Chapter 74 Classmate anger, do you still have a conscience?!!

“You better think clearly before you say it~”

Gao Muqing wiped the facial cleanser, and interrupted her in a calm and indifferent tone: “You swallow like this, hesitate, and don’t have the courage to break the cauldron, don’t say it.”

“Classmate Jiang Feng, he definitely doesn’t agree-”

“You know what?”

“I was on my knees begging him to take mine!”

“Although, you are the school flower of our school, and you don’t have equal bargaining chips, do you understand what I mean?”

“Let’s put it simply~”

“Jiang Feng may not be able to fancy us!”

“This level of beauty is nothing!”

“I have to beg someone to accept it.”

“The attitude must be resolute.”

“Take the initiative to pout that attitude.”

“If others don’t want it, just comfort yourself.”

“That’s how you have a chance.”

“If, like you, twist and pinch, hesitate, he will definitely call you stupid and let you get out.”

“I promise it will!”

“Brother Feng is this kind of person!”

Gao Muqing shrugged, smiled slightly, and patted the shoulder of the school flower to remind: “If you want to live, don’t hesitate.” ”

“How to choose, depends on your desire to survive.

“Follow your heart~”

“Or don’t say it at all!”

“Or make up your mind.”

Chen Xueyi was silent and stunned in place, it turned out that she was just like this? Hehe, yes, in the horror world, what is it to look beautiful? On the contrary, it is a burden

It will only become the original sin of being strangely tortured437 alas~

Sure enough, Gao Muqing saw it more thoroughly!

She let out a long sigh, she already knew what to do, the small movie she had quietly watched before because of curiosity finally came in handy, and she wanted to experience it herself.

Chen Xueyi’s expression was complicated and blushed slightly.

Follow Gao Muqing out of the toilet.

Xu Yang also washed up and returned to the dormitory.

Change clothes, shoes, comb hair

Cleaned up and tidy!

Zhang Yang, Li Hao, Zhou Kai and others disdained, and their faces were full of contempt and complained: “They really thought that tourism was coming?” SB, hypocrisy, it’s better to read a book than to do so. ”

“Be careful not to answer the question, you will lose points.”

“Xu Yang is a scumbag who reads a fart book~”

“See how long they can be arrogant!”

“Hmph, sooner or later there will be a time for them to cry.”

“Sluts are hypocrisy.”

The little fairies are envious and jealous of the mockery, the tone is very sour, they also want to dress up, but there are no conditions

No facial cleanser, no towels

No clean clothes, no makeup

And I was so scared that I couldn’t care about it at all… Let’s go to class like this!

Xu Yang and they wore famous brand suits, leather shoes, skirts, and high heels that shocked the world, and they had already eaten bread for breakfast, did not go to the cafeteria, and did not want to see something disgusting.

The other players went expectantly.

I have to admit that the canteen meals in Super Thriller Academy are very delicious and have a lot of normal high-end ingredients.

Beef chicken

Fish, goose, vegetables, fruits

dim sum

Choose from hundreds of dishes!

Zhang Yang and they came to the cafeteria, there were no students in the morning, only a few faculty and staff had breakfast here.

The meals are still very hearty, and the dishes of frying, boiling, steaming, and grilling are placed on the countertop for tens of meters!

Three golden ‘roast pigs’ in the middle! The most conspicuous position, dressed and plated.

Zhou Kai glanced at it curiously: “What is this?” Roast suckling pig in the morning? No, roast whole pigs? ”

Li Hao also muttered: “What pig is so big?” ”

They took the plate and walked over to take a closer look


Grass, what roasts whole pigs, is roasted whole people!

Yang Xiaoman, Bai Xiaofeng, Sun Hui were shaved, clean, roasted until golden and not burnt, the skin was complete, and the facial features and posture could be seen truly

An apple was also stuffed in his mouth to seal it.

Authentic suckling pig roasting method!

It’s quite a culinary standard to look at.



Zhang Yang, Zhou Kai, Li Hao, they directly vomited, Nima, this is simply the devil, who is so good at cooking?


The little fairies were even more frightened and collapsed to the ground!


“Deputy squad leader?”

“Yang Xiaoman?”

“Bai Xiaofeng?”

“Woo-woo, you died so miserably, woo-woo, gag, you guys are so disgusting, sorry, I can’t stand it.”

Many female players escaped with a stream of urine! Breakfast?

Here, who can still eat on a horse? All the new and old players of Fuck had stomachs churning, vomiting, or almost throwing up, and left the cafeteria with ugly faces.

Quite a few people’s clothes were stained… It’s still early to arrive in the classroom

However, the teachers of the classes have already guarded the door, checking the students’ appearance, dress hygienic and meticulous.

Even the weird and demon beast students are no exception!

Not to mention the players…

Xu Yang, they passed the inspection smoothly, dressed properly, were hygienic and clean, and there were no flaws in their appearance.

“Xu Yang, qualified, praised once.

“Nie Ye, qualified, praised once.”

“Zhang Jie, qualified, praised once.”

The head teachers carefully check one by one.

Other players saw this scene and finally understood why Xu Yang and they wanted to dress up, not pretentious at all, but to cope with the inspection, grooming and instrument inspection

Grass, how to forget, and this matter! Elementary school students and junior high school students have to check it~ They high school students, but they don’t care much.

Suffered a big loss~


Zhou Kai cursed angrily: “CNM, Xu Yang, they actually don’t tell us, these dog breeds!” ”

“Groove, these short-lived bastards, mmp, tell us and there will be no loss, too selfish, grass, and a little conscience?

“These inhuman short-lived cubs!”

“Sooner or later, the whole family will be violently killed!”

“CNM, Jiang Feng, your mother is gone!”

They were incompetent and furious, and cursed, but they could only bite the bullet and go over to be examined by the head teacher.

Inner apprehension, adrenaline rushing.

“Zhou Kai, huh? The face has not been washed, hum, the clothes are untidy, the hair is messy, and the serious unqualified, give a warning once, accumulate three warnings, and directly eliminated.

Nangong Jin’s gaze snorted coldly.

Zhou Kai: “Ah, this, I don’t dare next time…”

He walked into the classroom with a limp.

“Li Hao, unqualified, bad evaluation once!”

“Chen Shuang, unqualified, bad review once!”

“Zhang Yang, seriously unqualified, untidy clothes, messy hair, stains on clothes, give a warning.”

Except for Xu Yang and them, most of them received bad reviews, and even were warned once, and they were getting closer and closer to elimination.


Panicked yuppie!

Zhang Yang and Zhou Kai are the two worst, the current rating is the lowest, and they were warned at the same time.

“No, no, you have to find a way.”

“What to do?”

“Hey, by the way, the teacher’s praise can’t be earned, I can still find classmates, these weird classmates must also be able to score, otherwise how can I have dozens of bad reviews?”

Zhang Yang’s IQ suddenly went online, and his inspiration flashed.

The corners of his silent mouth rose slightly…

As long as you praise it twice, you can kill a few people and let other classmates and players be eliminated first! Hehehe, dead Taoist friends are not dead and poor, and if you want to live, you have to be ruthless enough.

“You must find a way to please the weird classmates!”

“Who can please you?”

He looked left and right, carefully looking for opportunities.

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