Titan Tour of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 723: : Lordaeron of Lordaeron

The Eastern Kingdom Continent, here is not a political struggle, but a real war.

The Northern Alliance does not care about the return of the Pandaria continent to the world, nor about the Pandaren Shaohao dynasty. They are busy stabilizing the entire northern part of the continent, and wipe off the feces on their buttocks first.

The Battle of Torrent in the Arathi Highlands came to an end. The combined forces of Lordaeron and Torrent succeeded in occupying the millennium ancient capital, and then slaughtered the city directly.

No matter what undead aristocracy or kobold you are, kill them all!

The Resurrection Army of Stromgarde regained the capital they thought about day and night. The weight of the city in the minds of Stromgarde was no less than that of the city of Lordaeron.

Although the city has experienced countless wars, it is now extremely broken and completely ruined, but the Torrents do n’t care.

As long as they are given enough time, they can let this millennium ancient city regain its vitality and prosperity.

As for how to go next, everyone knows clearly that the Zoroastrian Restoration Army will eventually embark on the old road of the Lordaeron Restoration Army: Zhanliu Fort.

Lordaeron was also very satisfied. Although he did not get the land and did not get any practical benefits in this troop dispatch, he gained an obedient boy who was grateful to himself. The sphere of influence of the Northern Alliance is more stable. Too.

In this way, Lordaeron can free up his hands and concentrate on operating the defense line of the Shadow Tooth Castle in the Silver Pine Forest area to cope with the constraints of the Southern Alliance brought by the Gilneas. At this moment, the Kingdom of Gilneas has become the Southern Alliance in the A bridgehead in the north of the mainland.

In addition to the Guardian Legion of Lordaeron, there is a group of Gilneas rebels led by Lord Godfrey.

Oh, you ask Lord Godfrey, in fact, there is nothing to say, their civil war lost, and lost to the sewer, the only territory, Wanghai Cliff, was also broken, and now the entire Gilneas Kingdom has been returned to Gene Greyman King King is in control.

However, Lord Godfrey and a group of traditional nobles firmly refused to obey the leadership of a werewolf king. In addition, Lordaeron reached out in time and expressed his willingness to provide them with a stronghold against the tyranny of the werewolf king.

As a result, the two hit it off, the noble rebels were given the opportunity to continue their struggle, and Lordaeron was also given to the agent who restricted Gilneas, the bridgehead of the Southern Union, so the civil war in the Kingdom of Gilneas has now become a In the field of agent war, the nature of it has already been essentially different.

However, things in the world are unsatisfactory, and the next sudden incident caused Lordaeron to have a headache again.

At this point, the human military blocs of the Eastern Kingdom and the North and the South are completely in a state of confrontation with the Cold War. Although they have not torn their faces (and there is no need to tear their faces), various political means and military confrontation took the stage in turns.

Since the evolution of their respective ideologies, there has been no possibility of unification at all. The great unification era of the Great Thoradin was also a feat of the unprecedented and the uncommon.

Although both parties are currently a dictatorship of the king, the specific ruling methods of the Menethil family and the Wrynn family are very different. Although the ancestors of the two families were the founding generals of the Arazor Empire, the two Because of political differences, the relationship is not so good. This is also inherited through the blood, and it also extends to their current descendants.

Needless to say, the Menethil family has always been a traditional aristocrat and a serious spokesperson for orthodox inheritance. Most of them are of high grades. The great aristocrats with a little history or merit in the period of the Arathor Empire. King Hill is mixed.

Dislike orcs, follow the old traditions and glory, trace the glorious history of the past, do something about the poem, and the most shocking thing to the southern nobles: the dead nobles.

Heaven and earth can learn, the brains of the people in the north are broken, are they crazy?

The existence of undead great nobles and ghost noble ladies is common in Lordaeron. This group of stubborn nobles sticking to their traditions, even the forgotten, cannot change their thinking. After seeing the return of Queen Kalia, immediately He was free from the forgotten and reintegrated into Lordaeron ’s human society.

Looking at the wailing banshee form, or the transparent lady who walked slowly on the street, holding a delicate small handkerchief or a small fan in his hand, followed by a team of human guards, the scene is in Southerners seem to be weird and weird.

Are you crazy! what?

Turning you into an undead is a waste of resources. You might forget to clean up those powerful forces!

Also, what pretend to be! Really fight, you are much more powerful than the ordinary human guards behind you, and they still need their protection?

Sorry, no, how can we, noble and weak women, fight up by ourselves, we are. . .

Alright, shut up.

All in all, the undead noble system in the northern mainland is also unique.

However, you can't take them lightly. Although your life is usually pretend and you have to talk about ostentation when you travel, you are waiting for you with a large group of small **** before and after, but at a critical moment, they are a powerful monster.

Think about it, you want to assassinate or attack Queen Kalia, and you successfully reach the throne hall, you pull out a **** dagger, ready to emulate His Royal Highness Prince Alsace and step forward, piercing the neck of His Majesty the King Or, chasing Her Majesty the Queen and walking around the column.

Sorry again, you ’re done. The undead nobles who like to stay in the upper area of ​​the ring of the King ’s Hall all day long have nothing to do, and promise to tear off the serious expression for the first time and face toward you with a stern face. Rush over and tear you to pieces.

A group of forgotten death knights and high-level wailing banshee ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ begging you a thief, just ask you whether you are happy, do you want to run? The Grip of Death pulls in turn against you, and when you pull, you doubt life, and there are many families and people, but there is no shortage of death knights.

Ok. . . A group of high-level undead shouted slogans and fought for the Queen of Mankind. This kind of scene would only be found in special countries like Lordaeron.

What? Do you want to challenge King Menethil? What is the difference between breaking our financial path and power? It won't kill you!

How about Queen Sylvanas ’s forgotten ones?

Please, it's just a temporary power that temporarily fills the seat. This land will always belong to Lordaeron, unless Thoradin the Emperor is suddenly resurrected, pops out of the coffin board, and then lifts the ancestor of the Menethil family. General Dan also resurrected, just to tell him a sentence: Lordaeron ’s land does not belong to you, I want to take it back.

Anyway, the Lordaeron identified this way and believed that the rule of Menethil's court on this land could only be recovered by the Great Thoradine, without accepting any rebuttal.

This is a dead end, isn't it?

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