“Classmate Jiang Feng… Please save me…”

Gao Muqing’s eyes were blank, tears were watery, and the tears of the size of soybeans flowed one by one, and his mood was very low.

She came to Jiang Feng and made up her mind.

There is also a mentality of a dead horse being a living horse doctor.

Although he did not offend Jiang Feng, he also did not help Jiang Feng, and he always liked to protect his life.

Do not participate in conflicts and be cautious in your words and deeds.

It is called the high cold class flower….

There was no friendship between the two sides.

Well, now, there can only be fair trade!

She was afraid that the “chips” might not be able to impress Jiang Feng.

Looking at Gao Muqing, a study committee member/class flower, pleading in such a low voice, Jiang Feng also asked with interest:

“Save you? Well, no problem, yes! ”

“But what’s the benefit?”

“You can’t let me help for nothing~”

He didn’t have any prejudice against Gao Muqing, after all, people didn’t mess with him, but they didn’t have much friendship.

There is no such thing as a free lunch!

There is no love for no reason, there is no hate for no reason, and of course asking others for help cannot be said casually.

Real money, so bad meaning ~

(manual funny).

His original intention was to let Ben spend money –

One hundred thousand, solve this trouble!

million, pack her through the first round!

Millions, don’t worry about the first five rounds!

If you can give out 100 million, hehe, then you have the opportunity to be his dog legs, followed by fragrant and spicy drinks.

And yet

Gao Muqing thought crookedly, and replied silently

“My reward is myself!”

“If it’s not enough…”

“I can still give money, although my family is not very rich, but there is still no shortage of millions.”

Jiang Feng: ????? (Confused).

Eh, lying groove, this also has to be Versailles, there is no shortage of millions in the family, is it not rich? Whoever dies….

Wait, this Nima isn’t the point either, okay?

What the hell does it mean to be paid for yourself?

“Uh… I say… You too…”

The corner of Jiang Feng’s speechless mouth twitched, and he wanted to say nothing, afraid that he would kill people by saying it, so he could only sigh.


Girl, before the next offer, ask the price!

You’re reporting high….

Can I still take the initiative to reduce the price?

Sorry, the descendants of the capital family, can’t do it, you can say as much as you want, Jiang Feng cleared his throat:


“You, willing to pay such a big price?”


He really couldn’t figure it out, why did Ban Hua quote such a ruthless price in the first place, didn’t learn to do business?

Gao Muqing lowered his head and said truthfully: “I miss my parents and I want to be with them forever!” They are the people I love the most, and they love me the most…”

Jiang Feng’s eyes flickered, and his heart was not very calm.

Wasn’t I like this a few days ago~

He replied quietly and calmly: “Very reasonable, the price is very suitable, I have no reason to refuse.”

“Since you are willing to pay millions-”

“I’ll pack you through the first round!”

“As for yourself…”

Before the words of refusal could be spoken, Xu Yang grabbed his hand and preemptively stopped him: “Yourself, take the initiative yourself, take advantage of it this time.”

“You don’t even know how scary 404 is!”

“Bai Xiaofeng there…”

“Pumped by the toilet…”


“It’s all into trumpet flowers! It’s miserable! ”

“You steal the fun~”

“Fortunately, there is Brother Feng, this is all friendship price, Bai Xiaofeng and Yang Xiaoman, no matter how much money they give, there is no drama.”

His vivid gestures, gags, and blocking Brother Feng’s refusal of Gao Muqing, how could this kind of thing be refused?

Xu Yang had long found that the price of Ban Hua was high, and Brother Feng was a little unbearable, and he might take the initiative to reduce the price.

But, Ban Hua, why let it go?

It’s good to solve the hunger these days!

He was completely thinking about Brother Feng.

Gold Medal Dogleg!

Jiang Feng also shrugged helplessly: “Alas, forget it, are you ready to pay once?” First time? Or how? ”

Taking a deep breath, Gao Muqing said in a trembling voice:

“As long as you can help me.”

“The first five rounds of the game can be played for this time!”

“On call…”

“If I’m eliminated, it goes without saying that if I complete five rounds of forced play, the deal is over.”


Jiang Feng nodded: “I have no opinion!”



And so on

Trading to five rounds of forced game over?

A few million sent me away….

Hey, isn’t this right, isn’t five rounds 10 million? Aren’t you overpriced? Why did this Nima still reduce the price?

Could it be that you have encountered a business trap?


Jiang Feng turned his head and glared at Xu Yang angrily, just because you have a lot of things to do on horseback, and make me less money, it’s really a pit.

Xu Yang: “…………………” (confused).

What’s wrong with me?

Fortune, you are still not happy?

How many meanings?

Gao Muqing asked nervously: “Jiang, Brother Feng, what should I do?” If I don’t go, I’m sure to get a bad review, and he’ll definitely call again. ”

“Accumulated three times, that’s three bad reviews!”

“I don’t know what to do anymore…”

Jiang Feng narrowed his eyes and said with a smile

“Why don’t you go? I have long wanted to clean him up, grass, I have never seen such an arrogant pervert, it must be solved! ”

“I’m going to clean him up if you don’t come—”

“It’s just now, let’s fish for law enforcement!”

Phishing enforcement?

Phishing enforcement!

Gao Muqing, Xu Yang, Nie Ye, and Jia Haoran had different reactions, some of them understood in seconds, and some were confused.

Jiang Feng had a bad smile on his face and boldly arranged:

“Ban Hua, you go inside 404 first, pay attention, try not to stand by the door, wait for us for a few seconds is enough.”

“You go in, I’ll break down the door right away.”

“Beat that bastard up!”

Players playing weird? It’s too exciting, he, but this plan must be supported by Huang An and send someone to help.

Just Xu Yang and they go, isn’t that delivering dishes?

How weird!

Make a big scene!


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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