“Peel a little, yes, peel a little more.”

“Let the master check and check.”

“Well, yes, it’s getting more and more flavorful…”

“You guys rest early~”

Jiang Feng closed his mobile phone and looked at Gao Muqing, his eyes were very apprehensively red, and he was faintly curious.

He calmly explained casually:

“I’m asking them to peel onions.”

“Don’t think crookedly.”

“Don’t stand there, go to sleep~”

“I have to work tomorrow!”

Peel, peel onions? Forget it, what about him, what does it have to do with himself? Now there are more important things.

Ban Hua took a deep breath and perked up.

She nodded and asked

“Brother Feng, should I go take a bath?”


“I’m a little scared, can I go together?”


“I’m afraid that something weird will suddenly come out…”


Yes, there is such a possibility, but it is not particularly large, this is the dormitory for security department employees.

Come here to make trouble, the old birthday star eats arsenic?

It’s been a long time!

However, it is normal for girls to be afraid, after all, they have seen too many classmates killed and eaten alive.

It was miserable, and she almost suffered herself….

Can you not be afraid?

The dormitory does not have a private bathroom, only a public bathroom, and must be more afraid of encountering any danger.

Gao Muqing is still away from her family for the first time!

It’s understandable~

Jiang Feng generously agreed: “OK, okay, it just so happens that I also drank wine, and there is a smell of alcohol on my body.”

The two hit it off and went to the public bathroom.

The towels are all new but the quality is average!

Shower gel


Toothpaste toothbrush

Bed linen cover

Huang Andu helped to replace the new one, although clean, but all are ordinary brands, barely use no problem, Gao Muqing feels that this is very good.

However, Jiang Feng didn’t want to make do with it just like that.

You have to buy high-end ones!

I don’t lack tricks!

Fortunately, inside his space watch, he brought a few top-quality cotton towels, shampoo, and shower gel from the desert, but there were no quilts.

“Let’s take time to go to the big mall tomorrow~”

“Buy some good silk quilts.”

“And televisions and household appliances…”

Jiang Feng said to himself while taking a bath.

Gao Muqing: ????? (Shocked).

Good guys, are you really here to travel? Going to the mall during working hours, not afraid of being swallowed alive by weirdness? Players escape the quest and kill if they want to!


The idea of the big guy is really unique!


After taking a bath, Jiang Feng checked, and in the small city where the garden community on the other side is located, there is only one high-end department store, called Ito-Yo Ghost Hall.


“That’s a great name…”

“Huh~” (speechless).

You don’t need to look at it, it’s definitely home!

So why not?

He put down his mobile phone, put his arm around his sister, prepared to rest, and told Ban Hua very understandingly: “Don’t worry, the sound insulation here is not good, I won’t mess around.”

Gao Muqing breathed a sigh of relief, his face full of gratitude.

“Thank you!”

“When I go back… Belch… You didn’t say…”

Jiang Feng: “Collect some interest first!”

Gao Muqing: “………………” (speechless).

The two were in a warm and comfortable dormitory, washed cleanly, and slept soundly, and Xu Yang was okay.

Relatively speaking

The other students were a little uncomfortable.

The player’s dormitory is in the basement, next to the garage, cold and damp, and it is particularly crowded and dirty!

Male and female gamers, sleeping on either side.


Half of the people have been eliminated today.

Otherwise, you really can’t sleep so much here, but even if you do, you will be shivering with cold.

Horror world, originally lack of sunlight!

It is also full of yin and cold, and the temperature at night is around freezing, which is true for all seasons.

Cold spots, even freezing every night.

Players sleep on broken blankets.

Covered with dirty rags.

Boom, bones are crunching!

“Hmm~It’s so cold~”

“Oh my God, I’m cold and hungry, can I really last until six days later?”

“I’m freezing to death…”

“I’m starving to death…”

“It’s all to blame that Jiang Feng is unwilling to help us!”

“That’s right, this horse bastard thing.”

“Sooner or later he will be punished.”

“It must have been struck by heavenly thunder!”

Zhou Kai and Li Hao scolded and cursed, and the little fairies also scolded the street, people, not suffering from the few and suffering from unevenness, they are afraid of contrast, and their hearts are unbalanced.

Only Zhang Jie and Zhou Chunhong did not speak.

The two snuggled face to face.

Shivering, leaning close to the warmth.


Zhou Chunhong looked down awkwardly and sighed: “I’m afraid we can’t hold on like this, I’m cold, hungry and afraid…”


Zhang Jie quietly took out a chicken leg and quietly handed it to her, Zhou Chunhong was stunned, this, this, such a big chicken leg? Jiang Feng’s leftovers?

Roasted until oily skin

Meat the size of a fist

It looks so delicious~


She swallowed and shook her head with difficulty.

Leaned over and whispered: “No, I can’t eat your chicken legs, Jiang Feng said that I can’t give it to others…”

Zhang Jie corrected without any waves in her heart

“Brother Feng is saying that you can’t give it to others casually.”

“Especially the ones who contradict him…”

“You didn’t scold him!”

“There is no contradiction with him!”

“If you want, you can come with me tomorrow and beg him to give us leftovers and ask for help.”

“As long as we are willing to pay the price…”

Zhou Chunhong sighed with frustration on his face: “However, we don’t have the appearance of Ban Hua, what price do we pay?”

“It doesn’t have to be Brother Feng!”

“It’s useless for either of us to be together.”

Zhang Jie muttered calmly in a low voice: “There will be a way, not only do that, first ask Brother Feng!”

Zhou Chunhong: “Uh-huh, I’ll go with you!”

“Eat quickly~”

“You’re so nice…”

The relationship between the two gradually became vigtorical.

The next day

Early morning

Jiang Feng got up early, washed up, and prepared to go to the security department to check in, and then took leave to go shopping.

Ito-Yo Onido, big shopping starts!


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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