For the Yun family, the dilemma they are facing now is extremely huge.

The Yun family is a family that specializes in elixir refining. In the past, the Yun family relied on elixirs to become one of the richest in the Wei Dynasty.

But now, the Yun family faces many problems.

In today's Wei Dynasty, young people are beginning to turn to a new system of practice.

The demand for elixirs related to the old method has almost plummeted.

High-quality elixirs that were hard to find in the past are now difficult to sell at a much lower price.

In addition, now that they are hiding in the small town, the life of everyone in the Yun family has become worse and worse.

Seeing his grandfather who was always worried, Shen Han thought about it and decided to take action himself.

I had brought back some classics related to refining medicine from the Nantian Continent before.

It's just that my grandfather and the others didn't seem to understand, and their understanding of those prescriptions was very one-sided.

Shen Han also understood that the pills they had refined for so many years had become a fixed pattern in their minds.

Subconsciously, you will use the previous methods.

Shen Han didn't waste time and spent a whole night labeling the elixir books he brought back with "easy to learn" entries.

After taking the classics again from Shen Han's hands, my grandfather's anxious face immediately changed to a serious one.

He found that he could see clearly.

If the elixirs used in the new system could be refined, even very basic elixirs, the Yun family would be prosperous again.

Looking at his grandfather with a serious look on his face, Shen Han didn't want to hit him with words.

But now, the threat from Hufeng Villa has not been eliminated.

Even if the elixir can be refined, it still requires a lot of considerations in selling it.

Dawei started selling pills for the new system, which was originally an eye-catching thing.

Once the news spreads, if Hufeng Villa knows about it, it is very likely that they will send someone to verify it.

Seeing his grandfather's seriousness and the words coming to his lips, Shen Han still suppressed them.

Five days later, Master Xingchuan drew a map and handed it to Shen Han.

Shen Han put the map away and looked at it briefly.

The location shown on the map does not seem to be within the boundaries of the Wei Dynasty, but in the Yan Kingdom to the east.

There is still a long way to go from this western region.

But compared to the vastness of the Nantian Continent, this distance is nothing.

In recent times, more and more people have entered the realm of bondage.

These young people are full of expectations for Shen Han.

In the body, if too few shackles are released, it means the talent is too poor.

His talent is so poor that even if he practices this new system, it will still be difficult to achieve anything.

But now, they at least have Shen Han helping to figure it out.

Even if you are born with few shackles, maybe only two or three.

By using Shen Han to untie two of their shackles, he could also untie four or five shackles.

Although it is not very good to untie four or five shackles, at least it can achieve the qualifications of a middle-aged person.

After a few people entered the bound realm, Shen Han began to give everyone acupuncture.

Nowadays, Shen Han's acupuncture skills can undo the eight shackles without any problem.

It is even possible to untie the ninth shackles.

However, it remains to be determined whether any problems will arise from untying the ninth shackles.

Before the problem was determined, Shen Han couldn't answer it haphazardly.

To be fair and just, Shen Han released two shackles for everyone.

The acupuncture required undressing, but the man was fine and had nothing to worry about.

But a few women are in some trouble.

For example, Liu Xilan, the senior sister of Xiaoyaofeng, had only released two shackles.

If Shen Han wants to give her acupuncture, he must at least unbutton most of her clothes.

After thinking for a while, Shen Han finally pulled Shi Yuezhu into the house.

With Shi Yuezhu beside him, the awkward atmosphere seemed to be reduced a lot.

When administering the acupuncture, Liu Xilan saw that his uncle Yuezhu was there, and the redness on his face had faded a lot.

Just in my mind, I seemed to feel a little bit lost.

Liu Xilan had helped him a lot. Shen Han actually wanted to be more partial, but in the end he endured it.

In three months, except for Ye Liqiang, all the restraints in the bodies of all the young people had been released two more times.

From the perspective of those present, the body's ability to untie itself is indeed contrary to the talent of practicing the old method.

Liu Xilan, the senior sister, is obviously better than others in her talent for practicing the old method.

But in the end, there were only two restraints that her body untied on its own.

On the contrary, the young people in the Yun Mansion are obviously inferior to the Xiaoyaofeng disciples in terms of their talent in practicing the old methods.

