The little loli just left

Zhang Jie and Zhou Chunhong ran over again——

“Brother Feng, we just finished eating the leftovers, guess what happened? You may not believe it…”

“The scraps are being scrambled to eat.”

“The hot pot soup base has been drunk.”


“You didn’t see that scene, hehe, Zhou Kai and those little fairies, the food is called intoxicating!”

“It’s like drinking some kind of jade dew.”

“And the comments are full of praise.”

“Lick the pot clean…”

When Jiang Feng heard the introduction of the two people, he was indeed very interested, and asked curiously with interest:

“Don’t they disgusted with leftovers?”

“What about self-esteem?”

“What about arrogance?”

Zhang Jie pouted and shook his head mockingly: “They have been hungry for two days, where is there any self-esteem.”

“Zhang Yang was the first to take the lead in drinking hot pot base.”

“And said-”

“Look at what, the nutrition is in the soup!”

She imitated Zhang Yang’s tone, demeanor, and movements, and made Jiang Feng laugh, which is really interesting~

Nutrition in the soup?

In the past, the leftovers of soup were disgusting and insulting, but now the leftovers of eating other people’s leftovers are not disgusting? And the nutrition is in the soup, to laugh to death.


“Is the hot pot base also considered soup?”

“He wouldn’t want to laugh at me, would he?”

Zhou Chunhong also added with a smile: “Of course, Zhou Kai also said that this is the best soup he has ever drunk.”

“I’m coming to you in the evening to ask for leftovers.”

The best soup?


Sure enough, hunger is the best condiment!

As long as people are hungry, everything is delicious, not to mention the leftovers of soup, even if the water fed to the pigs is delicious.


Jiang Feng snorted coldly and laughed, “Leftovers from soup? They drink about the same amount of water, and they don’t deserve leftovers at all. ”


“Give him soup with the leftovers you have eaten.”

Zhang Jie and Zhou Chunhong quickly nodded.


“However, they are all hungry and crazy, and I am afraid that they will rob us of our leftovers, which is very likely.”

That’s right!

Jiang Feng also bowed his head slightly, and said with a bad smile

“It’s okay, I arranged for weirdness to stare, just say that it is to maintain the security of the cafeteria, and whoever makes trouble will eat whomever it is.”

“Let’s see if they dare to rob it.”

“In addition, send Xu Yang, Nie Ye, and Ban Hua to taunt them and trample their self-esteem to the ground.”

“Especially those little fairies!”


Murderous? Murderous heart~

Zhang Jie: “………” (shocked).

Jiang Feng just wanted to kill people, moreover, this was only the first step in the plan, to hit their self-esteem first.

Guide them to eat soup scraps

Mock them for eating soup scraps

Stomp their self-esteem on the ground and rub!

The next step is to let them get used to eating residual soup, form inertia of thinking, and if they don’t eat, they will be uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Finally, I like to eat soup scraps!

“I will always provide leftovers and let them eat the soup scraps, so that they wait for leftovers twice a day.”

“Because of hunger, my heart is desperately longing.”

“This will form an obsession-”

“In two days, I will ask the cafeteria to prepare a meal that the player can eat, but they will definitely not find that there is something that anyone in the canteen can eat because of the inertia of thinking.”

“I won’t let them find out either!”

“When they finish the leftover soup…”

“Then tell them that there is something to eat in the cafeteria.”


“Their self-esteem is completely broken.”

“Broken jars are broken, self-depravity, waiting for leftovers to be eaten, and completely accustomed to this.”

Zhou Chunhong: “………” (confused).



You, you’re too bad for fun, aren’t you?

Zhang Jie glared and gasped, are you a native devil of thriller games?

What’s weirder than weird… Top Torment King!

However, it’s really enjoyable~

(You’re so bad, I like it so much)


Zhang Jie and Zhou Chunhong looked adoring.

Jiang Feng also generously promised: “As long as you cooperate well, I guarantee that you can pass the first round.”

“From tomorrow, you will change jobs!”

“Help three children make nuts.”

“That’s my business, it’s monitored by security, and it’s very safe when I don’t usually show up outside.”

“Thank you Brother Feng!”

“Thank you Brother Feng!”

They were pleasantly surprised and almost knocked Jiang Feng….


Xu Yang, Nie Ye, and Jia Haoran followed Huang An and the strange security guards back, their faces full of excitement.

“This Gauss rifle is really powerful~”


“Brother Feng, it’s a pity that you didn’t follow, we swept wildly in the suburbs, destroyed the decay, and exploded!”

“Yes, Brother Feng, this gun is so powerful.”

“That’s right…”

Even the weird security guards were full of praise.

Jiang Feng smiled indifferently: “It’s nothing, you can just like it, practice well, practice seriously!”

“The era of bare hands is over…”

“No matter how high the kung fu is, I am afraid of kitchen knives!”

“Skills are no better than technology.”

In the horror world, weird technology is very developed, and although the weird combat skills are strong, they are also suppressed by technology.

Just like traditional martial arts, heroes are late!

Technology in hand, don’t say what powerful ghosts, red clothes, fierce murderers, even the ghost king and ghost emperor can be cut down.

Times have changed….

Huang An sighed and felt empathy, he was a veteran ghost, and he was also mixed up as a security guard.

Although masters are important, there are also many of them!

The living space has been compressed by technology~

Hero Twilight!

Fortunately, now there are thighs to hold, in addition to Jiang Feng’s super thighs, the three squirrels are also thighs.

You must desperately follow the big guys to mess around~

Huang An made up his mind and obeyed!

Jiang Feng introduced to them the leftovers of Zhou Kai, Zhang Yang, and the little fairies eating leftovers, and announced the plan.

Everyone was very interested——

“Brother Feng, let me stare!”

“I want to go too~”

“I, I, I…”

“And me…”


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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