She had studied the design of the airport before, because the imperial family airport was remodeled, and the place to start does exist. However, the route is complicated, and it is difficult for ordinary outsiders to start.

As the emperor's confidant, the Chief Guard Lu knew a lot. Otherwise, it is impossible to have a clue so quickly.

"Someone leaked the itinerary at the airport that day." Lu Chen's voice paused, and his grandfather's heavy smile at him before he parted suddenly appeared. Grandpa was actually unwilling to get involved in the royal family's affairs, perhaps because his mother insisted on marrying his father, or because he was frustrated with the royal family for many years. Before he left, his eyes were gray, but he was still comforting. He, he will be behind him in everything, who would have thought that the farewell that day would be the eternal separation of heaven and man.

"So it's a combination of inside and outside?" This is actually not difficult to guess, no one can easily escape the royal inspection, but how to start it is quite mysterious.

"All the video surveillances were called up, and there was nothing unusual. At that time, it was suspected that the internal personnel had used the hands and feet to hack the monitoring equipment in advance, and then dropped the video. Later, I found a professional analyst to compare the data and found that there was no trace of editing and patchwork. , So I changed my mind. It is the internal personnel's accurate grasp of the monitoring angle and time to not be monitored and filmed. In this way, all people who are on duty on the day can be excluded." Chief Guard Lu is the first guard of the royal family. , I have seen countless things. In this world, nothing is impossible, only you can't imagine, and nothing is impossible.

The investigation clues are based on this idea. People who normally attend work will be recorded in their every move. Obviously, there is no room for evading video surveillance to do other things. Therefore, only those who are in and out of the imperial airport but whose whereabouts are different that day have time to commit crimes.

"Only one flight of my grandfather was arranged that day, and there were not many people on duty at the airport. After investigation, there were three people who were behaving abnormally. One of them was the person in charge of the route, Captain Yang."

Leng Yiyao nodded, it was the unlucky person who hanged himself at home at noon, without any words before death.

"I remember you checked, he was an orphan, adopted by the royal family when he was young, and cultivated along the way."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Chen looked up suddenly. The eyes are dark and turbulent, the tide is ebb and flow, as if something is about to surging out, but he is holding on to it. In the end, it is just surging and not completely exposed.

She suddenly smiled coldly. Although Lu Chen was not wise to run to the school to find her, he was not too stupid after all. Some things don’t need her to call, and she knows which direction to check...

Since Captain Yang has no relatives, the only person who can contain him is naturally his benefactor.

Since it was adopted by the royal family, the grace of natural cultivation is greater than the grace of life.

If he dared to attack Lu Chen's grandfather, he must have reported his mortal heart. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a dead man. How similar is this method to the female assassin with a scorpion tattoo near the gas station?

"A total of three people behaved abnormally, what about the other two?" She smiled, and did not continue to ask, instead she followed the topic just now.

"The other two, one is the chief service officer of the terminal, entered the VIP passage early that morning and went to the cabin specially. The other was a security inspector, who said that he had a cold the night before and had a stomachache, and he went there in a hurry. The restroom several times." Through layer upon layer of investigation, the two people were quickly identified.

"What about then?" She smiled, and a hint of mockery flashed past her eyes.

Sure enough, a gloomy look appeared on Lu Chen's face, "After the airport accident, they both disappeared."


No no no. She gently curled the corners of her lips, her eyes shimmering, and she looked far away. Compared with that Captain Yang's "hanging suicide", these two Nei Ying obviously ended up bleak-death without a whole body.

Who would leave evidence of manipulation and be held on tightly?

Since the blow succeeds, it is natural to be fully prepared.

What is Lu Chen's support as the first heir to the royal family? It is nothing more than the unprincipled favor of the emperor. Unfortunately, because of Lu Ming's death, the emperor's grace is obviously not as good as before. Then, we can only take second place and rely on the power of relatives. His mother was born into a family. His grandfather has a wealth of wealth and extraordinary qualifications. It is absolutely natural to target this old gentleman.