The number of restraints they have released are one or two more than the average of Xiaoyao Peak disciples.

After the promised opportunity was given, Shen Han also began to prepare to go to the training place mentioned by Master Xingchuan.

Before leaving, Shen Han also left everyone with some expectations.

Those who are judged by the elders of the family and have outstanding performance can also find ways to untie their physical restraints.

Consider this ability of yours as a reward.

Used to motivate young people to perform well.

But speaking of it, this incentive is extremely tempting for Nantian Continent.

No sect in the Southern Continent has such a good reward for freeing the body.

After saying that, Shen Han also found Ye Liqiang.

He was able to share joys and sorrows with everyone for so long, and Shen Han also remembered him.

But before, he targeted himself so much and made himself unhappy, so he had to teach him some lessons.

Only when rewards and punishments are appropriate can rules be formed.

After leaving this time, Shen Han did not keep suppressing him.

He told Ye Liqiang bluntly that as long as he performed well and contributed to Xiaoyaofeng and Yunfu.

I will not miss any of the rewards I should give him in the future.

Ye Liqiang has only unlocked three shackles. With his talent, many sects in Nantian Continent would find it difficult to enter.

Shen Han was able to help him improve his talent, so he had a complete grasp of him.

Regarding what Shen Han said, Ye Liqiang did not complain at all this time.

I am lucky to still have the opportunity.

After everything that needed to be explained was done, Shen Han devoted himself wholeheartedly and prepared to go out for training.

Before leaving, Master Xingchuan also called Shen Han to his courtyard again.

This experience was originally the path pointed out to me by Master Yukawa.

You should also listen to the instructions given to you by your seniors.

In the small courtyard, Master Xingchuan has prepared tea.

Sitting opposite Xingchuan Zhenren, there was a stove beside him, boiling hot water.

After living in seclusion, many things have to be done by oneself.

Shen Han stepped forward to take over. There was no reason to keep the senior busy with these chores.

"Don't have too high expectations when you go this time, and remember to treat each other with a normal attitude."

Mr. Yukawa spoke from his own experience.

"Having too much expectations in your heart and being disappointed will be detrimental to your practice."

Shen Han nodded: "Junior understands that the road to cultivation is long, and no one can avoid detours.

If you want to go further, there may be a smooth road. "

"You have reached the second level at such a young age. In fact, what I said is all nonsense.

If you are not determined enough, how could you have reached this point at such a young age.

In fact, I called you here today because of some selfish motives. "

Master Xingchuan looked at Shen Han. Shen Han was a little surprised when he mentioned selfishness.

"Shen Han, if you can really find the place shown on the map this time, please help me find someone."

"Master, you said, I will try my best to find him."

After hearing Shen Han's words, Master Xingchuan got up from the stone chair and looked at the branches in the distance.

"Speaking of which, it was before I owed anything.

Back then, I entered there by mistake, but luckily I was taken care of by a fairy.

If it weren't for her, I would have died inside long ago, and I wouldn't be here today.

The story behind is actually a bit cliché, like a folk opera."

As Master Yukawa spoke, his old face seemed a little embarrassed.

"So...she is your confidante?"

"Ahem, you can also say that."

"Does the real person hope that the younger generation will go find her?"

Hearing this, Master Xingchuan shook his head slightly.

"A hundred years have passed and she is probably no longer alive. I just want a portrait of her.

Let’s see if we can find her descendants and ask for a picture.”

Master Xingchuan's eyes were looking into the distance. This master who only had swords in his heart did not expect to have such a past.

"Of course, everything is still based on your safety and experience, Shen Han, there is no need to force these things.

We are still facing the threat from Hufeng Villa, so we don't need to worry too much about these trivial matters. "

Shen Han nodded slightly, but took all of Xingchuan's request into his heart.

"For other news, when I think of anything, I will send a message to you."

Most of the matters at home have been taken care of now.

Shen Han didn't waste too much time and set off.

Go all the way east, as shown on the map, after entering the territory of Yan Kingdom, you have to go east again.

On the way, Shen Han passed by Yun'an City.

The old residence of Shen Mansion is located where I have lived here for many years.

After covering up his figure and appearance, Shen Han stopped for a while in Yun'an City.

The scenery in the city is not much different from before.

