The power level is increased by one level (to the Grudge level).

Trick Coin +100,000

“That’s it? What kind of garbage? Jiang Feng’s face was stunned in disbelief, and he watched it several times!

Task Rating: SSS, on this kind of broken reward?

“Lying groove Nima…”

“It’s amazing…”

What is the use of 100,000 coins?

I can earn 100,000 coins with five boxes of three squirrel gift packs, and I still need this reward from you? Make a fuss~

It is not enough to buy an AWP sniper rifle.

You can also buy a pair of shoes at Ito-Yokoido.



Does this reward deserve an SSS rating?

Jiang Feng muttered in shock and doubt: “Could it be that it is because I completed it too easily, and the reward was reduced…”

“It can’t be, right?”

“What a joke!”

He shook his head, feeling strange.

In addition to the 100,000 tricky coin rewards, there is also a tricky power upgrade, directly increasing one level and breaking through to the resentment level tricky power.

I didn’t feel anything, and the trickery increased….

Jiang Feng checked the horror game interface——

Level: Grievance Level

Tricks: 11500

Trick Coin: × state is abnormal ×

Number of resurrections: 1

Special items: 3

(Special invitations/weird contracts).

Just now, tricky power: 1500, an increase of 10,000, directly upgraded by one level, which is very good, a little powerful.

With the soaring power, the body also changes!

Vitality +500%.

Resistance +300%.

Endurance +300%.

Power +300%.

Explosive +800%.

Speed +200%.

Reaction +200%.

Perception +500%.

At the level of unjust souls, the physical fitness is comparable to the boxing king, if there is a tricky skill to cooperate, it is simply superman, easily dodging ordinary bullets and resisting ordinary shells.


Others don’t have weird skills, but Jiang Feng has, how much does the family have, and this reward is good.

But 100,000 coins is outrageous!


Next to it, Xu Yang also checked his rating, and shouted in surprise, because the rating was actually S.

[Player: Xu Yang].

[Survival copy of the Garden Community on the other side].

【Duration: 7 days】

Status: Complete

Task Rating: S

[Mission evaluation: Although you are a small trash, your luck is very against the sky, and you are taken care of by the big guy throughout the process, and you have won many honors as a dogleg, comprehensive score: S].

List of Special Meritorious Medals –

Team up in the first round to kill weirdly

Participate in the first beating weird in the full suit

Get a lot of weird recognition

Gain recognition from high-end players

[Mission Rewards].

Has the most rudimentary power (Lone Soul level).

Trick Coin +2000

The weak source of trickery has taken root in the body, and the physical fitness has improved somewhat, but it is negligible.

[Player: Xu Yang].

[Trick: 100+].

[Level: Lone Soul].

Trick coin: 3700

Number of resurrections: 1

Special items: 0

“Groove, S-grade rating, really fake?”

“Hahaha, I have tricky powers, sure enough, I feel a special energy, and two thousand tricky coins!”

Xu Yang couldn’t help but laugh happily.

Nie Ye and Jia Haoran also cheered in surprise:

“Grass, me too, task rating: S.”


[Nie Ye Mission Rating: S].

Beginner Trick/Trick +2000

[Jia Haoran task score: S].

Beginner Trick/Trick +2000

【Zhang Wen task score: A+】

Beginner Trick/Trick +1000

[Gao Muqing task score: A].

[Mission evaluation: In addition to being beautiful and smart, you hardly have any shining points, but with your active dedication, you have been recognized by high-end players, and you have won many honors halfway…].

Beginner Trick/Trick +500

【Zhang Jie task score: A】

[Mission evaluation: You are an ordinary little trash, but with your facelessness and boldness and sincerity, you have been recognized by high-end players, and you are very lucky to be hired…].

Beginner Trick/Trick +500

Jiang Feng’s junior brothers, the lowest rating: A+, even Zhang Jie and Gao Muqing have A, all of them are excellent!

Gain Elementary Trick Power (Lone Soul Level).

There is also a small amount of tricky money——


“Five hundred tricky coins?”

“Two thousand coins?”


Jiang Feng raised his eyebrows, feeling painful, it turned out that it was not his own reward that was less, but that everyone’s reward was less.

Moreover, everyone else has much less rewards!

“Is this thing so precious?”


Jiang Feng frowned, very dissatisfied, he thought there was something good, but he didn’t expect it?

Xu Yang, they were quite happy.

Business blows each other!

Thanks Brother Feng!

Class teacher Zhang Lele, principal Zheng Jun, and the brothers’ parents congratulated one after another, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

And yet

There are discordant people running out –

Director Chen of the official department led the parents of the eliminated students to the outside of the classroom, fox fake tiger power.


It should be said that they are in cahoots and complicity!

Chen Weihong looked sharp, pretending to be embarrassed, and came to Jiang Feng and asked: “Classmate Jiang Feng, we have officially received many reports from players about you——”

“Why don’t you obey the command of the squad cadre?”

“Why not follow the official plan of action?”

“Moreover, refusing to help classmates when they are able, even cynically, gloating, has led to the loss of precious opportunities for resurrection for many people.”

“You are simply unorganized and undisciplined!”

“Seriously violates social morality!”

“Do you still have a sense of social responsibility?”

“Prepare for an official investigation~”

“In addition, in order to better cope with the thriller game, your mission rewards must be officially distributed!”

“Do you understand?”

He pretends to be a shit, full of benevolence and morality, what shit disciplinary responsibility, on the line, threats and intimidation.

The parents of the eliminated students outside also shouted:

“That’s right, it must be investigated!”

“Is there still a little sense of morality and responsibility?”

“Why not help my children?”

“Gotta give us an explanation!”

“Yes, yes, yes…”

“That’s right!”

Looking at what Qianfu pointed out, Chen Weihong laughed secretly in his heart, they like to be coerced and morally kidnapped, manipulate mainstream speech, and force a small number of people to obediently.


The results are absolutely very good!

After all, who dares to go against the majority?

It’s a pity

Jiang Feng didn’t eat his set at all——

Sneered and directly angried: “Fuck Nima’s, what kind of shit are you?” Talk to me about responsibility here? ”


“Organizational discipline is to use you as cannon fodder?”


“If you have the right, arrest me and put me on trial, why should I help others?” Am I his father? Who do I owe? ”

“You brain-dead things, you are a waste, and you dare to bark wildly here, there is a brain problem?”

“Why should I help your family’s waste?”

“Do I have a good relationship with them?”

“Hmph, I just love watching them die!”

“Not convinced?”

“Bear with it~”

“Otherwise, in the thriller game, I guarantee that none of you will make it out alive, believe it or not?”

“Director Chen, just because you made me unhappy today…”

“If one day you are selected for a thriller game…”

“I’ll absolutely kill you!”


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