Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 327 The leader of the last days and his fierce wife (1)

There is no reincarnation in Xingyun in this life.

It's not that there is no reincarnation, it's just that she hasn't been reincarnated. She used her own appearance in this life, but her body is still human.

In this life, she was directly transported here by Xiaozhu, without any warning.

When Xing Yun was still a little dazed, she heard Xiao Zhu shout in her mind:

"Don't contact me yet! I want to hide from Tiandao's investigation, and I will contact you after a while, little Xingxing!"

Then the connection is gone.

Xing Yun blinked blankly, and stood there thinking for a long while before realizing that maybe Tiandao discovered what Xiaozhu was doing that violated the rules of Tiandao, so he wanted to focus on tracing Xiaozhu's recent whereabouts and the like Bar.

The well of reincarnation should also be checked, so Xiaozhu didn't send her into the well of reincarnation for reincarnation, but sent her directly to this life.


What kind of world is this world?

Xing Yun raised her eyes and looked around, the surroundings were desolate, there was no one, not even a single weed.

There was a crow-like hissing sound above his head. Xing Yun looked up and saw a large strange bird that was similar to a crow but not a crow.

She frowned, and her body quickly switched to a state of alert.

The surrounding buildings are also very strange. Behind a huge metal wall barrier is a huge base comparable to a castle.

At a glance, you can't see the whole picture.

The world seems dangerous.

She pursed her lips and mobilized her spiritual energy.

In the last world, according to what Xiaozhu said, she took time to practice her spiritual consciousness.

Didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

The purple spirit butterfly, which had been hopping all the time, flew to Xing Yun's face with dreamy colors, and stayed around her in circles for a while.

She quickly turned off her five senses with luck and spiritual power, and then half-closed her eyes vigilantly and guardedly, looking at the butterfly that was gradually going away. The tail of the butterfly drew a beautiful and magnificent arc in the air, leaving behind A trail of purple powder.

Those powders exude fluorescence.

The appearance of that butterfly is not at all like a creature that would appear in the normal human world.

Something that is too beautiful and stiff, on the contrary, looks more like a specimen that exudes the breath of death but is eternally bright.

After the traces of the purple powder completely dissipated in the air, Xing Yun reopened her other four senses and began to look at the surrounding environment again.

Outside this seemingly base city, the open space was extraordinarily wide, but Xing Yun couldn't see a single person or living thing.

But the concrete floor under his feet was extremely clean, as if someone cleaned it regularly every day.

too quiet

It's like an underworld where no living things exist.

Xing Yun lowered her eyes and pondered for a while, hesitating whether to go into this base to find someone to ask about the situation, when a water curtain suddenly appeared in front of her, interrupting her thoughts.

The water curtain is translucent, suspended in mid-air in four directions, and the picture reflected on it is extremely clear, but the screen itself is glowing like water ripples, which is very beautiful.

It looks like a light screen projection that appears in science fiction movies.

Xing Yun raised her eyebrows and took a step back warily.

On the water curtain is a human face.

Xing Yun didn't have any feelings for this person, so it shouldn't be her God Emperor.

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