Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 258: The High-cold Singer God Acts Online as a Baby (6)

Li Jie gave Xing Yun the things he could explain in writing, the things he had summarized when he was an assistant before, and Mo Qingxun's preferences and habits.

In fact, this kind of thing cannot be easily handed over to an intern assistant. If the other party's mind is not pure, it is easy to use Mo Qingxun's preferences and other things to make a fuss and use it as a gimmick to attract attention.

But this time the little girl has a serious attitude, excellent conversation, etiquette, and her own hardware, and her family is very clean. The most important thing is that this time Mo Qingxun didn't immediately express her dislike for the upcoming assistant. Been waiting patiently here for a long time.

Usually, if he came to the interview in person, he would release an extremely cold and unkind air towards people he disliked. Even if the intern assistant did not make mistakes during the probationary period, that intern assistant would not be able to stand the big devil The deity ran away because of the cold air, and gave up the job by himself.

The assistants in the previous trial were all young boys. As Mo Qingxun's cousin, Li Jie sometimes couldn't help worrying that his cousin might really be gay.

If it weren't for being familiar with Mo Qingxun, knowing that Mo Qingxun is just unsociable, naturally dull, and has a face that should not be approached by strangers, and hates being stared at by little girls, that's why I don't like to use girls as my own. assistant.

But this little girl doesn't seem to be interested in a certain big devil, so it shouldn't happen that she stares at Mo Qingxun and annoys him.

Maybe he really made the right bet this time, this little girl should be able to have a common language with this big devil, and with his "endless help", she won't be replaced in a few days.

Then he will be completely free, and then he can go back and marry his lover.

"Actually, this job is equivalent to two jobs, nanny and assistant. It's very tiring, but we try our best to give the highest treatment, so little girl, you can be the best when you suffer."

Fearing that the little girl would quit her job because she was too tired or couldn't stand Mo Qingxun, Li Jie gave the little girl a vaccination in advance.

If the little girl can't stand this big devil, he probably will come back to serve the big devil again after getting married.

He has already found a good job in his hometown, and he is in the same company with his lover. He plans to go to work together with his lover after their honeymoon and start a sweet world for two.

Xing Yun nodded amusedly, "I will do this job well, don't worry."


There is only less than a week left before the Spring Festival. In this life, Xing Yun's parents passed away very early. She grew up under the care of her grandmother. Fortunately, the property left by her parents is enough for her to grow up to go to Time to start earning money to support myself and grandma.

Because of Xing Yun's meticulous care every day, grandma let her do sports with Xing Yun every day, so now she is very healthy and energetic, and has her own social circle.

She had to ask grandma for her opinion before deciding whether to live near Mo Qingxun's house.

If grandma doesn't agree, it's better for her to work harder and get up early to go to work than to let grandma come home alone.

Thinking so, Xing Yun bid farewell to Li Jie and Mo Qingxun without any regrets, and walked home.

In this weather, there were no taxis on the road, and it wasn't snowing when she came out, and she was in a hurry to make an appointment, so she didn't bring an umbrella.

As soon as Xing Yun walked out of the coffee shop, the wind and snow came in with a biting chill, and Xing Yun couldn't help shivering.

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