Titan Tour of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 126: : Crossing the sea and Northern Expedition

Eastern kingdom continent, western wilderness.

A large number of Frostwolf Orcs have gathered in this area one after another. At the moment, a large circle of tents have been enclosed on the periphery of the Golden Beach Port as temporary shelters for Frostwolf Orcs.

The noisy children of the orcs, white giant wolves shuttle among them, forming a unique style of tent city.

The night elves did not continue to hire the sea boat of Kul Tiras this time, because their godly boss, boss Hu, no longer wanted to let the group of sea merchants earn gold coins in their pockets.

Therefore, according to the requirements of the Titan deity, the night elves can also be considered to have worked hard to make their own ocean-going ship.

However, because of the smelly problems of the elves, the art and magnificence of everything you need to make, the overall light purple sea boat of the night elves looks very beautiful and streamlined.

But relatively, the working hours and cost of a ship have also skyrocketed upwards, but this is not a big problem. I would rather spend more money and have a sense of art. This is the core persistence of the night elves.

The golden beach port has turned into a slowly surging brown sea, and the Frostwolf people carry their own things in large packages, and they board the ship bustlingly but without discipline.

They are not affected by the corruption of evil energy, and glory and discipline remain in their hearts.

The old shaman with sacred faces traveled everywhere, bringing gentle healing and spiritual firmness to the tribesmen.

Indeed, the elemental powers used by shamans are not as lethal as evil energy. Communicating elements is also a way of equality and mutual assistance, and training a shaman not only takes a long time, but also requires a talent with elemental affinity. .

But the shaman will always be the spiritual pillar of the orc and the spokesperson of the ancestors, and those evil orcs will always forget this.

"After the war is over, you have to go back to Kalimdor with me. Before Ali Sander left, he told me to remember to bring you back."

Boss Hu and Aurelia were standing on a sea cliff in the Golden Beach port, looking at the extremely crowded pier below.

"No mention of respecting my free will now?" Aurelia glanced at the Titan beside her.

"Oh, what's so good about that broken Ranger General, you can continue to do after you go to Kalimdor, the forests of the Black Coast and Ashenvale are much larger than the Yongge Forest."

"Different, Yongge Forest is my hometown, but I am still curious about the night elf Kalimdor." The female ranger chuckled a little.

Boss Hu whispered and said, "That's right, don't be so pioneering. Isn't it good to stay in your hometown all your life? There is always a spirit of exploration. The world is so big, you should go and see.

Aurelia laughed again and shook her head.

"Okay, okay, you said so much reason, isn't it just to let me go back with you, I promised you."

"Uh ... and Sylvanas, you two should be company, so that you will not be lonely ..."

The female ranger heard the words and stared at the incarnation of the Titan with a smile, as if seeing through the evil little secret of boss Hu.

"If she is willing, I respect my sister's wishes."

Looking at the expressionless female ranger, boss Hu felt a little quivering in his heart, and for a moment he couldn't figure out her specific thoughts.

"Suramar is very good, I like to live there." Green Dragon Queen Ysera did not know when they appeared behind the two.

Boss Hu heard the sound, closed his eyes, and then turned his head to look at this haunted light bulb, feeling helpless.

"Aren't you going to visit the Emerald Dream, how come you came back so quickly? I remember you didn't like to sleep in it every day, go quickly, don't bother me."

"Father, why do you always drive me away? Are you no longer spoiling your creations?"

"Wait a moment, stop and shut up ... First, the trouble of creating something is done by my other people, and it has nothing to do with me ... Second, I forbid you to talk about the word pet again."

When Ysera said so, she always felt like she was **** her children. . .

Durotan watched his clan people board the ships in batches and set off to the completely strange land. His emotions were very complicated.

tribe. . . Can you really win?

The black hand is the puppet of Gul'dan, and the evil energy has polluted the entire tribe. Now they are heading north to attack the northern countries. Durotan feels that this war is sliding into the abyss of defeat.

But this has nothing to do with me, is it? The war of the Frostwolf clan is over, and I have won hardship peace for the clan people. At least I do n’t have to worry about the Frostwolf clan may face the danger of genocide.

"What are you thinking?" Wife Draka's voice came from behind.

Durotan took his wife's hand and shook his head. "Our child ... Guyle, I don't know how he is now. I'm worried."

"That strong boy will be fine, Orgrim will take care of him, and when the war is over, we will send someone to pick it up." Draka comforted Durotan, and also comforted himself.

The war is over. . . What will happen after the war, they are reluctant to think more.

"I hope so, bless the ancestors, and hope that our children will not be destroyed by war."

Chief Frostwolf rallied, squeezed his wife's hand hard, and then turned and strode toward the pier, supervising his clan to board the ship.

Wetland area in the north of the mainland.

After a short period of rest, the Horde resumed its fierce offensive.

They defeated the Torborg Legion defending the Saldo Bridge and stormed into the Arathi Highlands.

The Chief Mafia faithfully followed Gul'dan's previous attack plan. Instead of attacking the Torrent, he concentrated his forces on the wall of Thoradin.

This huge wall separating the Arathi Highlands from the Hillsbrad Foothills fell in a fierce battle, and the tribe has successfully broken through the last barrier in the northern part of the mainland, and the road ahead is unimpeded.

Then the main force of the tribe took the high wall of Thoradin as its base camp and radiated towards the surrounding area.

A main force has now entered the Hinterland area, trying to unite the local evil branch trolls, dead wood trolls and remnant Amani trolls to attract them to join the tribe.

Oh, Gul'dan is temporarily offline, now in a state of deep sleep. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

Since his soul essence lurking in Garona was pulled out by Titan Sarodar and made into an enchanting equipment, Gul'dan was instantly stricken, and the old warlock was desperately trying to repair and stabilize his soul The warlocks of the Shadow Council regularly offer soul stones to supplement Gul'dan's energy consumption.

Ogre Gujar, he is Gul'dan's most trusted cron, is also the only ogre magician, and extremely powerful.

While Gul'dan was asleep, Gujar took over the leadership of the Shadow Council and tried very loyally to wake up his master.

The dark tide of the orcs finally began to sweep across the northern countries, and for a time it caused a huge sensation in the human world.

A large number of frightened people began to move towards the inner region. At this moment, the border area is no longer safe. The tribe's small pioneers and infiltrating guerrillas have appeared in the Hillsbrad hills, and even the inner hinterland.

A full-scale war is about to strike them.

(It's on the shelf, I wish the pirated readers' moms hang trees and be lucky!)

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