Chapter 69: Landlord, mother and daughter, why are you in my house?!!

Jiang Family Manor

The Rolls-Royce Ghost (Limited Edition) that Jiang Feng was riding in was escorted by four security Mercedes Benzes in front and behind, returned to the garden from the back door, and after getting off the car, he was hugged by the maid “Welcome the master home!” ”

Two rows of beautiful maids bowed in unison.

“Master, you have worked hard to go to school!”

“Please go back to your room and rest~”

Jasmine, Shirley, Ellie, the three beast ladies little loli smiled and looked at the master’s eyes watery, touching, different from the three little squirrels, it is to tie the loli.

Jiang Feng couldn’t hold back every time he saw them!


“No hurry, no hurry, let’s take a look at the players first~”

He had just heard Feifei say that his family had also been selected for a copy of the horror game, and sure enough, he came back and received a notice:

【Your home is selected for copy】

【Invited to play a thriller game】

[Number of Summoned Human Players: 5]

[Game rules: As long as the human player makes a mistake, you can deal with the human player in any way, but the human player must not be harmed for no reason until he makes a mistake]

[You can let players provide services, free labor, assign existing positions, the rules must be the same as ordinary employees, and you cannot set unreasonable rules alone]


You can rate human players

【No mandatory elimination of players】

【Players with the lowest daily score can be eliminated】

【Game time: 5 days】

Grass, this is really strange, and his own family can also be selected for the horror dungeon, playing a role in two dungeons.


Jiang Feng shook his head speechlessly and sighed.

Fei Fei introduced with a smile: “Boss, there are five players this time, all of them are girls, and there is a mother and daughter. ”

“Just wait for the allocation over there in the garden~”

“Look, what’s the arrangement for them?”

“Do you want to eliminate them?”

“Or don’t embarrass them?”

After all, the Jiang family used to be human, and Jiang Feng is now all human, so the Jiang family, old and young, has no hostility towards humans, and is very rare in the horror world

Moreover, the maids, security guards, and logistics staff of the Jiang family all eat very well, and they can’t look at human meat, have little interest in humans, and don’t hate humans so much

Jiang Feng thought about it with a little headache and replied: “Let’s take a look before talking~”

“Go bring them here and let me see!

In the corner of the garden next to it, five female players sat trembling, trembling and terrified.

They were all participating in the game for the first time.

Unprepared, summoned from home.

Scared to cry on the spot!

Almost scared to pee!

Nowadays, who doesn’t know the horror of thriller games? 92% of the selected players are eliminated, and they will not die in the first round, they are really facing death.


“I’m so scared! Who can save us? ”

“God, why did you choose me?”


“Sisters, what should we do, why hasn’t weird arranged our work yet? This is also too strange, do you say there will be some conspiracy? ”

They’ve been hanging here for hours.

No one cares! It’s not without quirks!

This is also unreasonable, even if it is a big family, it will not be without a job to arrange for them, right?

Game simulation, player feedback, all prove that weirdness is very fierce to humans, and to be a coolie, and to be destroyed, miserable, where is there such a leisurely copy?

They were all puzzled…

Only one of the mother and daughter was calmer, but they were also very anxious in their hearts, and they didn’t win the horse.

This mother and daughter are Jiang Feng’s landlords! That’s right!

It’s Luo Ning and her mother Wang Siya!

Just now, the two were cleaning the villa, and suddenly they were summoned here, and they also received a mission notice:

【Your copy of this field: Jiang Family Manor】

【Number of participants: 5】

【Number of people remaining: 5】

【Mission objective: survive for 5 days】

[Mission rewards: The better the survival conditions, the more praise you receive, the more mission rewards you can get]

The Jiang Family Manor is this big mansion! The footprint is huge

The scale of the building is huge

Beautiful scenery, green grass, European architectural style, you don’t need to look much to know that it is a super big household.

Although, Jiang Feng had promised to protect them… Moreover, Jiang Feng has a background in the horror world… However, in the face of this super weird giant… Is Jiang Feng’s background still useful?

Wang Siya hardly holds out hope! The situation is bad~

Wang Siya and Luo Ning snuggled together tightly, looking at the Jiang Family Manor, really not knowing what to do.

Luo Ning comforted in a low voice: “Mom, don’t worry, brother Jiang Feng said that he would protect us, don’t be afraid!” ”

Wang Siya nodded and smiled slightly: “Well, brother Jiang Feng, he will do it!” ”

The daughter wants to believe, and she chooses to believe.

“Mom, look—”

“Is that Brother Jiang Feng?”

Luo Ning suddenly said inexplicably.

Wang Siya:???? (Confused)


She turned her head and saw that several luxury cars returned to the manor, and a large number of maids bowed neatly to welcome.

Got out of the car was a young boy.

Looks exactly like Jiang Feng!

Wait, Nima, it’s not right

This is Jiang Feng! The clothes are exactly the same! Or is it the casual clothes I bought for him two days ago, is this probably a coincidence? Fart, how can there be such a clever thing? This……

This…… This……

Wang Siya’s mother and daughter stared at each other, stunned, and speechless in disbelief.

Jiang Family Manor… Jiang Feng… Don’t…… Groove! No way?

No way?

Just when their brains were down, the maid Fifi came and took them to be examined by their master.

Jiang Feng was also stunned when he saw clearly that the people who came over were also stunned.

Luonin:????? (Shocked)

Wang Siya:???? Jiang Feng:????? (shocked) 삑

Two faces are confused, three faces are confused

Jiang Feng blinked, making sure that he was not mistaken, and couldn’t help but gasp for a breath of cold breath, and the shark horn twitched wildly.

“Sister Wang, Ning Ning, why are you in my house?”

“Wait, this is a world of horror~”

“You are the players of this copy of my house?”


Don’t you want to be so strange, I’m Nima! (speechless)

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