"Head Guard Lu is going to close the case like this?" With interest, she picked up a soft sofa on the balcony to sit on, and lightly touched her right hand to let him sit too. Her expression was free and she didn't hesitate in her words.

"How is it possible?" Lu Chen sneered while sitting beside her, but there was no expression on his face.

"Then, does he dare to continue the investigation?" Further investigation, obviously it is not the problem of one or two rapes. Standing on Lu Chen's side, he would completely offend the other party. Now the facts are in front of us. As long as they are not stupid, they can imagine this "accident" with the soles of their feet. They are definitely royals.

And those who dare to attack the prince...

Nothing more, for the word "right"!

"Let's talk, who is in your father's generation." The whole country knows that His Majesty the Emperor has two sons. The eldest son does whatever he wants and is domineering and arrogant, but he wins the emperor's favor. The second son Lu Ming is the most popular and highly prestigious. . Now, Lu Ming is dead. With the empire's patriarchal customs, the princess has no right to make trouble. If you want to come, only the emperor's brothers dare to act on Lu Chen. Only they have real motives. After all, in terms of the ultimate benefit, there is nothing else but this possibility.

Lu Chen suddenly took a deep look at her. Sometimes, he is very contradictory. Obviously, he came to her to analyze the whole story by relying on her calm and almost indifferent reason, but when she was indifferent to show the imperial scumbag, he felt embarrassed that he couldn't say enough.

"Huh?" She gave him a strange look. What happened to him? Suddenly feeling sentimental?

Lu Chen lowered his eyes and did not show the slightest expression, but he bluntly explained the story of the previous generation: "My grandfather has four sons in total, and the father is second. Back then, my uncle was the most favored. It’s said that the old-timers are the most favored, and in fact it is true. Compared with my uncle, my uncle, my third uncle and my father and the emperor are not as good as my uncle when accompanied by my grandfather." In the royal family, it is not that you can enter the palace at any time if you want to be with your father and enjoy the happy time of father's kindness and filial piety. The adult prince is not summoned by the emperor and is not allowed to meet at will.

"Before the four emperors grew up, they almost grew up next to their grandfather. After he became an adult, his grandfather pardoned him and allowed him to live in the palace for half a month each month. But the father and the emperor can only see each other during business meetings. To grandfather. In the long run, before the prince has been established, everyone is sure that with the preference of the grandfather, it is definitely the one-child succession.

But who knows that in the autumn of that year, the fourth uncle suddenly suffered from a strange disease, and the winter of that year did not survive, and he died directly in the palace.

The grandfather was so distraught that he almost executed all the royal doctors in the entire palace. For a while, they were almost indifferent to the father and the emperor. Later, his body declined and he had to establish the crown prince. After being recommended by heavy ministers, my father finally succeeded to the throne. However, the uncle and the third uncle believed that my father had done tricks in this, and they were at odds with my father after his grandfather died. "So, based on motives, in fact, both of his elders are possible. After all, back then, it was obvious that the three of them were competitors. Because they were not angry about being taken to the throne by their father, this kind of thing is in the royal family. It's not uncommon. However, he is still not sure who is the real master behind this conspiracy.

In terms of talents, the third uncle is strong in young age, the territorial economy is rich, and in terms of seniority, there are a lot of people in the uncle's royal family and rich contacts. Who is the blood-stained hand in the dark? Who is the one watching the fire from the other side and preparing to take advantage of the fire? He seemed to be standing on the sea in the dark, deep night, facing those layers of waves. For a while, he only felt confused.

Leng Yiyao listened, did not say any judgment, but was quite interested in another question: "You said that your fourth uncle had a strange disease? What was the disease at that time?"

What kind of disease, even the power of the royal family, has not survived even a winter?

Leng Yiyao raised her eyebrows, always feeling that there were other joints hidden during this period.

