Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 42: true and false

"Crouching tigers and hiding dragons in my chat room. These fans, my fans, are keen to share the clues they find with me. I think this is a very healthy way of getting along, we help each other and supervise each other," Liu Chen sat here and talked happily. He felt that he had recovered his confidence. Facing the profiler, he had his own chips. "I often get the latest progress of the Inspectorate case from them."

"(Lianlian) League encourages everyone to supervise each other," Jiang Li's swivel chair is set in place, he said, "but you can't guarantee that the information provided by these people is true."

Jiang Lizai implied "May snow". This id gave Liu Chentuo the news of the profiler at the time, but did not tell him that the profiler was from Black Panther.

"Sometimes it is necessary to give up the truth (sexuality) of some information," Liu Chen looked directly at Jiang Li. "You are very real, but what is the result? You have been under attack by public opinion. You think the public really cares about the truth No? No, not at all. The public doesn’t care about the truth at all. They just want the horror title, (thorn) content, and conspiracy that has nothing to do with them. Let me give you an example, I hope you don’t feel offended. Jiang Lian, you In those public opinion who have been described as Fu Chenghui’s running dogs, many people actually said that they saw you bribe Fu Chenghui."

"I know," Jiang Li frowned, "but they have no evidence."

"Evidence? What kind of evidence do you want? This is not a court case," Liu Chen was amused by Jiang Li's words. "This is a pastime. Who cares about the evidence? Do you care? I can fake it for you at any time, you are just the public 'S pastime."

"What on earth did he want to say?" Gui whispered in Park Lin's ear.

"I'm proving true and useless. What is the information of the times? What is the public need, what do we create. Public opinion is always on top of my head, but I don't care, I found a lot of topics for them, those extreme and controversial (sex xing), this is the reason why my team and I can come back to life." Liu Chen is like a successful person, "The Inspectorate is also in this crisis, so I said, we better cooperate. You give me the truth The case information, I will create a beautiful public image for you. This is good for all of us and for the parking area."

"The Inspectorate does not need it," Jiang Li said. "You don't have to be complacent, let alone treat the public as a fool. You just have to answer the truth about the "ferry"."

Liu Chen felt sorry that he proposed cooperation to the Inspector Bureau more than once, but he was rejected by Jiang Lian. He thought that Jiang Lian was afraid of Fu Chenghui and could only cope with the question by answering like this: "'Feiduren' message told me this case, At first I didn't take it seriously, but he still left the time of (killing sha) this time. Later, the person really died, and I found that it was exactly the same time as he said."

"Is it just time?"

This is the first question asked by Yan Junxun today.

Liu Chen looked at Yan Junxun. He really noticed Yan Junxun.

Yan Junxun's too young face is not as convincing as Park Lin. He has some messy hair covering his eyebrows and looks much younger than his actual age. His expression was exhausted, as if he could lie down (sleep Shui) at any time. But he is really beautiful, and he is not very reluctant to show it.

"There are still a few diaries." Liu Chen regarded Yan Junxun as a recorder.

Yan Junxun observed Liu Chen's eyes, and naturally entered the recorder's corner (color). He took the pen and paper from the drawer, got up and crossed the table, put the pen and paper in front of Liu Chen, and said, "Please repeat the contents of the diary in detail."

"Are you still using paper and pen? I thought you were at the forefront of the times and no longer need paper and pen." Liu Chen picked up the pen and paused before finishing it, but he didn't ask questions, "2160, May 6, sunny day... "Liu Chen said while writing. He wrote a few lines, ignoring Yan Junxun, and said to Jiang Li, "I didn't remember so clearly. If you want, I can send you screenshots of those diaries."

Yan Junxun returned to his seat without speaking.

Jiang Lian nodded and said, "Thank you for your cooperation."

Liu Chen hesitated again before sending the screenshot. He said in his mouth: "I'm looking for...Can you really solve the case with these things?" He looked at Shi Shanyan again.

Shi Shanyan hadn't answered yet, the conductor in the drawer shook first. He leaned back in his chair and looked at the news of the conductor while answering Liu Chen: "Yes, I'm a **** stick."

The news was sent by Yan Jun. He said: [Frighten him. 】

Shi Shan extended a [=w=] back and said, "...Have you sent it?"

