Chapter 313 Fight to the Peak! All Cool Fried! Super three’s wild power! The heavens are crazy!!!

All the heavens and realms, now all the members are excited to the extreme.

You know, Super Saiyan Three, which is a god-like existence for countless strong people.

Moreover, the gods in general are extremely solemn.

For example, the angelic beast of the Digimon world, or the celestial beast.

Their appearance, with the wings of angels, makes people look incomparably solemn and sacred.

But what about Goku’s Super Saiyan Three?

This is full of violent aesthetics, just like the gods in the fighting nation, all over the body, flowing with blood-boiling blood!!

Goku’s Super Saiyan three forms are forms that make everyone look at it and can’t help but exclaim domineering!!

Pirate World.

Luffy was also extremely excited and said, “Super Saiyan Three!!” If only I could become like this in the future!! ”

Solon was also enthusiastic and said, “Ah… Although I don’t trust gods, if the gods of battle have a look, it must be Super Saiyan three, it’s too wild. ”

Shangis said: “It can be compared with the Super Saiyan three forms, and Broly, but Broly’s wildness, more like a demon god, is too crazy.” ”

Usopp is now watching this scene.

You know, although they are all talking about gods, the one who is finally called GOD is Usopp.

However, if we talk about the heavenly beast and the angelic beast, they are solemn gods. Super three is the god of violent aesthetics.

Usopp is probably the god of metaphysics.

After all, as the saying goes, Luffy against the wind, Solon in desperate circumstances, Miracle Usopp.

This sentence is not said casually. And at this moment, the Hokage World.

Countless people saw the violent aesthetics of Wukong Super San, and they were directly handsome to cry.

The big snake pill is also extremely amazing, but what the big snake pill wants to absorb more now is the body of Majin Buu.

At the same time, Orochimaru was also thinking that it would be nice if he could also transform. According to the law of change of Majin Buu.

He big snake pill, should also have four forms, namely big snake pill, small snake pill, fat snake pill, and black snake pill.

The big snake pill couldn’t help but feel that this seemed to be quite interesting. And at the moment, there is Naruto who feels that the Super Saiyan is three handsome. IT’S OUR NARUTO PROTAGONIST!

At this moment, Naruto also said excitedly: “How can it be repaired!!” So handsome!! My hair is also blonde, and I want to be like this too!! ”

Naruto closed his eyes, and in his mind, fantasized about what it would be like for him to be Super Saiyan Three.

I have to say that he was so excited that he couldn’t breathe.

And now, Naruto is also cheering for Goku, he feels that the super third Goku can definitely defeat Xiao Buu.

Naruto immediately said, “Come on! Come on! Goku!! You can definitely defeat Majin Buu!! ”

At this moment, the heavens take stock of the video and continue to play.

Goku, and Little Buu, began an extremely fierce battle!

The domineering spirit of Super Three Wukong undoubtedly directly ignited the heavens and realms!! He rushed out in an instant, and his speed reached the peak limit!

Countless people are very excited!

And at the beginning, the increase in the power of Super Three Goku obviously exceeded Xiao Buu’s imagination!

At the beginning, Little Buu was also beaten by Goku!

Moreover, Goku’s current movements, moves, and every moment have reached the extreme, making people feel unpickable!

As for Little Buu, his movements are also very beautiful, but every time he is directly hit by Goku with even more violent power!

All the heavens and realms, all felt this furious power, felt this crazy sense of blow, all of them exploded in an instant!

Such a fight is really beautiful!

Countless strong people, blood is strong, even want to go up and fight! Especially some extremely belligerent, or those who admire Goku very much. And, in this, there is a real big guy!

That’s Broly in Wampasing!

You know, Broly’s fury is even more like a peak demon god!

He is the legendary Super Saiyan who fights more and more bravely, and when it fully breaks out, he is unstoppable!

At this moment, Broly was also pulled by the wild power of Super Three Goku, who repeatedly broke out.

Broly has always grown up with the beast. Therefore, at this moment, he did not have too many words.

It’s just that the whole person roared, and then rushed into the picture projected by the Heavenly Inventory Video.

He grinned and roared madly.

However, whether it is Super Three’s Goku or Little Buu, they are still fighting madly.

No one wants to fight him Broly!!

Broly was furious and wanted to start wreaking havoc!!

However, Broly’s father, Paragas, directly pressed the current switch to calm Broly.

Otherwise, he was very worried that the planet would be destroyed by Broly. After Broly calmed down, he continued to watch, but his eyes were bloodshot.

He is looking forward to the future and Goku, and the battle with Vegeta, and with Gogeta.

Even, Broly wants Vegeta to fight well! The invincible Veget, the strongest Gogeta in the dimension!

Fighting them is an absolute pleasure! And at this moment, in hell.

Frieza was also watching this scene.

