Tianjiao retired, I extracted the entry to practice

Chapter 699 Prepare to return to Wei

In the past, there were very few people who could free themselves from the shackles of the Eight Paths.

If it weren't for Song Xiaobing and Song Xiaodie who appeared out of thin air, there would only be two geniuses in the entire Five Immortals City who could undo the eight shackles.

One of them is the sect leader Nalan Xing.

Nalan Xing was extremely prestigious in the Five Immortals City, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that no one in the entire Five Immortals City disrespected him.

In these years, the reason why Nalanxing did not directly take charge of things.

One of the most direct reasons is that no one in the sect dares to question him now.

Most of the time, what he says is what he says.

Nalan Xing felt that such talk would not be conducive to the development of Five Immortals City.

In addition, he has gained quite a lot of insights in the past few years.

In the past two years, his cultivation strength has improved further.

"Please also ask Feng Qiang to take back what he said. Who can take over the Seven Immortals City now except you?"

The complaints in his eyes can be hidden even if he wants to.

The sect leader's willingness to meet with me shows his trust in me.

"The sect master's child, it was obvious that he had misjudged me and did not expect the potential that I possessed.

When walking in the inner world, even these evil cultivators are willing to provoke Hufeng Villa.

Feng Qiang's strength is around the eighth level of the Swallowing Rainbow Realm, and this is the effect he can show before he activates the Swallowing Chenhan.

Junior Si Zhi told you very vaguely that Hufeng Villa is a bad person.

After Feng Qianghuan finished speaking, he also jumped away.

There are so many elders present, each with different interests.

It is almost possible that Hufeng Villa can deal with the sect master again.

Under the current situation, none of the disciples at Hufeng Villa were frightened enough.

As long as you want to go, which Feng Qiang will go?

So few top weaklings could not break open this cave.

And before the two left, they returned again.

In this way, Yan Fengqiang can make a step forward in his actual combat ability.

Zongmen paused, turned his head and looked back at You Wanying, wanting to defend himself.

We will come back last month, nothing happens, let’s talk about it then. "

Feng Qiang stays here, you still have nothing to say to him.

But without a common interest, it does not mean that the Seven Immortals City must always prosper.

Thinking about governing the younger generation

But the potential backlash will take a long time to recover.

Afterwards, Master Sixin and Elder Sizhi returned to the Seven Immortals City.

Things in Heqiu Mountain just went by like that for a month.

The disciples and guards of the villa are not in trouble when meeting Feng Qiang.

Afterwards, we said harsh words to each other, and the entire Nantian Continent knew that we had no grudge against the sect leader.

But there was still no response.

From that point of view, we all know that the impact of You Wanying's resignation will be very small.

But without you, the sect leader, there will be big problems in this Five Immortals City! "

The sect leader changed his clothes, and the two met directly at the teahouse in Qixian City.

“Disasters push people backward, and it is impossible to stop.

Of the seven core disciples under Nalan Xing's command, only one is left now.

The guards of the villa are wrong if they can take action once or twice throughout the year.

In fact, Hufeng Villa also thought about continuing to be weak.

If Nalan Xing really removes his position as the sect leader, there will definitely be great chaos in the Five Immortals City.

I still need to continue walking back, but I can stop.

But that time, no harsh words were said to each other at Hufeng Villa.

After saying that, Feng Qianghuan invited everyone to leave now.

When people live in this world, they seem to be living for themselves.

Elder Sizhi was not even surprised when he received the message from the sect leader.

It's not too late for me to come back, and it seems that these things about myself and Hufeng Villa haven't been discussed yet.

The specific jurisdiction of Five Immortals City was handed over to the deputy sect leader.

If you want to rely on these forces in Hufeng Villa, you will naturally have to think clearly.

Nalan Xing's incarnation was beheaded, and another core disciple died.

The sect leader opened his mouth to explain.

But that time, a small number of elders refused to do this.

The plan was broken. He asked for information in Qixian City. If it was suitable, he was ready to go back.

If something happens to Mr. Shen, please go back and rest first.

Looking at the river passing through the city, when the two met again, they thought it would be like that.

Hufeng Villa also said that if the resources come back, they will keep the resources that come back.

It seems that the sect leader has not regarded himself as a disciple of Seven Immortals City for a long time.

"I have long said that his future is very unpredictable."

After talking about some important things, I didn't just talk about trivial matters.

In his spare time, the sect leader studied Qi Shenhan carefully.

After Feng Qianghuan said that, he also talked about this matter again.

It's just the attention of Elder Sizhi, under the title of sect leader.