Liu Chen sent the screenshot, and Shi Shanyan took a look. There were some garbled characters on it, written like the symbol Huang Wen on the hidden website, and many exclamation marks.

Sunny day &* May 4, 2160! Successful hunting! Prey-0% ¥ dull! ! ! Stupid&**#evil! ! ! Constantly while eating! Scream! Noisy! I proceed () &...!

"Is this what the'Boduren' sent you?" Shi Shanyan's eyes pressed to Liu Chen, "Is it?"

Liu Chen glanced at the content and said, "This is it."

"Very good," Shi Shanyan laughed, asking irrelevant questions, "Did you come from home?"

"Yes," Liu Chen was a little embarrassed in Shi Shanyan's gaze. He moved his (pi)pi and changed his legs. "My house is quite far from here, and good neighborhoods are pretty good from here. It’s far, so I’m a little late."

"Your wife is really virtuous," said Shi Shanyan. "Did she wipe your shoes for you?"

"Yes," Liu Chen unconsciously looked at his shoes, and then said, "Is there any problem? She takes care of my clothes."

"What about the shirt?" Shi Shanyan raised his hand and emptied his empty (chest xiong) mouth, "and tie."

"Yes, all," Liu Chen said, "Is this also part of the investigation?"

"No," Shi Shanyan signaled him not to be impatient. "Did you come from home?"

"Yes, I said," Liu Chen put his feet back, "I came from home."

"You didn't drive."

"Someone sent me," Liu Chenfei said quickly, "friend."

"What friend," Shi Shanyan stared at him, "Is the friend who ironed your wife for you?"

"What are you talking about..." Liu Chen laughed, and he pulled down his suit jacket again.

"You are in the car (kiss wen) farewell, love is tender, she pulled your tie, you hugged her, and then your coat got stuck in the gap, you pulled the clothes out and found that the buttons were off," Shi Shan Yan still leaned back in his chair and was typing for Yan Junxun, "But you don't think it's okay, the Inspectorate will not interview you, so you go upstairs."

"Nonsense!" Liu Chen pulled on his suit. There was indeed a button there, which was why he had to pull it repeatedly. He changed his face (color), to stand up, said: "Is the investigation over? I have to go."

"Is she still waiting for you?" Shi Shanyan lightly "gimmicked" for a while, "Are you going (gangan)?"

"Neuropathy!" Liu Chen really stood up.

"You wiped the lipstick in the car to the reversing mirror, but I suggest you don't hug each other after spraying the perfume, the taste is really inexhaustible." Shi Shanyan sent the news and looked at Liu Chen again.

Liu Chen's mouth fluctuated in his gaze (chest xiong).

"Is she your friend's friend?" Shi Shanyan guessed aimlessly. "Your relationship (guanguan) looks complicated, in fact there are just a few. She is younger than your wife, and chooses perfume... ...The taste is really obvious. Do you think this matter will be exposed? You don’t care, but she is not your only lover."

"Don't say it," Liu Chen shuffled his clothes like a shady cloth. He shouted, "You can't prove it...no logic!"

"Who cares," Shi Shanyan (lu) had dog teeth, making people unclear whether the words were true or false. He repeated Liu Chen's words, "what the public needs and what we create."

Liu Chen was so annoyed that he was a writer. He even felt that his lover's lipstick mark was still on his face, and his body was covered with flaws. How the **** did he guess?

"Hurry up," Shi Shanyan lowered his index finger, and the band-aid with the panda bears his attention. He said, "I'll confirm it again. Is this what the'Boduren' sent you?"

Liu Chen stuck his neck and said stiffly: "...No."

Yan Junxun's conduction device has been shaking, and the news popped wildly.

【Are you still angry? 】

[Because you kiss (wen)]? 】

[Give me an expression. 】

[Don’t you continue to watch me? 】

[Does "(stealing) tou" really make you feel ashamed? No need. 】

[Please look at me, hurry up. 】

Yan Junxun ignored these messages, he stared at the blank paper in front of him until a sentence popped up on the message page.

[Did I not tell you that I had masturbated in the bathtub last night. 】

Yan Junxun pinched the conducting device, and looked at Shi Shanyan, unable to believe it.

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