To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 773 He doesn’t deserve it

After speaking, Ye Zhen took the lead in voting with a show of hands. Jiang Dong and others did not move. Ye Nanshan had a smile on his face. He didn't believe that these people would be manipulated by Ye Zhen.

But the next second, the actions of Jiang Dong and others made Ye Nanshan's expression change.

Director Jiang, Director Zhang, and Director Shen actually raised their hands at this time. Several people only looked at Ye Zhen, but did not dare to look at Ye Nanshan.

Ye Nanshan covered his heart and looked at these people in disbelief. His chest heaved violently.

His eyes glanced at Director Zhang, full of shock: "Old Zhang, you——"

Chen Wan's face was ugly. She didn't expect that things would suddenly develop like this.

"Old Shen, you, you also—"

Ye Nanshan could hardly stand, and Chen Wan quickly stepped forward to support him: "Nanshan, how are you? Are you okay?"

While speaking, she turned around and looked at Ye Zhen: "Ye Zhen, you have gone too far. How could you do this to your father?"

"I don't have a father like that."

Ye Zhen stood there expressionless, with a cold look on his face: "I don't have a father who cheated on my mother when she was sick. I also don't have a father who would rather let his wife live in heaven for a little share or a little property. A shameful father. I don’t even have a father who only listens to and believes in other women.”

"Dad? Ha. He doesn't deserve it."

Ye Nanshan is Ye Jianhao's good father and Ye Ninghan's good father, but he is not her good father.

"You rebellious girl." Ye Nanshan's voice trembled: "You want to be the chairman, you are just dreaming."

"Director Ye, I suggest you calm down now." Compared with his anger, Ye Zhen was much calmer. She looked at Ye Nanshan coldly: "Now you already know the results of the vote. What you have done is indeed not worthy of being the chairman. Everyone's vote is just a correct choice."

"I'm not worthy?" Ye Nanshan was so angry that his eyes almost popped out: "I'm not worthy, who is? You?"

Ye Zhen smiled. She sat down again and looked at the other three shareholders: "Uncle Shen, Uncle Jiang, Uncle Zhang, who do you think is suitable?"

The three shareholders looked at each other. Finally, Director Jiang stood up first and looked at Ye Nanshan. His voice was very soft and his face looked a little guilty.

But thinking about Ye Zhen's backstage, everyone's last trace of guilt disappeared: "I propose that Ye Zhen be appointed as the chairman of the company."

"I agree."

"I agree."

Zhang and Shen Erdong followed suit, and Ye Zhen raised his hand with a faint smile on his face: "I agree more."

"Ye Zhen, you-"

As if Ye Zhen didn't see his ugly face, she stood up and looked at Ye Nanshan: "Chairman Ye, no, I can't call you that now. Please give up your office tomorrow, I Use it."

"Don't go too far." Chen Wan took a step forward, as if she was standing up for her husband: "Nanshan is your father:"

"I know, I don't need you to remind me." Ye Zhen's expression was calm: "Director Ye, that's all I have to say. I hope you will give up your office to me as soon as possible tomorrow."

After saying this, she turned to look at the other three shareholders.

"Uncle Shen, Uncle Jiang, Uncle Zhang, thank you today, please believe me. If Jiang Hui Company is in my hands, I will definitely make it better. This is my promise, and please believe me. It will definitely happen.”

Directors Shen, Jiang and Zhang have nothing to disbelieve. The people backstage are tough.

You have to believe it even if you don’t believe it.

"Ye Zhen, I believe you."

"Yes, we all believe you."

Such a big change caught Ye Nanshan off guard, and he didn't expect it at all. He didn't even know what method Ye Zhen used to get the three shareholders to side with her.


Ye Nanshan's face turned blue and his face was full of shock. No one would be comfortable if his biological daughter seized power so easily, not to mention that he had always disliked this daughter.

"Okay." Ye Zhen took a step back with a smile and looked at Ye Nanshan's blue face in front of him: "I have finished what I want to say and what I have to do. I will see you tomorrow, Director Ye."

She walked past Ye Nanshan in a hurry, and when she came to him, her steps suddenly stopped.

"Dad." It was the first time since she changed her words to call Ye Nanshan dad, and she just looked at his face like this. His expression was slightly cold.

"My mother is no longer here. Please don't destroy her reputation. I don't care about the shares. I will compete with you for the chairmanship because these are what my mother left behind."

"You, uncles, all know how much my mother has put into this company. You all know that this company is at least half of my mother's hard work."

"Now, she is gone. No matter what the property she left behind, I will protect it well. If anyone wants to do this, I can only fight back."

"Dad, you are such a smart person, I believe you will know how to choose, right?"

Ye Zhen finished what he wanted to say in one breath. The moment I turned around and left, I still felt a little sour and astringent in my heart.

