Chapter 24 Revolutionary Friendship [Second Geng Begging for Flowers and Tickets] | Tomb Robbery: Starting from Longling Labyrinth | Tomb Raiding: Starting from Longling Labyrinth

A sound like cracking ice came from below.

Qin Yan immediately felt that something was wrong!

With his strong skills, he jumped gently and quickly exited the corridor!

And there was a big hole at the bottom of the corridor.

The hole was pitch-black, and no one knew how deep it was!

This is indeed a trap!

If it is someone else, they will definitely fall, and they will die.

Fortunately, Qin Yan had the blessing of the divine beast’s listening bloodline, which made him react quickly.

However, Qin Yan also secretly warned himself not to be careless, this ancient tomb was even more evil than he imagined.

Others shuddered when they saw the big hole that Qin Yan had just stepped on, and they were afraid after a while…

“Damn it, if Fatty were to go ahead, I would be dead long ago!” Fatty had lingering fears in his heart.

After the others stabilized their minds, they began to study the tunnel.

At first glance, the corridors are not much different from ordinary corridors, and they are all paved with slate.

It’s just that the underground slate looks fragile, and there are actually fine cracks on it, just like a cracked stone.

As soon as Qin Yan stepped on it, he directly stepped on a big hole.

There are relevant records in the basic knowledge of tomb robbing given by the system. Qin Yan quickly recognized what it was and said to everyone:”This corridor is equipped with a gravel roof and a weight conservation device below, which can only allow things that do not exceed a certain weight to pass through.”

After listening, everyone looked at each other.

The well-informed Hu Payi said in surprise: “I’ve heard of this kind of device, but I didn’t expect to see it here!”

Everyone was in trouble all of a sudden, and looked at Qin Yan in unison.

Qin Yan said: “If the weight is not up to standard, the corridor will collapse, so someone must walk through the corridor and press the switch at the pull ring next to the stone gate, otherwise everyone will be trapped here.”

After speaking, Qin Yan glanced at everyone, and his last gaze fell on Xue Li Yang.

Everyone also looked at Xue Li Yang.

Xue Li Yang nodded: “Then let me try it.”


Hu Pa was a little worried, but before she could say anything, she was interrupted by Xue Li Yang:

“There’s nothing wrong with me. I should be the lightest weight here. Who else can I go if I don’t go?”

After speaking, Xue Li Yang put down her backpack and neatly took off her equipment and jacket, leaving only a set of black tights on her body.

The black fabric tightly wrapped her graceful curves.

Under the irradiation of the flashlight, it exudes a more charming taste.

The eyes of several men present were straight, and even Qin Yan also secretly praised that Xue Li Yang is indeed a beautiful embryo.

Xue Li Yang’s heart was firm, and she took off her thick leather boots without caring about the other people’s eyes.

Before the action, Xue Li Yang glanced at Qin Yan intentionally or unintentionally.

However, he found that there were no waves in Qin Yan’s eyes, and while he was relieved, there was also a little bit of loss…

Xue Li Yang took a deep breath, and then carefully stepped onto the gravel roof…

When you step down, the corridor makes a small rattling sound, as if it may collapse at any time.

However, Xue Li Yang is not an ordinary woman. She is brave and calm, with strong skills, and has inherited the unique secret skills of Taoist mountain movers.

And she didn’t know why, but after such a short time together, she subconsciously chose to believe Qin Yan.

So no matter what, she has to take this step.

Everyone didn’t dare to breathe, for fear of affecting Xue Li Yang.

Under everyone’s nervous eyes, Xue Li Yang raised her other foot…

At the same time, the hearts of everyone also mentioned their throats.

At this time, Xue Li Yang’s whole body weight was already on the top of the gravel in the corridor, but the top of the gravel only shook slightly and did not collapse.

Everyone finally couldn’t help but let out a long sigh…

Xue Li Yang also secretly stroked her chest.

She was really frightened.

If she is overweight, it is very likely that she will fall into the abyss below, and there will be no bones left.

After confirming the safety, Xue Li Yang began to lean towards her waist and slowly walked towards the stone gate in front of her…

The few people behind them all had the stones in their hearts already on the ground at this time, and they were quite leisurely admiring the graceful figure in front of them.

“Hey, I don’t know which man has such good luck in the future. It is perfect to marry a woman like Xue Li Yang, who needs money, money, and looks, and who doesn’t want to be a man.”

The fat man couldn’t help but sigh.

He couldn’t lower his voice, so Xue Li Yang in front of him could hear it clearly, paused for a moment, and then continued on.

When Hu Pa saw this, he scolded: “Fatty, don’t talk nonsense, you will disturb our staff Yang!”

The fat man curled his lips: “I said Lao Hu, are you interested in Staff Officer Yang? If you don’t hurry, you will be chased by others!”

Hu Payi glared at Fatty angrily: “It is a revolutionary friendship between me and Staff Officer Yang, don’t talk nonsense, be careful I will cut you!”

The fat man smiled: “Yes, I feel that Qin Ye is more suitable for our staff Yang!”

Qin Yan and Hu Pa glanced at the gossip fat man: “Shut up!”

The fat man shrugged his own self-interest, and continued to look at Xue Li Yang, who was cautiously approaching Shimen…

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