
Chapter 57: Sad agreement

   Chapter 57: A Sad Promise


   Even in the middle of the night, the excitement of the bustling city still hasn’t passed. The Mongols and Usi Tibetans not only did not leave, but were even more cheerful.

   They tirelessly sang songs and danced. The drunk people fell asleep on the ground and continued to carnival after waking up.

   On this evening, Yun Zhao listened to the ballad all night.

   The singing of the Usi Tibetans is vast and lofty, as magnificent as the snow-capped plateau where they live, and the singing voices are curled like a high-flying eagle flying over the snow-capped mountains.

   The Mongolian ballad is low and dull, and the bass from the chest is as thick as the earth.

   The flowers sang out by covering their ears are the most bold one; sister, listen to the words of brother...’ The girl who is pregnant with spring in the city suffers from sleepless night.

  Compared to these, if the Han people’s poetry and poetry did not use iron plate copper pa to sing the great east, and there would be no Kansai Iron Man roaring on the battlefield, it would not be more generous than the songs of these aliens.

   The low chanting by the small bridge and flowing water is most suitable for the flowers before the moon, but it is not suitable for defeating the heroes in such a messy venue.

  The entangled little feet can't dance the Hu Xuan dance, nor the horseback dance, nor show the attitude of the eagle soaring.

   At dawn, Yun Meng, Yun Hu, Yun Leopard, Yun Yang, Yun Juan and his party came back, they were very tired...

  The first thing I did when I returned to the grain store was to take a shower. After taking a shower, I immediately fell asleep...

   Yunzhao got up very early, and sat at the offering table, sipping his spicy soup one bite at a time.

   This is the Hu spicy soup in Xiaoyao Town, Huaxian County. On weekdays, it only has a stall near the Drum Tower. Today, I came to Dacha City to open a stall, but it was cheaper than Yunzhao.

   Youtiao with Hu spicy soup is one of Yun Zhao’s favorite breakfast ways. Since you can taste the ancient flavor, you can't let it go.

   However, this bowl of hot spicy soup made him very disappointed...Apart from being famous, the ancient things are no better than the gradually perfected hot soup for later generations.

  Perhaps, the delicacy he has eaten before can be called historical precipitation. It is history that adds a more mellow flavor to this original bowl of spicy soup.

   A sea bowl of hot and spicy soup was placed by Yun Meng’s mouth, and the giant whale sucked water and sucked the thick soup into the stomach.

   The two rows of teeth are like guillotines. Whether it is fried dough sticks, oil cakes, or white flour cakes, they are crushed by this guillotine.

   "As you expected, Mingyue Tower has prepared four thousand taels of silver for reconstruction!"

   "Has the silver shipped out?"

   "It was shipped out with the horse. I personally hid it. Kuaima gave Yunxiao a message. Yunxiao should have started to dig money at this time and will eventually be transported to the Yin Clan cemetery."

   "Did you miss your feet?"

   "No, Qian Shaoshao is familiar with Mingyue Tower, which is half of its pavilions. The fire also damaged the high-walled compound of Mingyue Tower.

   The time we went in and out was very short, and there was less than a stick of incense. "

   "How many people died?"

   "Seven! We are unscathed!"

   "Are you injured?"

   "The cloud rolled my foot while drilling through the skylight."

   The sound of the matouqin sounded again, and the sleeping Mongolians and the Us Tibetans also slowly got up, just like they were at the Nadam Conference, and they leaned forward to the place where the music came from before they were conscious.

   As long as there are Mongolians, there will be horse head piano masters, and where there are horse head pianos, there will be Mongolian singers.

   For these aliens living in the vast grasslands, plateaus, and Gobi, every gathering is the most important day in their lives.

   Their music has only a beginning, not an end. People who rejoice gather together to rejoice, and those who can’t continue to rejoice will ride away and listen to the music.

   Until the horse head piano master and the lonely singer are left...Even so, they have to play another song to the gods, mountains, and rivers who refuse to leave, and then they will lead the horse away in the bleak wind.

  Who would have thought that it would take at least 20 hours to complete the famous movement "Twelve Muqam" in the Gobi Desert.

   Today’s Dacha City is different from yesterday’s noise and last night’s madness. The aliens who have spent a lot of money also took out their goods today, singing and dancing while selling their goods.

   Until this moment, Hong Chengchou opened the blockade of Dacha City, and the Han people who were bewitched by curiosity were about to go crazy swarmed in at this time.