Frieza said: “These two guys, can they fight to this extent? ”

Of course, Frieza was surprised, but he didn’t think he would lose. After all, he had never cultivated since he was born.

As a genius of the Ice Demon Clan, he will work hard to cultivate, become Golden Frieza, and even go further.

In the future, all those who provoke him will die. Ghost Destroy the World.

Now Inosuke is also directly excited!

You know, Inosuke also grew up from the forest, and when he saw the stormy and fist-to-flesh attack of Super Three Goku, he was naturally bloody.

He immediately said: “Fight! Goku! Buu! You must win! Bring us an unprecedented shock!! ”

At this moment, the heavens take stock of the video and continue to play.

After Goku turned on Super Three, he has been attacking wildly, and even grabbed Little Buu’s tentacles and started a crazy attack.

However, Xiao Buu’s strength increased extremely quickly, and with his recovery ability, he gradually pulled the disadvantage back and even gained the upper hand.

For a while, everyone was nervous, and the battle now was really too intense.

And at this time, the battle between Super Three Wukong and Xiao Buu made the Realm King God Realm full of holes.

Countless strong people, watching this earth-shattering scene, all of them were completely crazy.

Moreover, Da Buu is now curling himself up into the appearance of a volleyball, and with his own elasticity, he began to attack Chao San Wukong indiscriminately!

You know, before Gotenx turned Majin Buu into a volleyball.

Unexpectedly, now Xiao Buu used this trick to directly force the super three’s Wukong into a corner!!

Pirate World.

When Luffy saw this scene, the whole person was directly stunned!

You know, he may not be able to do other tricks of Little Buu, but this volleyball attack, he can definitely do it!

In the pirate world, with a domineering appearance, you can predict a person’s next attack!

However, Luffy thought to himself, if you use such an irregular elastic volleyball attack, even if you are a peak powerhouse who sees and smells domineering, it is estimated that there will be no way!!

At this moment, Luffy was also getting more and more enthusiastic the more he looked, and continued to widen his eyes, watching this thrilling scene!

The battle now is really burning to the peak limit!

Wukong’s super three before was extremely domineering, but because of the breath, it was not fully displayed!

But now, Goku’s Super Saiyan Three can be said to be the best of play!!

At this moment, Luffy also continued to watch!!

Moreover, now the audience is also increasing, in the video, many people in hell are also watching this scene!!

Among them, Babidi said: “This demon Buu is my little brother, he has always regarded me as a big brother on weekdays, that is, he likes to eat too much, and all his moves are taught by me!” ”

At this time, the employees in Hell, as well as some people, cast extremely adoring eyes on Babidi….

However, Babidi said so on the surface, but behind his back, he was extremely angry at Majin Buu for killing him.

Babidi hid in a corner and said, “Damn Majin Buu, dare to kill me!!” I hope you are directly defeated this time and can never recover!! ”

“Come on, Goku! GOKU!! Come on!! ”

It can be said that now Babidi’s face is still extremely real!! And at this moment, the fierce battle continues!

After transforming into a volleyball, Little Buu constantly attacks Goku! And the last blow is to bombard directly from the sky to the ground!!

Goku immediately dodged, and the indestructible Realm King God Realm was once again directly blasted out of a huge deep pit by Xiao Buu!!

Goku began to watch, and at the same time extremely vigilant, he didn’t know what the situation of little Buu was now!

However, there is no doubt that Little Buu’s powerful and terrifying aura still exists!!!

All the heavens and realms were all looked at stupidly by the power of Little Buu! At the same time, they saw that the entire Realm King God Realm was actually trembling!! Even Goku doesn’t know where Little Buu will come from!! Now Little Buu, the fear he brings is really amazing!

And the next moment, Little Buu was still in the posture of volleyball, and rushed out directly from the ground!

Goku didn’t react at all, and was directly sent out by Little Buu! At this time, Goku looked at Little Buu and was also shocked!

Because he gradually found that the injuries on his body had become more and more, but Xiao Buu, there were no injuries at all!

At this moment, Little Buu was fighting with him, as if he was playing a prank! Now Little Buu, floating in the air, is mocking him even more! At this moment, Goku said even more angrily: “Abominable! I didn’t expect that I would become the third tier of Super Saiyan, and I still couldn’t catch up with his movements!! ”

“But that guy has already seen my movements clearly!”

At this moment, all the heavens and realms were also shocked!

They didn’t expect that even Goku’s Super Saiyan Three, such a powerful Super Saiyan Three, there was no way to take this little Buu!!

At this time, the heavens and realms, countless strong people, also tensed up!! They are wondering what will happen in the follow-up battle!

Will Goku burst into stronger mode? What will be the fate of the universe?

All of them, their eyes wide!!

At this time, they are looking forward to the follow-up!! PS: Ask for some data, thanks

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