Devouring Chenhan also devoured our power, and the terrifying power it unleashed caused the death of several young geniuses like Feng Qiang.

If you can even protect the people around you, this is still the way to practice. "

Obviously, the impact of killing Nalan Xing, the incarnation of the poisonous mist, was really very small.

This Hufeng Villa, who is protective of his shortcomings and has a strong sense of revenge, is afraid.

Hufeng Villa is obviously just a big spiritual mirror, so why can it frighten so few people?

But now, Feng Qiang appears like a ghost.

Obviously, Yan Shenhan has very little potential, and he needs to explore and understand it.

The Supreme Elder is talking nonsense, it cannot be taken seriously!

At such a young age in the Seven Immortals City, even if other spiritual mirrors recruit the two of us, there will still be concerns about their trust level.

The use of "Shenyuan Jue" is indeed very ineffective, usually in actual combat, the effect is extremely bad.

But after leaving, his eyes glanced at the elder Taixia next to him.

I just want to intercede for the sect and keep my position as deputy fifth immortal.

In the villa, protecting one's shortcomings has always been a tradition, and it has always been like this.

And before that time, I am afraid that other spiritual mirrors will be as afraid of Hufeng Villa as they will be in the future.

Its backlash effect may very well devour the owner first.

What happened at Heqiu Mountain was obviously a very bad opportunity.

With that kind of strength, if I take action against you, Seven Immortals City will encounter a little trouble. "

In this case, this biting Chen Han is a magic weapon and should be called a murder weapon.

Very few spiritual mirrors also returned all the resources they received.

Judging from the news I bought, it was much different from what I thought.

Elder Sizhi had a smile on his face, and the first thing I said was his praise for Feng Qiang.

I thought that You Wanying was so angry and removed me from my position because of the influence of the sect leader.

It kills us if we touch it.

In fact, that does not mean that the situation is completely out of control.

Maybe Xiao Neng, who built it in the first place, had foreseen the problem early.

Recently, the sect leader is also preparing to go back to Xiaowei.

Junior Brother, let’s think about it carefully, if Spirit Mirror has no profit, why would Hufeng Villa give up so few resources just for revenge.

The two of us also went to Qixian City.

Hufeng Villa has long been the Hufeng Villa where we once stayed.

However, it is still possible to increase your strength by acting weakly, so that you are unable to face the weak in the realm of virtuality.

Outside of that month, Feng Qiang was recovering his condition.

After several trials and tests, the sect leader seemed to have discovered its mystery.

Sitting under the boat, the sect leader tried several times to use Devour Chenhan.

Tuli, do you, your senior brother, need to stay in the Seven Immortals City? "

Some cautious Feng Qiang took back the resources we received from Hufeng Villa.

After hearing a few people discussing it, the sect leader simply went to buy some information about himself.

It took a long time to travel, but now that Hufeng Villa is shocked, I will try to go back and have a look.

The Realm of Illusion, First Grade.

With that kind of deep hatred and small hatred, naturally few people will pay attention to what Hufeng Villa wants to do.

You haven't harmed the people around me, but I have deliberately made you an enemy.

Nalan Xing's poisonous mist incarnation was beheaded, and eight of your disciples died.

There is such a young and important person in the Seven Immortals City. If you can provide us with resources and preach and solve our doubts, will we come to your Seven Immortals City? "

During the transmission, Madam Yun and your voices all sounded nervous.

It was quiet in the attic.

In fact, you get to know this child's behavior.

With the weak spiritual mirror, the disadvantages that the disciples in the sect can get will naturally be less.

It behaves like that when it is outside my own hand.

The essential reason is still due to the backlash effect of Feng Qiang.

The strength displayed by Qi Shenhan is related to the user.

But before I could say anything, You Wanying spoke first.

But there is no way, if we attack the people around you, you can tolerate us.

Mr. Shen is also very aggrieved. I don't want Feng Qianghuan to remove himself from the position of Five Immortals.

“You know, that incident may cause Feng Qiang a small amount of trouble.

After leaving, Feng Qiang was going to see Elder Sizhi.

However, outside of that month, Hufeng Villa collectively kept silent and did not make any response to this.

Even the deputy sect master looked at Nalan Xing with extremely shocked expression on his face.

In your spare time, Mr. Shen, please think about it and see if you can recommend a successor to the Five Immortals. "

The sect leader also knew that it was because of himself, but at most, it would be very difficult for the two of them to return to the Seven Immortals City.

The forces that wanted to help Hufeng Villa and bring out Yunfu and Dayao Peak have now stopped.

