Titan Tour of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 174: : New Tribe and Resistance Wave

Soon after, a heavy news spread throughout the world of Azeroth.

Durotan, the head of the Frostwolf clan, re-established the new home of the orcs on the Kalimdor continent, and after accepting the loyalty of the old tribal chieftain Orgrim and the thunder clan, he officially announced that the new tribe was re-established. As the first chieftain of the new tribe.

The tauren in Thunder Bluff and the dark spear trolls in Echo Islands responded as soon as possible. Both parties said they formally joined the tribe and developed together, advancing and retreating together. The scarlet tribal flag fluttered in the barren land and Everywhere in the Mulgore Grassland.

The neighboring night elf next door expressed support for this, and then sent a messenger group to the tribal capital Orgrimmar to establish friendly diplomatic relations and trade exchanges.

The alliance now belongs to the separation of powers. The night elves cannot control the storm kingdom alliance in the eastern kingdom. The storm kingdom also has no right to interfere in any political decisions of the night elves in Kalimdor.

Now that the night elves have established diplomatic relations with the new tribe, no one can pick faults from them.

In the Eastern Kingdom, although the Northern Alliance tried to suppress the spread of this bad news, somehow, the orc captives held in shelters everywhere still got the news of the establishment of the new tribe in the first place. They were upset and beaten. The broken spine healed instantly, and there was hope in my heart.

Tribe still! Hope it is still there!

The old King Terenas smashed things very furiously in his palace. He yelled that the Southern Alliance was a human traitor. For the sake of his own interests and the battle between North and South, he did not hesitate to use the orc as a barbarous foreign aggression. Damage the interests of the entire human race!

The news of the establishment of the new tribe, I know it with my buttocks, it must have been deliberately spread by the group of traitors in the Kingdom of Stormwind, they just want to make the orc captives renew their hope.

Not to mention whether it harmed the interests of all mankind, at least the interests of the Northern Alliance have been damaged a lot, because the orc captives began to become more difficult to discipline, and the once bloodiness and sense of honor once again returned to their hearts.

Collective resistance, even physical clashes with supervised soldiers, and similar incidents have been rapidly soaring.

And the orc slaves that have been purchased have set off a wave of escape. They are looking for any opportunity that can be seized, killing the guards, even killing the master, and then rushing all the way towards the southern mainland. .

There, they can take a night elf boat to the Kalimdor continent, loyal to the new tribe, and start a new life.

Smuggling and smuggling of people in the northern region have also begun to emerge. Some merchants who only value gold coins have used their merchant ships to start smuggling against orcs. These orcs are hidden in cargo compartments like goods, enduring an extremely uncomfortable environment and floating in the ocean. Cross the kelp to Orgrimmar on the mainland of Kalimdor, and then obtain a considerable bounty or goods from the new tribe.

National honor? Come on, gold coins are more important.

These smugglers do not see the orcs as living people at all, nor guarantee the safety of navigation. It is your own thing to suffocate you in the cargo hold. Anyway, it is not just to smuggle you one time.

For Lordaeron ’s national call, smugglers did n’t even care, anyway, Terenas could n’t catch himself, after all, so many people were doing this.

Furthermore, let's say that between humans and orcs is strictly a truce. Then, if we smuggle some orcs, it is not a betrayal of the kingdom. There is no reason for it.

The turmoil from the orcs made the Northern Alliance stunned, and their army rushed around to suppress the wave of riots of the orc slaves.

In the Hillsbrad Foothills, Blackmore ’s fortified castle, it was calm here, and the orcs who were held here did not riot.

Because there is a special orc here, his name is Thrall and he is the son of Durotan.

The news spread through the Southern League, the orcs here know this, they kept this secret, and did not let Blackmore know.

If Blackmore was informed of Thrall ’s identity, Thrall would have no more hope of freedom. Now this human noble has cultivated him as his own slave general, and if he learns the tribal chieftain again The identity of the son is even more valuable.

The orc's inherent sense of honor made them bear it, and waited quietly for the opportunity to help Thrall escape.

Although Thrall's life is good, he is not happy. He also wants to return to the tribe and return to his father.

On weekdays, there will always be some orcs secretly contacting him, telling him about the glory of the tribe, the vastness of the hometown of Draenor, and the glory of the ancestors, which makes Thrall more eager for freedom.

But this young orc is still unmoved on the surface. Thrall is very smart. He has received the elite education of human nobility since he was a child. He knows the importance of conscientiousness and then moves. Reckless actions are undesirable. More like a human.

So to a certain extent, Thrall also has to thank Blackmore. Although the motive of this human aristocracy was impure, Thrall was regarded as a special slave, but he provided Thrall with enlightenment and elite education afterwards. But human civilians cannot enjoy treatment.

As for the name of Guy, Thrall has long been unfamiliar and feels nothing about it.

For humans, Thrall's attitude has always been rational. He does not hate the race of humans, he only hates those humans who try to enslave the orcs.

There are also noble warriors among humans ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There are also good and good people, Thrall is very convinced of this, because in his slave career, he met the human woman named Taresa.

This human civilian woman who was forced to become Blackmore's mistress. She has a very kind heart. She never discriminates against orcs, let alone considers them to be dirty beasts.

She secretly brought food and drink for Thrall, and even a variety of Thrall interested books. In addition to not allowing Thrall to be free, Taresa paid too much for Thrall.

Taresha told Thrall that she also wanted to escape from it. Blackmore was more like a beast in her eyes than an orc.

But she did n’t have the chance, she did n’t dare to flee. The ruthless reality will always give people a blow, destroying all kinds of dreams, and the rest is just numbness to the status quo.

A human who longs for freedom, an orc who longs for freedom, two kinds of the same mood, which makes them close friends, and find that there is not much difference between each other except for their gender and appearance.

Thrall also told Taresa of his secret plan in full, he wanted to take this human woman to escape from here, and take her to the remote Kalimdor mainland.

In Saar's house of confinement, they imagined and laughed about the future. This was the happiest time in their lives.

And in the Stratholme area of ​​Lordaeron, another man also learned the truth of his life in the guidance of fate.

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