She believed that her mother's love for this man back then was true. But now I don't believe that Ye Nanshan once truly loved Lu Hui.

If you really loved me, how could you bear it?

She closed her eyes and left without any regret.

Ye Nanshan's face turned from green to white. He covered his heart with one hand and rested his hand on the edge of the table.

Looking at the three shareholders in front of him, his expression was full of anger: "Lao Shen, Lao Zhang, Lao Jiang, you, why did you betray me?"

Director Zhang and others looked at each other, and finally Director Shen stood up.

"Nanshan. You are not young anymore. This person is old, so he must obey his old age. Since young people have the ability, they must be allowed to go up. Don't you think so?"

Ye Nanshan's face turned paler because of these words. The hand covering his chest kept tightening, his breathing became rapid, and finally he rolled his eyes and fainted.


Ye Zhen didn't know that Ye Nanshan fainted after she left. She was in a very good mood.

Once that initial bit of emotion is put aside, the rest becomes much easier.

Things went smoothly. She successfully pushed Ye Nanshan out of the position of chairman, and then succeeded in taking the position herself.

Of course, Li Junsheng's help is indispensable here, but so what?

Ye Nanshan even used the trick of slandering his mother as mentally ill. Can she still believe that he won't have any tricks behind him? Wouldn't she come up with a more sinister idea to get her shares?

No, she couldn't afford that risk.

Now, she had a great impulse to see Li Junsheng.

But when the car arrived at the gate of Shizhengxun Mansion, she hesitated.

Looking at the solemn door, she took out her mobile phone and called Li Junsheng.

No one answered the phone the first time, but was picked up the second time.

"Zhenzhen, I'm in a meeting, is there something wrong?"

"Ah? Then you can continue the meeting." Ye Zhen stuck out his tongue. He always felt that he had disturbed Li Junsheng: "I'm fine."

Just as she was about to hang up, Li Junsheng stopped her: "How was it? Did you go well today?"

"It went very smoothly." Thinking of today, Ye Zhen felt that it was incredibly smooth: "Thank you, Uncle Li, if it weren't for you -"

"You don't need to say thank you." Li Junsheng will take a five-minute break during the meeting. He will continue the meeting soon: "Since it goes well, you should prepare well. If you need any help from me, just ask."

"Okay." Ye Zhen originally said that she would not need his help for anything, but now she feels that having someone to rely on, no matter what she does, she no longer feels like she is alone. She really doesn't.

"By the way, Uncle Li, to celebrate my success, how about we go out to eat tonight?"

Li Junsheng saw someone waving to him at the end of the corridor. He smiled, with gentleness between his brows and eyes: "Well, let's celebrate tomorrow. The leader is here today, and I'm afraid I have to keep him company tonight."

"Then tomorrow."

There was a look of disappointment on Ye Zhen's face. Everything went smoothly today, and the reason why it went so smoothly was because of Li Junsheng.

She had the best news and wanted to share it with him and celebrate it together.

However, since he has no time, he can only forget it. Ye Zhen started the car and planned to go back first.

The phone's ringtone rang at this time. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Ling Xuan.


An hour later, Ye Zhen saw Ling Xuan, who was wearing a leather jacket and looked smart and neat.


After greeting Ling Xuan, Ye Zhen sat down opposite her.

"Is there any progress on that matter?"

"Yes." Ling Xuan nodded and took out her investigation report: "Zhenzhen, I have to tell you that a long time has passed, and due to the difficulty in obtaining evidence, many of the original records are no longer available. Therefore, things need to be investigated. It’s clear, it’s not easy.”

"I know."

She thought of all this when she made up her mind to find out the cause of her mother's death.

Ling Xuan nodded, pushed the investigation report in front of Ye Zhen, and explained it to her.

"Zhenzhen, after you told me that day, I went to the hospital where your mother was hospitalized. In the hospital, I spent a lot of effort and only got the information in front of me."

Ye Zhen took it, opened the document bag, took out the documents and read them. It was a medical record with many names written on it, which she couldn't quite understand.

But she could still understand the two sentences above.

Stomach cancer, and organ failure.

"Organ failure?"

She can understand stomach cancer, which can be said to be her own cause. But what about organ failure? What are the side effects of chemotherapy? She didn't believe it.


"Zhenzhen." Ling Xuan suddenly became very serious: "This is what I want to tell you. Organ failure. I asked relevant experts and they said that poisoning can also cause organ failure."

Ye Zhen's body shook, and he almost lost his grip on the investigation report in his hand.

"What did you say? Say it again? Poisoned? What kind of poison?"

Yue Ma still has a headache. That hit was too hard. Continue tomorrow. Don't worry, I will try my best to keep updating.

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