Transcend Race Due to System Error

< 10 years of 48.00 space (1) >

Wednesday morning classes were position specific exercises.

“You are the eyes of the party. When other party members see monsters, you look at the Earth from the moon as broadly as you do. Be objective about your surroundings without mixing emotions. ”

You nod as if everyone agrees with the Archery Instructor.

“This randomly targeted piano exercise is designed to broaden its field of view. ”

This is a state-of-the-art training facility for archers.

Targets are created throughout a dome-shaped facility with a radius of 1 km in diameter.

The instructor mentioned a random piano targeting exercise is one of the facility's curriculums.

Red, blue targets are randomly generated, red stands for enemy, and blue stands for ally.

If you hit red, it is a simple aggregation method that will increase your score and if you hit blue, it will decrease your score.

It consists of 10 stages in total. As the stages go up, the appearance rate and frequency of the target increases.

The aim of the training is to broaden your vision as instructor said.

Covering an entire dome of 1 km in diameter by yourself, it is not easy to correctly identify the target.

“Then we need someone to demonstrate it first. ”

The archery instructor looks around.

“Inspector Shinjia is too good to be a sample, · · · · · · · ·. ”

Soon after, I met my eyes.

“Gwangcheol Cadet. Step forward.”

Just in case, it was.


But it doesn't matter.

This is a one-man training.

One at first, one at a time. Anyway, attention is gathered.

Rather, doing it first is a time advantage.

“Do you have any questions? ”


“Good. Let's get started, then. The difficulty will start with step 4 lightly. ”

After standing where the instructor pointed, the floor on which the other officers were sitting swirled into the noose.


What the gallery was going to do in a one-kilometer radius of shooting, and it went to the ground.

Make sure this doesn't get in the way.

― Cadet Kangseo Yul. I'll start as soon as I'm ready.

I grabbed the bow and got into position.

“I'm ready.”

- Okay, here we go.

[10, 9, 8]

The hologram count has begun.

I took a small breath.

[7, 6, 5]

Tiny pain felt in world tattoos. You feel the Guardian of the Bow and the Arrow of the Wind activated.

I can see the pain.

You feel that because your traits haven't fully adapted to your body, too?

The boiling pureblood was always applied, but there was no pain or discomfort in the tattoo.

If you think about it now, the pain was a little bit different from the characteristics that we use.

So this pain relief can be used as a sign.

[4, 3, 2]


I woke up from a thought, watching the count diminish.

I'll think about it later.

For now, you should focus solely on this training.

I focused my mind again.


Next moment.


I was shooting arrows.

* * *

[Announcement of aggregate score results by position.]

[Gunner Position]

[# 1 Cinzia: 4,395 points]

[2nd Ordinance: 2,000 points]

After all the classes on Wednesday.

Me and Jia were watching the announcement.

“Wow. Not for Gia, anyway. ”

Double score.

“You're out of five. That's more like it. ”

I think I just changed my words trying to say "ancestor."

That's a terrible mistake.

“It's an honor to be complimented by someone who scored a close score on stage 9. ”

I laughed and laughed playfully.

The training was an increasingly add-on format.

Of course, Jia's score after completing the ninth stage is much higher.

“It's just a stat difference. ”

Gia grins bitterly.

“Hey, wasn't it a real power surge today? ”

“What? Gangseo Rates. Lime?”

“· · · · · · · You should not joke in front of the instructors. Take a bow.”

Walking down the hallway.

I heard my name coming from the mouths of the guards who were passing by.

“Look, that's what they all say. ”

I haven't heard that one or two times today.

Even the school SNS is full of articles that praise me.

Of course, there are just as many bad guys.

“You seem to have surpassed the E rank today. Now we really only have one thing left to do. ”

“I hope so. ”

Gia looks at me with mysterious eyes.

Usually you have to smile and see a vision of the Golden Retriever behind you.

Something's different today.

Is something wrong?

“Then · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

We talked nonsense and headed to the school gate.


As soon as I check that there are no people around, the name changes immediately.

“Do you have a good time today or tomorrow? ”

Something serious about your eyes.

Sounds important.

“I have an appointment today. How about after class tomorrow? ”

Unfortunately, I have an appointment today. This is also an incredibly important promise.

“Yes. Then after class tomorrow · · · · · · · hmm. Where do I look?”

Seeing you from the outside, I'm afraid scouts will come.

It's a weekday to get to Gia's house, so it's too far.

“Anywhere is fine, I'll just see you in my room. I've been afraid to go outside lately. ”

“Looks like the scouts haven't given up yet. It's worth giving up if you get rejected like that. ”

“I'm telling you. ”

I sighed.

“Can we go to your grandfather's room around 7: 00 tomorrow after class? ”

“Yes, I'll be there at 7: 00. ”


When I arrived at the front gate, Jia's secretary Kim Tae-jin was standing by.

“Then I'll see you tomorrow, Seokyul. ”

It's so amazing how the real title and tone change.

“Yes. Go in carefully. ”

I waved my hand at the moving limo.

I sighed at the same time.

“Good. You two don't have the same line. ”

It was a sigh of relief, thinking of someone who was coming soon.

By the way, the limousine disappeared completely and a sports car approached me.


The door opens automatically, and a blob of golden fur flies to me from within.


I'm the golden hairball.

I embraced the doubloons and embraced them.

“Would it be so good? ”

He was sitting in the driver's seat, putting on his sunglasses appropriately and looking at me.

“Just hurry up and ride. ”

Something's bothering me.

I got in the car with the golden bowl in my arms.


Kumho taps my chest with his front foot. Cute.

“· · · · · · · How well my sister did. ”

You stare at the gills and pout your lips. Aha. You're jealous of me. I laughed playfully.

