Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 966 A Good Wife


The man clicked on the computer again to enter the main interface of the platform.

Then I froze.

Neither the wife nor the children noticed the man's reaction.

The child is already lying on the tatami and watching TV, while the wife is not far away arranging some clothes and the clothes to be worn when going out tomorrow.

He blinked and looked at the page on the screen in disbelief. platform summer sale, discount up to 90% OFF.

90% OFF?

Is this equivalent to a 10% discount on certain games?

Did you read it right?

He immediately clicked to enter the main page of the discount event.

Then he became even more restless.

Assassin's Creed, original price 5800 yen, current price: 75% OFF: 1450 yen.

One to ten Dragon Quest series sold in a package: 3,000 yen.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: The original price is 5,400 yen, and the current price is 2,700 yen.

Classic games from the first party of Youxing Electronic Entertainment appeared on the screen one by one, and many of those games were from this man's youth.

However, he played most of these games on the game console platform before, and did not buy these games on the platform because of repetition.

He didn't think there was a need to buy them, since they were all old games after all.

But for the remake of Final Fantasy 7, he has been envious for a long time.

It has always been said that the remake of Final Fantasy 7 on the PC computer has a further improvement in the picture.

This improvement is even down to the very fine hairs on the skin of the character model.

This technology has amazed countless game companies.

It also makes players feel amazing, as if there really is a world like Midgar.

As for the home computer, the picture is not bad, and it can at least run with a 4K picture.

But the picture and the number of frames are often not compatible at the same time.

Sometimes you pursue the picture, then the frame rate must be discarded.

4K can only have a smoothness of 30 frames.

However, this is enough for a role-playing stand-alone game, and higher fluency is not required.

However, this kind of thing is afraid of comparison.

Before, the man was lucky enough to go to the offline official store of Youxing Electronic Entertainment to experience the top computer video games. At that time, he was playing Need for Speed ​​and other games on the PC battle network.

Then he was completely moved by the excellent picture quality, and then bought a pretty good computer at that time for playing games without hesitation.

However, after the economic downturn, he even hesitated to buy video games, not daring to spend too much money for his own enjoyment. He began to think more about his family, thinking about buying some things for his children, and thinking about giving them more food Something to think about giving the wife more money to spare.

This also made him have to give up the money to buy games.

As his kids say, the last time he bought the latest video game was last year.

Now that half a year has passed, he is actually very eager to buy some more games.

It's just that he's been suppressing it all the time.

However, looking at the prices of those games now, he couldn't help it.

He looked at his wife.

"Honey, let me discuss something with you."

"Huh? What's the matter with you, husband?"

"Well... can I use some money to buy something?"

"buy what?"

"Electronic games."

Men haven't been this happy and positive for a long time.

Video games were already too expensive for him.

Even if he wants to buy a game, he needs to pick and choose.

But today, I didn't expect this discount event to be so powerful.

Sale, this is the real sale!

In this comparison, the previous special sales activities are like pediatrics.

Now with five or six thousand yen in hand, you can directly buy many very classic 3A games before.

It seems that he has always wanted to play, but has been accidentally missing, and now he is reluctant to buy GTA San Andreas because of the price.

There are also several works of Metal Gear.

There are also the latest football and basketball games and more.

Now these games don't cost five or six thousand yen.

Put it together and pack it for only five or six thousand yen!

Is there a better sale day than this?

"Honey, are you sure this is what you want most?"


The man said almost without thinking.

"Then husband, you can buy it. Since this is what you want most, as you said, if you miss it, I'm afraid you will be upset for a long time. After all, this event does not always appear."

The man's eyes glowed.

He is very grateful to his wife.

"Mei Xiang, you are the best wife in the world!"

"Okay, I'm not interested in hearing you praise me at this time. If you want to praise me, find another time to reward me."

The tone of his wife's speech at this time seemed to be understated.

But the joy on her face couldn't be concealed.

After all, people will not hate others to praise themselves.

"Dad, do you want to buy a new game? Want to buy that one?" The child also noticed the conversation between his parents, so he came over and asked curiously.

The man said very proudly: "You should ask me how many games I bought."

"Ah?" The child was taken aback, "How many games do you buy? Mom agrees that you buy a lot of games? Are you not worried that you will spend too much unnecessary money now?"

"Of course, because it's the sale festival."

"Bargain festival?"

The child curiously walked to his father's computer.

At this time, my father was already dazzled by the attractive discounts on the screen.

The child finally saw the discounted prices, and then fell into a short period of sluggishness.

"Dad... isn't this a dream?"

"Of course not, this discount is really super low!"

"Then...then we can buy a lot of games?"

The child also became excited at this time, and looked at his father expectantly.

"Of course you can't buy without restraint, but there is still a consumption limit of 5,000 yen, right my wife?"

The man looked at his wife with love in his eyes.

The wife looked elsewhere and said, "Don't look at me, since I agree, you can decide how much to spend, and I won't interfere too much."

The man naturally understood instantly: "It's only 5,000 yen, it can be a little more, but it must not be more."

it is more than words.

Five thousand yen, that's a lot.

In the past, this money could buy at most one or two large games.

Now, however, such a game is your choice!

And it's blinding.

"Dad, I want this!"

"Stardew Valley? The price is only 300 yen... buy it!"

"Xinghai Unlimited movie game of the same name... A top-level 3A game, it was released four years ago, and now it only costs 1,000 yen! Buy it, buy it!"

At this moment, the man realized that he had never experienced many games.

The main reason is that although these games moved him before, they didn't make him so excited that he immediately took out money to buy games.

With that kind of money, he's more than willing to pay for a game that's already identified as good.

But now, looking at this attractive discount, he feels that those games that he was unwilling to try before seem to be able to try.

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