You Wanying's words made the sect stunned for a moment.

"Junior brother, when you were still a generation older, were you pursuing profit?"

You Wanying asked the elders to leave, and they all left obediently as if they had no magic power.

Return to the Seven Immortals City again.

When I have free time, I often take the time to study Feng Qiang.

Later, on the way to the Seven Immortals City, the sect master sent a message to talk to Mrs. Yun and Shi Yuezhu.

Junior brother, are you people gathered in the Seven Immortals City just for a little profit? "

Devouring Fengqiang can show some small effects, which have nothing to do with the user.

"It's for profit, why?

"Sect Master, this matter is my fault, what does it have to do with you.

The strength is sufficient, but it is not difficult to bring out the true strength of Xi Chenhan.

The journey to Qixian City takes at least seventy days.

The strength that Feng Qiang has shown now is something that almost no elder can stop.

But You Wanying just waved his hand, not wanting to explain anything.

The young spiritual mirrors in Nantian Xiaolu seemed to feel it too.

Even if you are injured, there is a small chance that you will get injured during training.

After a pause, I couldn't help but reply:

“When the spirit mirror loses its friendship, it loses its chain.

But the sect seems to feel that pursuing profit is the only option for everyone.

In that remote place, it was difficult to get enough news.

As for me, let’s go first.

In the attic, it seemed that the snow had stopped falling again.

Under the eaves, there is white snow.

A group of elders tried to persuade each other.

On the other side of Nantian Xiaolu, few people are actually paying attention to Hufeng Villa, waiting for Hufeng Villa's response.

Just hearing those words, You Wanying shook her head.

"Besides Sixin and Sizhi, your son has talked with the two of us.

When You Wanying asked about that, the sect frowned and looked at me.

Eight core disciples died in a row. To be honest, the people of Hufeng Villa cannot say that they live in fear every day.

But that's the most important thing. The most important thing is that he lost his friendship.

You can even protect your own apprentice, how can you protect others?

"The conversation with him today has nothing to do with the sect master, but it is because I am worried that I will benefit the Seven Immortals City.

Standing outside the house, Zongmen spoke first.

In the past, Hufeng Villa only had to worry about danger.

The sect leader is using a resting mentality to inquire about information from seven places around.

In the attic, soon only You Wanying and Zongmen were left.

But looking back carelessly, if Nian Zhong was only interested in profit at this time, would you still be in Qixian City now?

But after thinking about it, it feels more like living for me.

Although Mr. Shen was speaking for him, Prime Minister Shen could not still stand on his uncle's side.

Why should the younger generation choose a small spiritual mirror? Why should they choose a powerful spiritual mirror?

In the attic, other elders also spoke.

Including Qixian City, a small number of spiritual mirrors are helping Hufeng Villa.

Back then, Shao Duo Bi, the declining spiritual mirror of the Seven Immortals City, wanted to recruit you.

After his body recovered slightly, the sect leader thought about it and decided to go to the Seven Immortals City to visit.

There is no doubt that there is no profit reason involved.

The sect leader has not yet killed the eight core disciples of Hufeng Villa, and can still break Nalan Xing's poisonous mist incarnation.

After staying for two days, the sect leader was ready to leave Nantian Continent.

This is indeed the case. Hufeng Villa is pressing forward step by step, and there is no way Feng Qiang can stop.

If it were the sect leader who would just surrender and throw himself into a trap.

Otherwise, the same result will occur.

Xiao Wei actually knew all these actions of the sect leader.

There is nothing wrong with pursuing profit, it just requires him to think hard and there is a connection. "

“It is said that people in heaven and things in heaven are all for profit.

Being weak to the sect leader, Feng Qiang took revenge again.

There are rumors that this son is vicious and vicious, but if you think about it carefully, except for the people of Hufeng Villa, has the sect master ever hurt anyone else? "

When you step into the path of spiritual practice, what you seek is stability and restraint.

However, Hufeng Villa still has not solved the sect leader.

Listening to your voices, you care about your own harsh words, so you don't feel alive.

“Now that we have decided, we must say less.

There wouldn't be any trouble in Wuxian City without me applying for prime ministership.

But Nalan Xing wanted to step down from his position as the leader of the clan, and no one among the elders present would agree.

The effect that the magic weapon without the orange entry displayed afterwards was too terrifying.

That still doesn't have the support of "Shi Xi Gong", otherwise, it may take less than half a year to recover.

Others seek the prestige that comes from everything, but Feng Qianghuan seems to take it all and use it up.

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