“How's it going? Is it going well to have Kumho follow you a month later? ”

“· · · · · Same as the owner or pet. I hate it. ”

Suddenly, the grumbling emulsion stepped on Excel.

“I think we need to hurry because they're here sooner than we thought. ”

“Oh, is he here already? ”

Looks like we still have an hour before the appointment.

“But are you really going to register the Doubloons with the Tamer Association? ”

“Yes, I do. ”

Today we have an appointment with the Korean Tamer Association's Judgment Committee executive.

The purpose, of course, is to formally register the taboo.

“It's amazing that Kumho is a monster. Do you really need to register the Doubloon Lake as [Lake]? You won't be able to fight well anyway. ”

He stared at the golden lagoon rolling around in my murpac.

“Huh? Are you ignoring our golden rule? We fight very well. ”

Exactly A rank superhuman and 1: 1 die strong enough to feather a one-punch three-steel.


Kumho raised his head arrogantly, looking at him.

Cuteness was deadly enough to strain the heart.

“· · · · · · It might be invincible to a few superhumans. · · · · · · Me. ”

I stare at Kumho with the look of wanting to die because he is cute.

They even take their hands off the steering wheel and stroke the gold.

“Focus on driving. ”

“It's okay, because if you take your hands off the steering wheel, it turns into an autonomous drive. ”

“· · · · · · · · Aha. ”

Was this an autonomous car?

Well, then.

Why were you driving yourself?

Turn it into an autonomous ride.

“Anyway, registering. You know you have to get it right, right? ”

“Of course.”

Kumho's life will be in danger if the Association finds out that it has not been properly tamed.

“Well, what's wrong with being so calm? Right, Kumho? ”

He made eye contact with Kumho and said to Jogonjo.

I'm not worried.

Kumho is following me perfectly and is also following the words to listen to the eucalyptus.

Acceptance can be seen as a winning prize.

“But did you really need to make the meeting place our guild training room? ”

“I think I need a more spacious space. ”

“· · · · · · Hard? ”

“There's a reason for everything. You'll see."


There are two main reasons why I decided to officially register the prohibition this time.

Number one.

To act freely with Kumho.

If you don't register, you can't take a golden lagoon with you in plain sight.

This is a huge loss in power.

And number two.

This is the main reason.

To fully adapt the characteristics of the dragons [Guardians] to my body.

In fact, until yesterday, I did not intend to officially register the prohibition with the association.

The reason is simple.

I don't want to get any more attention.

The frame I'm in right now is [promising player with low performance but ever-growing potential].

The free operation of attribute magic and strength made me so.

What happens if I register an additional monster with the power equal to a supernatural A rank as a [lake]?

Needless to say.

Of course it bothers me a lot.

Along with the free operation of strong magical properties,

They will judge me by my ability to tame monsters.

Therefore, registering the lake as a lake was intended to be a little later.

However, things have changed a bit since I learned the truth about the tattoos on my body.

In order to adapt the characteristics of the Dragon Nation [Guardian] to the body, we have to communicate with the Pantheon as much as possible.

And we need to go through a lot together in order to do that.

Battle stations, hunting. Everything will help with the exchange.

Kumho is a beast.

To do that, we're going to register the Doubloon as a Guardian.

If you don't register, you won't be able to play the field.

“Well, you're doing it because you have an idea. ”

He said as if the oil paintings playing doubloons and pranks were not bulky.

* * *

A small room that is best suited for gentle scenery.

Inside, Maestro bows with one knee.

There was a man in the direction of his head.

I twist my legs and look at the carrier with an expressionless look.

A carrier containing the world's roots.

It was a carrier Hermit handed over to Maestro.


“Yes, boss. ”

Code name ‘Unknown’

The lifesaver of truth called Maestro.

“Do you know the decade of space? ”

“You mean the · · · 10 years of space? I'm sorry, that's the first I've heard of it. ”

“Yes. Of course. ”

Maestro suddenly bursts into laughter. Maestro's eyes widen with the smile of a boss I've never seen before.

“It happened about 10,000 years ago. ”

“10,000 years ago. ”

“When it is thought that the xenogens in the world are completely hidden. ”

Unknown smiles deeper.

“Isn't that amazing? Why would those powerful xenogens all hide their tracks in this world at the same time? ”

“· · · · · · · That. ”

From what I hear, yes.

Dragons, angels, demons, and more.

How did it happen that powerful xenogens, hard to reach by human power, disappeared at the same time?

“David. I was curious about why, and I couldn't bear it. ”

From Unknown's eyes, this fell.

“Dig through all the books. Gathered information using both the organization's personnel and funding. ”

Obviously, he was obsessed with ancient books.

“And I finally found it. Ten years of space, which is nowhere to be found. ”

Unknown's eyes are filled with frenzy.

“I was thrilled. Only I knew the truth of the world! ”

However, his expression soon turned 180 degrees and sank cold.

“But at the same time, I was desperate. I couldn't find anything else on the space for 10 years. ”

I don't think I can solve this question. Can't we clarify the truth?

“But God did not forsake me. ”

I was about to give up so quickly.

“Demons in 10,000 years! It was a beacon of hope for me! ”

I have a clue.

The only clue that can identify 10 years of space.

“· · · · · · That's why you were so focused on the case. ”

“And this time, I have another clue. ”

“Another · · · ·? ”

Unknown patted the carrier with a furious look.

“The magic of the world's roots is empty. ”

“ · · · · · ·! ”

“The magical power that must be amassed for 10,000 years. David, what do you think this means? ”

“· · · · · · · That. ”

I smiled with a smile that Unknown is fun in the world.

“There is a living elf. ”

“Ph? ”


A red glare flows from Unknown's eyes.

“There are still thankful beings in the world to help me with my curiosity. ”

Unknown smiles deeply.

End of < 10 (1) > 48-round space

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