Lu Chen frowned. He felt that what she was asking about was the same as those people who suspected that his father had done something in it, but he still patiently explained: "At first the symptoms were very mild, and the fourth uncle just felt He was weak and fatigued easily. Everyone thought he was suffering from the wind and cold. But then the situation suddenly changed. After several rounds of high fever, he suddenly couldn't get out of bed. The muscles of his body were shrinking day by day at a rate visible to the naked eye. He couldn't even eat or swallow, he could only drink mushy things. In the end, he suffered from respiratory failure and died of illness on the bed." His voice was getting lower and lower, and finally it was almost indistinguishable.

Leng Yiyao's eyes slowly picked up a trace of chill, turned her head, and smiled softly: "Gradually frostbite."

"What?" He didn't hear clearly, he hadn't heard the name she said.

"Your uncle was suffering from gradual freezing syndrome, also called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also called motor neuron disease." Like other terminal illnesses, this is a medical problem from ancient times to the present, at least in her original world. It has not been breached. However, there are many reasons for this disease.

In terms of internal and external factors, 20% may be related to heredity and genetic defects.

"Has anyone else in your royal family ever suffered from this disease?"

"No." Lu Chen shook his head decisively, but there was a hint of surprise in her eyes, what did she mean by this.

"This disease may be related to family history." She did not hesitate to explain, saying the word "may" very clearly.

Lu Chen's face was stiff, and he subconsciously found it absurd, but when he thought about it, there was a joy in his heart. If it is really related to heredity, is it really not his father's hand? After all, he also had the same suspicion in his heart, suspecting that his father and the emperor personally sent away the Fourth Emperor...

. However, he never mentioned it to anyone.

"How do you know this disease?" The imperial doctors in the palace were helpless and could only stare blankly. In the end, the grandfather killed a batch of them by himself. How did she know about a disease that even the royal doctor who specializes in this matter does not know?

Leng Yiyao glanced at him lightly, blinked lightly, but did not answer.

In fact, many things she knows are surprising in this world. Although the two worlds are parallel time and space, in terms of civilization, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, in the application of solar energy, she has never seen a country that can use it more exquisitely than the empire in front of her, but medicine is far less amazing.

In both worlds, there are planes in the sky, but her original world is mostly two-wing planes, but this is not the case here, with different shapes, as if it were all based on preferences.

So sometimes, she would inexplicably stare at an object that was taken for granted in other people's eyes, marveling at it, and lamenting the advanced nature of this world. Sometimes, I inexplicably feel that some places are so backward and ignorant that they are almost pathetic. For example, men are superior to women, and there are many slaves...

She is not a person who likes to show off. She explains everything she knows to others.

Besides, this prince who is standing at the root of the cliff now?

"If you know it, you know, where are so many and why." She looked away aimlessly and let him touch a soft nail.

If Lu Chen's Fourth Emperor's uncle is really suffering from frostbite, it is indeed good news. After all, no one wants his father's throne to be named unjustly. But the point is, although this disease is indeed troublesome and difficult to solve, I have never heard of it being unable to resist in a single winter...

"There are many causes of frostbite. In addition to heredity, there is another external environmental factor, such as... heavy metal aluminum poisoning." She had a sudden pause and looked at him thoughtfully.

At this moment, the afternoon sun penetrated the clouds and fell on her shoulders.

Pride and splendor make people tremble.

But he only felt cold in his heart, and the boundless coldness hit his heart.

"What do you mean?"

"Heavy metal aluminum poisoning may cause motor neuron damage, and the main cause of gradual freezing disease is the accumulation of neurotoxic substances. Glutamic acid accumulates between nerve cells. Over time, it causes nerve cell damage." So, although there is a percent Twenty may be genetic factors, but more "complex" factors, such as... Artificial poisoning.

And in the heavily guarded palace, who would use such a method against the emperor's favorite Yaozi?

At this moment, her eyes were cold, she turned her head, did not look at Lu Chen's suddenly twisted and painful eyes.

No matter how overbearing and arrogant, this person, after all, worships his father wholeheartedly. Regardless of whether what she guessed is the real facts, all reality is dominated by results. Whose eyes are the four princes most in the way?

