain Supreme told Loki their methods.

Rocky nodded helplessly.

After a lot of setbacks, they finally found a giant golden cocoon in a strange place.

Adam emerging from the cocoon looked at the heroes with mysterious smiles.

Loki had a bad premonition in his heart, the warlock Adam here... is also a very strange guy.

His appearance was exactly the same as outside, without any abnormalities, and this is the most abnormal place!

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