Before, everyone had seen two lines of words on the stone gate of this main hall.

The difference is written.

Iron wall and silver screen, the universe is counting; Heishan cave mansion, the wonderland of gods;

Wu Buzheng explained.

"These two sentences must be left by Feng Shigu, if that is why he wants to smooth out the patterns on the stone gate!"

"Then leave these two sentences!"

"And at this time, the environment we are in, does it look like a big hall-type iron wall silver screen?"

"And if according to Guanshan Zhimifu, then the universe is counting, it should mean that there must be some mechanism here, which can enter the next level!"

"The next level should refer to the so-called Heishan Cave Mansion, the Wonderland of Divine Que!"

After hearing this, everyone felt that Wu Buzheng's words made sense.

Only the fat man was confused and asked rhetorically.

"You said so much, what do you want to express?"

Wu Buzheng said helplessly.

"What I want to say is that if we believe that Guanshan Zhi Mifu is true, then there must be nothing wrong here!"

"It's just that we have to find the entrance inside this iron wall and silver screen!"

Hearing this, the fat man scratched his head thoughtfully.

"This is a bit troublesome, this big hall is so big, it might not be easy for us to find the entrance!"

"This Shigu is not something, and if he gets it, he can guarantee that the descendants of the family will understand what he means?"

"What if the descendants don't understand? Then he still saves his descendants!"

The people are also helpless about this. If Wu Buzheng is right, then their biggest problem now is how to find this entrance.

Hu Commander said.

"In this case, let's look for it, it's better than wasting time here and doing nothing!"

Everyone nodded, and immediately separated to find the entrance.

However, the fat man saw afterwards that Jiang Ning and the others did not leave, but took out a notebook from their backpack.

Seeing this thing, the fat man was stunned.

"Damn, you still bring your notebooks when you go to the tomb!"

"Did you watch a movie when you were bored?"

"You are too unkind. Co-authors really treat yourself as the young master princess?"

Jiang Ning ignored him, but Tony on the side laughed.

"Fat, there is no film on this computer, it is for viewing the model!"


He said that he took out a few black things from his backpack, not knowing what they were.

But as he posted these things in the four corners of the hall.

Suddenly, a three-dimensional model appeared on Jiangning's laptop.

The model is centered on the main hall, and it actually started to spread out in the upper and lower directions.

Soon there was a structural model diagram of the entire hall.

Everyone came over at this moment, and they were all taken aback when they saw this scene.

Jiang Suan said proudly.

"This is called a sonar modeler, those black balls can emit sonar and capture!"

"According to the changes in the sound, a structural model within a radius of 50 meters was detected!"

"Open your eyes!"

The fat man was not convinced.

"What, I thought it was a bikini girl!"

"What's the use?"

Commander Hu hurriedly stopped him and said.

"Pang, this is what you are wrong, we have to admit it objectively, history has developed to a few days!"

"It's really convenient to have a lot of instruments!"

"Look, there is a space below the model!"

"This may be the Heishan Cave Mansion that Xiao Wu said, the place where Shenque Wonderland is located!"

"It seems that we didn't go wrong, but I don't know where the entrance is!"


Jiang Ning suddenly pointed to the side of the model.

I saw that on the side of the model, there was actually something similar to a staircase, which just led to the bottom.

However, the range of this sonar modeler is limited.

Only seeing this passage meandering downward, the situation below is indistinct.

Obviously, it has exceeded the penetration range of the sonar.

"It's really good!"

The fat man smiled, but then asked.

"But did you bring explosives? Although the entrance is found, we can't dig without explosives!"

Jiang Ning said indifferently.

"Naturally, I brought explosives, but you are touching Captain Jin!"

"Should you not solve this problem?"

"From the perspective of the model, there are nine pillars in this hall that can be moved, it should be an opening mechanism!"

"It's up to you now!"

After hearing this, everyone hurriedly looked around.

Sure enough, I saw nine pillars.

However, they thought these pillars were used for load-bearing before, so they didn't care.

It didn't work until these pillars could still move.

"Yes! It's useful to count you this time, but you're right, you have to look at the captain of us to touch the gold!"

"Who makes tomb robbery a technical job?"

"Brother, you come..... Brother?"

The fat man was about to greet Qin Yu immediately, but he turned his head and found that Qin Yu had already reached the entrance.

Not listening at all.

When Hu Siling saw this, smiled.

"Let me come, this Nine Dragon Columns should be dark and feng shui formation, don't bother him with anything!"

The fat man nodded.

Wu Buzheng ran to the side of Qin Yu.

The entrance location shown on the model is just behind the black curtain.

But at this time it can't be seen at all.

It is estimated that after Commander Hu found the opening mechanism.

Only then can this entrance be opened.

It is said that Commander Hu had already reached one of the pillars at this time.

Shirley Yang followed him, looked at the entire stone pillar, found that there was nothing special, and asked.

"What is the solution?"

Commander Hu touched the stone pillar and said.

"These stone pillars don't have any pattern, but the arrangement of the nine stone pillars is very similar to the absence in ancient times!"

"If you want to arrange it according to the absence, you can open the mechanism!"

The so-called absence is actually a formation in Feng Shui.

This kind of formation is generally only used by rich people's homes.

In ancient times, they were squires like big landlords.

Why is it said that only this kind of people can use it.

Because of the mountains and rivers, wherever there is aura, there is basically a theory of dragon veins.

The dragon vein is the trend of great feng shui.

In fact, when it comes to specific places, few have dragon veins.

There is often a feng shui pattern of tigers stalking dragons and green snakes.

Being absent, as the name suggests, is deliberately artificially transforming some not-so-perfect feng shui patterns.

People in ancient times believed in the doctrine of destiny.

Whether your life is poor or rich is destined.

Can't force it.

In ancient times, there was a saying that things must be reversed.

Therefore, many such landlords with some small money only need to believe in Feng Shui.

I all believe in the so-called saying that if you want to be full, you will lose.

It is that you are too rich in the local area, which is not necessarily a good thing.

Be careful that things will be reversed, and you will have to recite words.

At this time, some Feng Shui masters will suggest that I will give you an absence, which can be resolved.

In fact, it is to make your fortune less prosperous.

The tenth fortune is just nine out of ten.

Otherwise, it is not a good thing to be too full and lose money.

In fact, there are many such situations now.

Those who are rich will do charity, which is an act of accumulating virtue and doing good.

But these charities are different from people in ancient times.

People in ancient times were not so generous.

It was mainly caused by the environment at that time.

The reason why the absence is applied to the ancient tomb is to make the Feng Shui pattern not so top-notch here.

Because this is also a big taboo.

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