【Login countdown 03:00:00】

【Players, please prepare】

[Log in to Horror World three hours later].




In the room, Jiang Feng was sleeping in a daze, and suddenly woke up by the game prompt, and he opened his eyes in dissatisfaction.

“Log in to your sister, have a fart relationship with me!”

“Isn’t this inside?”

He yawned, rubbed his eyes, lifted his head from Shirley’s stomach, withdrew his arm from Jasmine’s arms, and took Ellie aside from between her knees.

Three loli throw pillows, clearly overused.

Fei Fei, the first shift leader of the maid, is now Jiang Feng’s exclusive maid leader, and the first personal maid.

Seeing the owner get up, he immediately helped to change clothes.

Rice to open mouth / clothes to reach out belongs to is….

The fox maid Feifei seriously reminded him while helping him change his clothes: “Master, you need to be self-disciplined, you can’t do whatever you want, you look at your mental state.”

“That’s not good~”

Jiang Feng smiled awkwardly: “Ah, yes, yes, I will pay attention, Feifei, you can rest assured, don’t worry!”


The two changed their clothes and went downstairs to eat-

Mom and Dad, grandparents, and grandpa Jiang Hao are all in the restaurant, helping to prepare the items needed in the game.

For example: food, props, documents, etc

Braised beef (thunder beef).

Braised chicken thighs (pseudophoenix golden chicken).

Canned meat (anaconda meat).

Bottled milk (produced by the cow witch maid).

Identity card

Membership card

Driver’s license

Tricky Hanako

Tricky wine Maotai

Horror World Map Brochure

iPad 1000 tablet

All kinds of things, very complete, and exactly no more than one cubic meter, space watches can fit.

They weren’t worried about Jiang Feng’s safety!

As long as Jiang Feng reveals his identity.

Not many people in the horror world dare not give face!

Although the terrifying world is thousands of times larger than the earth, any town has the power of the Jiang family, which is deeply rooted.

Moreover, Jiang Feng had a large number of weapon props.

Enough to protect yourself!

The things they prepared were all living materials, and they were afraid that Jiang Feng would not eat well, wear warm clothes, and suffer in the game.


I really think of thriller games as tourism….

Others are afraid of death, Jiang Feng is afraid of boredom, and the whole family is worried that he is not used to going far away, so it can be said that he is fully prepared.

Mother: “Xiaofeng, this is a terrifying world identity card, which can prove that you are the young master of the Jiang family, and entrust hotels, enterprises, overlords, and bigwigs around the world to take care of you.”

Dad: “This is some normal food.”

Grandpa: “This is the material of the thriller game.”

Grandma: “This is ordinary grade tobacco and alcohol…”

Jiang Feng accepted it one by one, nodded obediently and responded: “Thank you fathers and mothers, thank you grandparents, thank you grandpa.”

“Silly child, what is the family thankful for?”

Mom and dad smiled fondly.

“Be safe yourself.”

“Something called our name.”

In the past two days, there have been various celebrations at home, and relatives and friends have come to see Jiang Feng one after another, all of them are very happy.

Seven aunts and eight aunts, uncles, cousins, cousins and other relatives, hold banquets every day, and everyone drinks numbness!

Jiang Feng’s trickery is also getting stronger and stronger——

After eating the Xuantian CAR-T Origin Pill, his body and talent were reborn, his tricky power skyrocketed, and his upper limit skyrocketed.

Already able to charge the iPhone 2000 by yourself!

According to the data of the thriller game interface ——

Level: Wandering Soul

Tricks: 1000+

(Weird level: Lone Soul – Wandering Soul – Grievance Soul – Fierce Spirit – Evil Spirit – Fierce Ghost – Red Clothes – Great Murderer – Ghost King – Ghost Emperor – Hades).

In just a few days, it directly rose two levels!

Step over the Lone Soul level.

Directly promoted to the Soul Ranger level.

In this regard, Jiang Feng himself is also very satisfied!

“Don’t worry, I’m already at the Soul Wandering level, and I have a little combat power when I encounter ordinary weirdness.”

“Of course, it’s best to try not to conflict.”

“If I really want to fight, I will try to sneak attack!”

Soul Wandering Class?

The family praised: “Not bad, this talent is very good, cross-level promotion to wandering soul, extraordinary!”

“Well, yes, yes, it’s really good.”

“Try not to do it~”

“Let’s fight for the world!”

Jiang Feng also thought deeply: “Not bad, there is no injustice and no hatred, there is no need to do it, we must understand the world.”

“OK, I’m leaving, I’ll be back in a few days.”

“Bye bye!”

Jiang Feng logged out and returned to the real world.

“Bye bye!”

Seeing him disappear out of thin air, Li Xueya, Jiang Bowen, Luo Jinfeng, Jiang Zhentian, and Jiang Hao smiled bitterly.

“Hey yo hey, Wandering Soul Level, my God!”

“Who can you fight this with?”

“Enough energy for the iPhone 2000!”

“The little fart kid on the side of the road has to wander the soul too, right?”

“Don’t look down on the little fart children, some little fart children are also ghost level, even red clothes level, fierce very loud!”

“Alas, Xuantian CAR-T Origin Pill, can actually only be promoted to wandering soul, it seems that Xiao Feng is not suitable for cultivation~”

“It reminds me of Sasuke Uchiha-”

“Exterminating the clan angrily opened a jade writing wheel eye.”

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter, our family is not short of thugs, put the work on the next generation, give birth to more demon genes, I hope to improve combat effectiveness.”

The whole family joked helplessly.

Only the maid Fifi seriously guessed:

“Perhaps, it is because of the problem of Xuantian CAR-T Origin Pill, this pill was developed for terrifying creatures.”

“It may not be suitable for human physique!”

Li Xueya: “Makes sense…”

Jiang Bowen: “It’s too…”

Luo Jinfeng: “The fox demon gene is really smart!”

Jiang Zhentian: “That’s right, then why did you arrange three loli for Xiao Feng?” Isn’t it okay to ask Fifi to accompany her? ”

Jiang Hao: “………” (embarrassed).

Jiang Hao: “With Xiao Feng’s current physique, he can only make do with the demon loli, and he can’t lose his confidence.”


Rongcheng, Xijiao Middle School, the third and sixth classes of high school, most of the selected students have already gathered here to prepare.

They are all willing to accept the command of the squad cadres!

Before the game starts, it is inevitable to brainwash.

What a dream

What indications

What spirit

Impassioned to say some useless!


The countdown ends

[The first round of the thriller game is ready to start].

Calling players to sign in

Force login in progress

In an instant, all the students disappeared out of thin air and entered the terrifying world, looking at the dim and gloomy sky, almost scared.

“Is this a thriller game?”

“It’s so scary, I’m so scared!”

“It’s a lot scarier than a thriller simulation experience…”

Everyone panicked, and the squad leader Wu Guowei was also provoked, he was shocked by the yin qi of the terrifying world and was uncomfortable.

Relatively speaking

Xu Yang and several people who came in with Jiang Feng were also standing next to them, but they didn’t feel anything, or even inexplicably.

“Horror? Isn’t this the same as a simulation? ”

“What’s crazy about them?”

“Aren’t you so brave in class?”

Nie Ye, Xu Yang, Jia Haoran they looked confused, looked at each other in shock, and they were afraid, but as for?

The more fearful, the more dangerous it is~

Jiang Feng chuckled, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, the horror world has a yin qi, ordinary people can’t stand it, they will be very afraid!

Xu Yang, why are they not afraid?

I’ve smoked a weird cigarette in advance~

There is a trick in the body, and it is easy to adapt.



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