In this world, only competitors will be the most aware of each other's shortcomings.

Perhaps, in places she didn't know, the murderer who did it had hesitated, pained, despaired, and hesitated, but in the end, the result is already in front of her eyes, right?

Royal glory?


She smiled contemptuously. In this world, only the purest fools would believe such stupid things like brothers and friends.

"The topic doesn't go that far. Since the airport accident, you already have a suspect, just check it down, pinch the evidence, and directly nail the opponent to the post! Otherwise, you will definitely regret it!" Judging from the time Lu Chen has been in contact with, this person is more than vicious, but his heart is unstable, and he easily depends on others for everything. There is courage to do things, but it is easy to lose yourself. After all, he was spoiled by the emperor Lao Tzu. Essentially, he has not completely become a king.

If it is only a beautiful crown prince, these are not problems. After all, the dispute between the interests of the emperor and the prince is the most cruel and ruthless. After all, no Lao Tzu wants his son to have the prestige and ability far surpassing him while he is still alive.

But, as an emperor who inherits Datong?

Leng Yiyao shook her head regretfully. From beginning to end, she felt that this Lu Chen was not hot yet. In other words, he is not cruel enough. It's not that he can't, but he may still be lucky.

"You mean, I should get things out of the way?" He was taken aback, only to think that her way of thinking was different. The tumult of the royal interior should naturally be solved internally. What good is there to expose these ugly things to the sun?

As long as he can prove the conspiracy of these people inside the royal house, he will remain as stable as the crown prince.

"Innocent." Leng Yiyao turned around, only rewarding him with two words.

In this world, as long as anyone in the deepest position is given a chance, it is too easy for the Jedi to survive and take advantage of the trend. If the heart is soft, then the knife is handed to the opponent. One hit kills is the most decisive approach.

"His Royal Highness!" The chief guard next to him suddenly reminded.

The two who were talking stopped talking at the same time, turned their heads and looked towards the door, only to see Chen Zhifan, who had just come out of the restaurant on the 88th floor with Leng Yiyao, standing at the elevator entrance.

It looks like he just took the elevator to the top floor. He lowered his head and didn't take another look, but, standing still, seemed to have something to say.

"What's the matter?" Leng Yiyao raised her eyebrows. In her impression, Chenzhi Fan had never been a nosy person. Since she came to school, except during the morning break, she reminded her to be careful of Alston. Almost never speaks.

Why did you take the initiative to find it now?

"The afternoon class is about to begin. Walker asked me to tell you to pay attention." He leaned against the elevator door, and didn't mean to come out. During the speech, the tone was slow, as if it was deliberately spoken to the people in black in the audience.

Obviously, everyone knows how the royal prince blatantly appeared at Shengde High School at this moment, but few people can guess how muddy the water is. Who would have guessed that the first heir to the dignified empire would expose the darkest and ugly side of the royal family to a girl who was only sixteen years old? All this is just to find out the truth of the royal airport case as soon as possible?

Haha, I'm afraid that only God knows and Earth knows, Lu Chen knows it alone.

The head guard of Lu Chen stared at Chenzhi Fan vigilantly, as if to thoroughly study every expression and every word of him.


She lightly licked the corners of her lips. This person seemed to be in school with extraordinary control.

However, the school is indeed not a place to talk to Lu Chen about such things.

She nodded to Chenzhifan: "I see." After a glance at the time, it is true that the lunch break has almost passed. What should be said and said is almost the same. The rest depends on how much Lu Chen can comprehend. .

No one can replace things like gaming, it just starts with "heart cruel" and ends with "hands".

A person, if he doesn't even have this awareness, then, from the beginning, he has lost on the starting line.

She turned her head and glanced at Lu Chen one last time. In fact, since he had found the clue and knew the direction, why did he come to her?

In the sun, she raised her face quietly, looked at his complex emotional face, and smiled coldly.