Although so many years have passed, Yun'an City seems to have really not changed much.

The teahouses and restaurants that once existed remain unchanged.

But above the eaves, it seems to have become much older.

Flying towards the location of Shen Mansion.

The Shen Family Mansion was empty, as if there was no one there.

Fall into it and walk on a familiar path.

Walking all the way to his former courtyard.

This incongruous shabby house still remains here.

But if no one took care of it for too long, the house had already been completely damaged.

My former self spent many years here.

After walking around the mansion, Shen Han didn't stay too long.

I ordered some dishes at the restaurant and thought about it as a taste of my hometown.

"Little brother, why is Shen's house empty again?

After Shen Ao went to the big sect, didn't the Shen family come back again? "

While eating, Shen Han chatted with the waiter in the restaurant.

Shen Han, the waiter in front of him, knew him well. He liked talking about these things with others.

Sometimes if you ask, he will tell you a lot.

Sure enough, as soon as Shen Han said these words, the second brother's eyes lit up.

"Guest, you don't understand the latest news. The Shen family members have indeed come back to live here again.

I felt that Shen Ao had gone to Hufeng Villa over there, and his posture was even more grand than that of the royal family.

But that Shen Ao wanted to provoke Master Shen Han.

Guest, do you know Mr. Shen Han?

The youngest Immortal Realm expert in our Wei Dynasty.

The Hufeng Villa was directly beaten to the point where it could not be found. The elder of the Villa who came to our Wei Dynasty to show off his power was directly beaten to death three of his disciples.

After hearing this, the Shen family members became afraid.

After all, Hufeng Villa couldn't even protect his own disciples, so how could he have the ability to protect them.

A few months ago, the Shen family fled again. "

The younger brother in front of me spoke with high spirits.

Especially Shen Han listened very seriously, giving him a full sense of accomplishment.

Hearing this, Shen Han also understood why Shen's mansion was empty again.

By the time Banwu died, everyone in the Shen family should have been frightened.

In the Wei Dynasty, they witnessed the death of Yu Yan.

Moreover, Shen Han fled in full view of everyone.

Then Shen Ao's senior brother died again, and everyone in the Shen family should have reacted.

If they don't escape, if Shen Han takes action against them, they will definitely die.

It is impossible for Hufeng Villa to protect them.

After sitting around in Yun'an City for half a day, I was nostalgic for the past days.

After the rest, Shen Han started on his way again.

Compared with the Nantian Continent, the territory of the Wei Dynasty was indeed much smaller.

In less than five days, they had reached the edge of the Wei Dynasty.

There used to be sentries everywhere on the country's borders to defend against attacks from enemy countries.

But now, there are no troops stationed on the Wei-Yan border.

Regardless of Wei Yan, the court situation has undergone tremendous changes.

The imperial courts of various countries have no intention of attacking each other anymore.

It was natural for Shen Han to step into the Yan Kingdom.

The further east you go, the greater the difference in geological features between Yan and Wei.

The land of Yan State is fertile. In the past, the quality of elixirs in Yan State was superior to that of other countries.

Along the way, Shen Han did not encounter any obstacles.

Go all the way to the easternmost part of Yan Kingdom.

Further east, there is the endless sea.

Looking far into the distance, I saw nothing.

According to the map, Shen Han found a mountain stream.

A hundred years have passed, and most of the mountain streams have dried up.

Shen Han looked around and quickly understood why Xingchuan Zhenren failed to go again.

Under the mountain stream, a mechanism has been damaged.

That mechanism should be the core key to the mysterious place.

Without much hesitation, Shen Han immediately repaired the core of the mechanism.

The originally dry mountain stream suddenly began to gush out more clear springs.

The clear spring quickly flooded the surrounding area, and the scene presented here was exactly as drawn on the map.

Diving into the water, Shen Han swam directly towards the water.

When you get close to the mechanism, the water flow becomes faster in an instant.

His body seemed to be swallowed up by the current, and he began to swim rapidly.

You can move down quickly along the current without moving your body at all.

Shen Han did not resist the flow of water and let his body flow downward.

Almost two hours later, he had been washed up on a row of beaches.

Every scene and thing around is completely different from the scenery of Yan Kingdom.

The biggest difference is also the surrounding laws of heaven and earth.

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