


Jiang Feng ate the nuts peeled by the little loli one by one, looking at the three little squirrel essences with anticipation on his face, he nodded slightly and gave a thumbs up with great satisfaction:

“Good, qualified, very good nuts~”

“Overfulfilled the task today.”

“Reward each person with a salary of one hundred coins.”

Jiang Feng took out three hundred yuan coins, one by one, handed them to them, and asked with a smile: “After getting the salary, what do you plan to use it for?”

Three squirrel little loli’s eyes shining.

Happy to hold the trick coin, the smile is super healing!

A hundred dollar trick coin?

Oh my God~

You earn more than you usually do odd jobs a month!

The rat replied gratefully, “I want to save it and buy some thick quilts so that the chinchilla and bamboo rats can sleep in my house without feeling cold.”

Chinchilla nodded: “Me too, the quilt at my house is too thin, I want to change a few thick quilts, in addition, I want to save money to help Xiao Bei repair her house.”

Bamboo rat: “Well, I also want to help Xiao Bei!”

Previously, the preparation of rats and bamboo rats tried to help the chinchilla pay the property fee, but now the property fee problem has been solved, and the chinchilla rat and bamboo rat want to help the rat and mouse.

What a kind and innocent little loli~

Jiang Feng felt that he was about to become cute.

“Save money for quilts? No need to save money, my brother bought a new quilt today, give it to you~”

He generously wanted to give fairy goose down quilts.

However, after the little loli glanced at each other, they shook their heads neatly: “Thank you brother for your kindness, we don’t need it, we will save money to buy quilts ourselves!”

“Well, we can’t take favors for nothing.”

“Well, it’s not good to take advantage of others.”

Although loli are small, they are very upright in heart, much stronger than some adults, and do not accept gifts from strangers.

Jiang Feng nodded, and said with a smile again

“Brother is not someone else~”

“We are partners!”

“This can be regarded as a help between friends~”

“We’re friends, aren’t we?”

Chinchilla rats, bamboo rats, and reserve rats looked at each other, a little embarrassed, and felt that this was not good.

But still nodded without hesitation and admitted:


“Thank you brother for treating us as friends!”


Jiang Feng waved his hand: “No need, but the children should be obedient, I won’t lie to you.”

He stroked the heads of the three little loli again.

The blue hair of the rat

Brown hair of a chinchilla

The pink hair of the bamboo rat

The fluffy and fluffy little ears are so cute and sure to be great as a throw pillow!

“I’ll go with you to fix the house another day.”

“Is it good?”

The little loli nodded gratefully.

“Thank you brother!”

Jiang Feng is full of smiles, the mood is very happy, he feels cured, the cute loli of the two-dimensional style is called brother, this feeling, how can the boy stand it~

“You’re welcome, little darlings!”

(touching the head).

Gao Muqing next to her looked at Jiang Feng, faintly curious, she couldn’t understand Jiang Feng’s character, it was really complicated.

They showed no mercy to Zhou Kai

It’s weird and human

Warm care for the little loli

There is revenge, sleek, childlike, this is too casual, right? Do whatever you want?

Okay guys, this is a thriller!

I don’t know what kind of cure I thought it was….


Can the big guys really do whatever they want?

Just when Gao Muqing sighed and Jiang Feng was happily stroking the little loli, Zhang Jie, Zhou Chunhong, Xu Yang, Nie Ye and a few of them returned, and their expressions were quite wonderful.

“Brother Feng, it’s done, the plan is smooth!”

“The plates have been licked clean~”

“You didn’t see that scene, oh, grass, Zhou Kai, they snorted at the bare bones.”

“That’s right, chewed all the fish bones…”

“Girls don’t dare to look at their appearance…”

Everyone was talking about everything, telling in a colorful voice, with a mocking expression full of schadenfreude, who let those stupid Bi dare to scold Brother Feng, and now they are being retributed? Deserve!

Only Zhang Jie and Zhou Chunhong stopped talking.

There seems to be some concern….

Jiang Feng understood in seconds, understanding arrangement:

“Zhang Jie, Zhou Chunhong, in the future, you will be the employees of these three children and help them process nuts.”

“No need to go to the player’s dormitory to sleep!”

“I’ll make another arrangement for you—”

“Each person gets a quilt first!”

“Gao Muqing, you go and change our quilts into fairy goose down silk quilts, and give them the replaced quilts.”

Of course, they will not be given fairy goose down silk quilts.

The relationship did not reach this level!

Otherwise, they would not have been given leftovers.

After all, although there is no contradiction, there is also no friendship, and there is no need to be too polite to them.

It would be nice to have two thick quilts….

Zhang Jie and Zhou Chunhong also think so, it is already a great luck to have two thick quilts!

It’s much better than the players’ broken cotton wool.

Moreover, going back tonight will definitely be targeted by classmates, Brother Feng can take the initiative to help, how careful is this?

The two bowed gratefully: “Thank you Brother Feng!”

Zhou Chunhong recommended himself: “Brother Feng, I can fry nuts, my family has a side food store, I helped my parents fry peanuts, melon seeds, sugar fried chestnuts, and open pine nuts.”

Peanuts and melon seeds?

Sugar-fried chestnuts?

Open mouth pine nuts?

Jiang Feng nodded slightly surprised: “Oh, it’s good, that’s a coincidence, you guys just work hard, by the way, teach chinchilla rats, bamboo rats, and rats to fry nuts.”

“I promise you will pass the first round!”

“Thank you Brother Feng!”

“Thank you Brother Feng!”

Soon, the two received quilts, two thick quilts, enough to withstand the cold in the middle of the night.

The rat, chinchilla, and bamboo rat also accepted the fairy goose down quilt sent by Jiang Feng, grateful and excited.

“Thank you brother!”

“Would my brother like to visit my house?”


Jiang Feng took Zhang Jie, Zhou Chunhong, and Gao Muqing to their home with the three little loli.

Little Squirrel Essence’s home certainly has fried sand.

Zhou Chunhong fried a pot of sugar chestnuts on the spot.

The aroma is great!

Sweet and fragrant!

Jiang Feng peeled one and tasted it, and nodded repeatedly: “Not bad, the heat and taste control is accurate, and it is a little technical.”

“Come, little ones, who wants to taste it?”

He teased the three little loli with a chestnut.

“I want it!”

“I want it!”

“I want it!”

“I want it!”

Prepare rats, chinchillas, and bamboo rats are excited, smelling delicious sugar chestnuts, where can they stand it? They are squirrel essences and love sweet nuts the most.

Transform into Ji in place and wave her arms.

“Whoever calls me Oni-chan, give her food~”




The corners of Gao Muqing’s mouth twitched slightly, very speechless, watching Jiang Feng cheat Little Lori, it felt so interesting!

However, big brother, this is a thriller ~

You don’t make a loli cure like this?


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