Chapter 146 Exactly the same self! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone was also a little surprised.

Zhang Chen didn’t explain, instead, as if he saw some danger, he suddenly said: “It’s not very safe here, hurry up to the third floor!”

After speaking, Zhang Chen turned around and walked towards the passage in the middle of the second floor!

When everyone saw this, they quickly followed, but looking at Zhang Chen’s figure, it was strangely light. There was no sound of footsteps on the ground, and it seemed that his body had no weight!

“Am I wrong? Why do you feel that something is wrong with Zhang Chen?”

Sun Honglei looked suspicious.

Everyone also had this doubt in their hearts, but because of habitual thinking, Sun Honglei’s unintentional words aroused doubts in everyone’s heart.

Huang Lei raised his hand and signaled everyone to stop, staring at the space in front of him and said, “Have you noticed something wrong here?”

“What’s the meaning?”

Huang Bo felt inexplicably nervous all the time, looked at Huang Lei in surprise, and everyone looked at Huang Lei in puzzlement.

Huang Lei gave everyone a solemn look, rolled his throat, and slowly extended his fingers to the space in front of everyone’s shocked eyes!

A strange scene appeared!

I saw that Huang Lei’s fingers seemed to be inserted into a bottle of transparent water, and his fingers were bent!


Lin Yu’s face was full of astonishment. He opened his eyes and looked carefully, only to see that in Huang Lei’s fingers and the curved part, there was a faint light dividing light and dark 013!

Huang Lei retracted his fingers dumbfounded and found that his fingers were no different! ~

The air was eerily quiet, and no one said a word!

I just feel that my whole body is standing upside down!

This is so weird!

Just when the air fell into a strange silence, a scene that made everyone even more stunned appeared. I saw Sun Honglei suddenly running towards the stairs in the place where the space was curved!


Everyone gasped and looked at Sun Honglei strangely, only to see that Sun Honglei’s face instantly turned white!

He opened his eyes wide, shook his head in horror, and pointed forward with trembling fingers!

Everyone turned their heads again, but Zhang Chen looked back at them, then turned his head and went up the stairs, while Huang Bo, Huang Lei, Lin Yu, and Fat Di followed strangely!

Everyone is dumbfounded at this moment!

They actually saw themselves in the same space!

Everyone feels that their brains are blank, and no one understands what is going on. They are clearly standing in the same place and do not move, why did their figures appear on the stairs in front!

Even at this moment, they feel that the teammates around them are not real!

This incredible picture is simply shattering!

Silence!Terrible silence!

At this moment, all the guests are staring at each other, no one knows who is real and who is fake!

“Am I blinded?”

Huang Bo gulped down a mouthful of saliva, sweat dripping down his face!

“You read that right! We have the exact same face in front of us!”

Huang Lei trembled and said, even though his head is easy to use, at this time, he seems so pale and powerless!

In the program group’s commentary guest group, everyone is stunned at this moment.

They suddenly felt like watching a sci-fi movie. When the same guest group appeared in the same space, for the first time, they felt that the camera was so unreal!

If there are two identical figures in the same space, if this is true, I am afraid that only Einstein can explain it clearly?

On the live broadcast barrage of major platforms, there are crazy question marks!

The guest group and everyone watching the live broadcast fell into a state of confusion at this moment!

“Overlap in time and space?”

Fang Tangyi can only come up with these four words if he wants to break his head!

“Where’s Zhang Chen?”

Suddenly Shen Ming said in surprise. (cbad)

Fang Tangyi was stunned for a moment, and when he looked carefully, he found that Zhang Chen was missing from the guest group!

Everyone has two shadows, but only Zhang Chen is missing!

Fang Tangyi stared at the screen to find Zhang Chen’s figure, but saw an even more bizarre scene!

I saw a few stone statues of slaves with weapons chasing after the crowd suddenly appeared in the place where the two spaces were misaligned. These stone statues were exactly the same as the stone statues placed in the corners of the picture!

It’s just that these slave stone statues that suddenly appeared seemed to be alive, waving chains and spears in their hands, chasing and killing the guest group that was running towards the stairs!

Exactly the same stone statue….

Fang Tangyi was in a cold sweat….

The group of guests who stood in place and dared not move, trembled all over at this moment, and an unprecedented sense of fear enveloped their whole body!

That feeling is even scarier than facing death!

They even began to doubt whether they really existed!

Or, the moment they entered the demon tower, the demon tower copied each of them. If they died in this demon tower, those who copied them would continue to live instead of them at the meeting!

Just when everyone’s thinking was almost stagnant, Zhang Chen suddenly appeared behind him!

“Zhang Chen, didn’t your snake attack us? Why did you go?”

Seeing Zhang Chen and Sun Honglei was like seeing a savior, so he could not wait to hug Zhang Chen and said in a voice that was about to cry.

Zhang Chen looked back at the stairs behind him and said, “It’s not that the group of flying snakes didn’t attack, but they were nailed to the ground with iron nails!”

“I go!”

Huang Bo immediately collapsed, pointed at Zhang Chen and said with a painful expression: “What he said just now is exactly the same as what Zhang Chen said just now!”

Sun Honglei’s face turned green instantly, he subconsciously took a few steps back, not sure if the current Zhang Chen was really Zhang Chen!

Huang Lei and others also looked stunned. He remembered this sentence very clearly, and indeed heard it twice from the mouths of two Zhang Chens!

Zhang Chen frowned, as if he had a premonition of some kind of crisis, he glanced at everyone and said, “What’s going on!”

Huang Lei took a deep breath and told Zhang Chen what he had just seen. After speaking, seeing Zhang Chen being silent, he asked tentatively, “Do you know what’s going on?”

Zhang Chen shook his head: “I don’t know!”

After speaking, he suddenly looked around vigilantly and said, “This demon tower is not as simple as we thought!”

“Damn it! It’s the same again!”

Huang Bo is almost going crazy!

Zhang Chen was also stunned for a moment, and a strong sense of strangeness appeared in his heart. He glanced around, and suddenly found that the stone statue of the slave leaning against the wall seemed to have suddenly moved, and suddenly said: “It’s not very safe here, hurry up to the third floor. !”

“still the same!”

Huang Bo completely collapsed, what the hell is going on! .

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