   Yun Zhao retracted his gaze from the outside, and said to Yun Meng who was waiting by his side: "Whose property belongs to Mingyue Tower, have you inquired clearly?"

   "The slain tent said before his death that Mingyue Tower was actually the property of the Chief Envoy Wang Renlong's family."

   "Wang Renlong...Is that the Wang Renlong who is called ‘idiot’?"


   "Everyone said that this person likes the way of Lao Zhuang most, likes to'make people by the people', and treats the people the most. Only now I know that this person is also a tiger-wolf character."

   "Mingyue Tower is not only owned by Wang Renlong's family. Many of the women in the Mingyue Tower are selected from all over the world. This is related to Huang Mingliang, the admiral and **** of the Shibosi Division."

   Yunzhao nodded and said, "Forget about this. Although our money and food are still not enough, we have done everything we can do. After this, we will return to Lantian. In three to five years, we will not come to Xi'an again."

   Yunzhao opened the door and walked out after speaking. Yun Meng followed closely when he saw it. Yun Meng didn't know what to say to this nephew now.

   When it is kind, it can warm people's heart, when it is cold, it is cold and ruthless, and when it is vicious... it can give out the command of silence when it is only seven years old.

Thinking of what Yun Zhao said to them at the beginning of the night market, Yun Meng is still weak in his legs until now. He never expected that Yun Zhao would still be thinking about rebuilding the bright moon when his immediate interests are already large enough. Project payments for the floor.

When they followed Yun Zhao’s instructions and under Qian Shaoshao’s guidance, they accurately found Mingyue Tower’s tent, and reached their goal when these people were caught off guard. After seeing so much money, Yun Meng knew that after tonight, The words of the Yun Clan's Yin Clan have become Yun Zhao.

   For robbers, whoever can lead everyone to make a fortune is the natural leader. Even if they are not, they will be recommended by other robbers who want to live a good life.

   Yun Meng is very pleased when he thinks that Yun Zhao is his nephew and he is still young. Now, this child still needs the help of his uncle.

   When Yunzhao found Hong Chengchou, the man hadn't slept all night, and he also walked in the new market early in the morning.

   "Pig! Not a hundred steps away, can it benefit the court?"

   "Official! Why bother to make a profit, the fish has been caught in the net, and you can just get it cruelly."

   "Pig! Can this case be opened?"

   "Official! If you know temperance, everything is possible."

   "Pig! How much is your Yun's profit?"

   "Official! Not half your daily income!"

   Hong Chengchou actually clasped his fists with a Ping Li: "You should know that you are and you should be grateful to this official. If you change an official, there will no longer be such a grand occasion, and your Yun clan will also lose your blood!"

   Yunzhao gave the younger generation's courtesy respectfully: "The adults tell the ills of Ming Dynasty in one word!"

   Hong Chengchou chuckled and said, "Do children know the affairs of the country?"

   Yunzhao smiled and said: "The stars and the moon are urging to collapse, and the dark clouds cover the top, and the children are also afraid!"

   "Just ask Erping's ambitions!"

   "If you are not a good person, you are a rich man!"

   "The world is far away forever, and it won't last long for the rich!"

   "When you smell the chicken and dance!"

   Hong Chengchou sighed up to the sky and put his hands on Yun Zhao's shoulders and said: "It is said that men should be self-improvement, the road ahead is difficult, let's move forward!"

   Yunzhao raised his head to meet Hong Chengchou's eager gaze, and said word by word: "If you are successful in this life, you should kill all the slaves!"

   Hong Chengchou laughed and said, "That's what I meant!"

   Yunzhao raised his fat hand and said, "A word is settled!"

   Hong Chengchou slapped Yun Zhao's small hand with his big hand and said, "A word is a deal!"

Hong Chengchou was about to invite Yun Zhao to the nearby food stall to continue talking. A government servant hurried over and reported to Hong Chengchou on one knee: "Master Qi, last night, Mingyue Tower was robbed and killed by a strongman. Rebuild Mingyue Tower's 4,000 Two silver patterns were robbed, two tents, and five guards did not survive!"

After hearing this, Hong Chengchou sneered: "To rebuild a brothel, the chief ambassador has four thousand taels of silver patterns. The hungry people outside Xi'an are wailing. The chief ambassador only donates 50 taels of silver patterns to return the prefect. Hong is now raising money for the country. Food, you can’t get out of it."

   Yamai was embarrassed and said: "It is hard to tell from the prefect."

   Hong Chengchou gave a long laugh, and left with his hands behind his back, leaving Yun Zhao and the yaman behind to look at each other.

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