There are nothing more than two reasons:

The first is that he is hesitant, hoping that someone can push him at the crossroads.

The second one is that he has made up his mind a long time ago, but is looking for someone to confide in his heart. At least one person must understand that he didn't want to kill him from the beginning. What he did was "a last resort". Because the other party assassinated, because the other party was in the dark, because the other party touched his bottom line and murdered his beloved grandfather. All of this is an inducement for his cruelty in the future, and he didn't have such a plan from the very beginning.

But no matter what it is, it shows that he is looking for a piece of comfort in the soul.

This means that the methods behind him can never be described as "gentle and drizzle". In fact, he had already planned to use violence to control violence subconsciously.

The royal family, is there any place that doesn't pay attention to family blood relationship than here?

She once watched a movie when she was a child. Although it was an animated cartoon, it had a profound meaning.

The lion king Simba admires his uncle and admires his fierceness, but it was such a person who longed for him to kill his father himself. If it weren’t for being forced into exile, experiencing all the hardships and hardships from the outside world, and sinking repeatedly between pain and despair, in the end he might just be a good baby who was raised in the arms of his parents, but later, he was more fierce than his uncle. More decisive, so Jedi counterattacked and returned to the kingdom naturally.

Although it was only a cartoon for children, it made them understand that in this world, the weak and the fittest survive.

So, my depressed prince, what is your decision?

She waved her hand meaningfully. She didn't look at Lu Chen again. She turned away and left. Before leaving, she only left a few numbers: "Don't come to school to find me again next time."

Within a day, the military and the royal family were polite. She didn't know which other transfer student would have such an "adventure."

However, as far as she is concerned, one thing is certain-the future campus life will be completely far away from the word "ordinary".

"Let's go." She walked into the elevator, watching Chenzhi Fan's fingertips still pause on the elevator button, and smiled slightly.

Chenzhifan only looked up at her for a moment, as if he was afraid that he would fall into a mystery after taking a second look, then he moved his eyes away and respectfully leaned toward the indifferent Lu Chen behind her: "Your Highness, excuse me."

When the cold elevator door closed in front of everyone, everyone did not dare to look back at Lu Chen's face.

At that moment, the head guard sighed long in his heart.

This girl, when she first met, passed by her Highness in the luxury hotel of City D, staring indifferently.

It was just a few days of getting along. From City D to the capital, the journey was bumpy, but she never seemed to know the pain of fatigue and betrayal, her eyes always looking far away.

Now, His Royal Highness told her the things that should be kept secret, but she directly pointed out the darkest side of his heart in a few words.

How cruel, but how shocking!

The chief guard lowered his eyes, pressed down another elevator with his hands, and waited for Lu Chen to approach.

This person, tall and straight, with a cold look, it has not been many years ago, that little young man, will stay carefree in front of his mother and concubine, spoiled and indulged.

And now, this man...

Has faded away from the past, experiencing the most heart-scorching trial.

Skin cramps, cold-hearted and cold-blooded, not only for revenge, but also for the hot throne.

One step forward is the supreme honor, one step back is the burial mound.

He has watched the transformation of His Royal Highness in the past few days, and his heart is throbbing.

I thought that if the Highness came to find Leng Yiyao, she would persuade him to calm down and calm down, and to remain calm before all the truth emerged. Unexpectedly, she would tear through all the cover up so bloody.

"Let's go." The moment Lu Chen stepped into the elevator, the depth of his eyes swept away. The next moment, he lifted his face, his eyes deep, and fixedly glanced at the light falling on the viewing balcony.

This school was arranged by Hemo for her. She told him not to come because he felt that he did not control the royal family yet. So, wait for him to completely control the throne of the entire empire?

At that time, she would stay away from him for a word of others, so that he would never come to her school again?

------Off-topic ------

This chapter is a properly large chapter, and I am afraid that everyone will not be satisfied with it. The six chapters are combined. The children's shoes in the bookstore found that chapters are expensive, mainly because the number of words is different. They are all calculated as five cents per thousand words.

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