“Xiaojiang, are you really not afraid to participate in thriller games?”

“Shouldn’t you be unable to think about it?”

“Don’t beat yourself up~”

Wang Siya’s faintly worried speculation, this suspicion is not unfounded, and even almost correct.

Before, Jiang Feng really wanted to give up the struggle…

Now, just lie down and win!

Horror World? Hehe, just go home, when others are still at the starting line, I have already parachuted to the finish.

“Don’t worry, Sister Wang, I know it in my heart.”

“This game is not so scary!”

“At least it’s simple for me!”

“Absolutely sure…”

Jiang Feng smiled slightly, mysterious, but confident, which made the landlord mother and daughter look at each other in surprise.

Very simple?


Luo Ning sat on the chair, shook his feet, and nodded expectantly: “Then you have to come back safely~”

“My mother and I are still waiting for you to cover it!”




“Hmm… No problem…” Jiang Feng’s heart was ape, his eyes wandered and touched his nose, and the dishes were almost deflected.

Wang Siya was also thinking about something absentmindedly.

In the end, as if he had made some important decision, he solemnly squinted his eyes and looked at Jiang Feng, his eyes flickering a little.

There was also a hint of shame hidden on his face.

She lifted the shoulder straps of her dress, brushed her long black hair behind her ears, sighed, smiled back and said

“Then it’s settled!”

“You boy, don’t break your word.”

“We must come back alive to cover us later.”

“Otherwise, I won’t let you go!”

Jiang Feng was full of confidence, not worried, did not put the thriller game in his eyes at all, and easily agreed to it casually.

After eating, Luo Ning went back to his room to write his homework.

Wang Siya unhurriedly put away the dishes and chopsticks.

Jiang Feng also took his leave and prepared to go home!

However, the beautiful landlady looked at her daughter’s room and muttered quietly: “Xiaojiang, I have had some heart palpitations and asthma recently, can you do me a favor?”

“Okay, how can I help?”

Sister Wang needs help, and Jiang Feng is responsible.

After all, people just invited themselves to eat~

What’s more, neighbors should help each other, and he listened carefully, wondering what Sister Wang needed to help.

“Wait a minute, I’m busy looking for you!”

Jiang Feng: “Hmm~” (serious face).

“Just help me massage a few acupuncture points.”

Jiang Feng: “Huh?” (Confused).

“Zhengzhong, Tianchi, Tianxi, Shenfeng, Dabao, and Zhongtang Cave, etc., you go back and check where it is first.”

Jiang Feng: “Hmm…” (shocked) (shocked) (shocked).

Groove! There is no need to check at all, he now knows where it is, that is not in, in, cough cough~

“Sister still has to wash the dishes, you go back first!”

“I’ll come to you when I’m done in a while.”

Wang Siya said seriously, not smiling, which made Jiang Feng embarrassed to ask more, and could only obediently obey.


“Then I’ll go back first, see you Sister Wang!”

He was disheveled and fled, ran back to the room with a strange expression, turned on the computer and checked to make sure that he was not mistaken.


Not a joke, right?


“Do you want to prepare something?” No, of course not, isn’t that just right? The internal mission of the family is about to be completed…”

Jiang Feng took a deep breath and decided to take a shower first!

After taking a shower

Wait, wait, wait, sister Wang has not yet come, he is idle and bored, using his mobile phone to watch the news on the Internet:

[The first round of the thriller game has begun, a thousand players around the world have been selected, and the billionaires in Europe have spent a lot of money to help].

[Consortium seeks to buy thriller game weapons].

[Buying thriller players with heavy money].

[The world’s rich fear thriller game, spending a lot of money to seek protection, the first round of gamers has attracted much attention].

“Rich people are afraid of death~”

“No, it should be said that anyone is afraid of death!”

“It’s just that rich people are willing to pay for their lives.”

Jiang Feng pouted, his expression was playful, and the horror of the thriller game made the rich generously pay for it, and the krypton gold was robbed.

However, there is no egg use yet

At least wait until the first players come back alive!

Sell all kinds of weird items.

Only then did they have a chance to krypton gold.

“Strange items? I can sell it, just to make some money to improve my life, buy a car, buy a house, and prepare to develop a family! ”

“Let’s sell tricky coins~”

“I have a million coins in cash anyway.”

Jiang Feng thought to himself, there is no house and car in the real world, it must not be very convenient.

Although, the beautiful landlady is beautiful and delicious, and she can’t live here forever, and sooner or later she has to change a big house.

It is necessary to make more money and develop the family!

“If you want to sell tricky money…”

“Moments of friends, idle fish, thriller game forums, short videos and small yellow cars can all be sold, and there are no procedures.”

“Don’t worry about no one buying it!”

Perhaps, no one can recognize the trick coin yet, but after the first round of the thriller game, it will definitely do.

Tricky coins are very important in the world of horrors ——

There is money all over the world.

It’s hard to move without money.

Every thriller player can’t help but get acquainted!

Jiang Feng took out the trick coin, took a few photos, and posted it to the circle of friends, the idle fish market, the horror forum, and the little yellow car.

[Thriller world currency – tricky coin, Tong Suo no deception, absolutely genuine, limited quantity, exchange rate: 100 yuan 1 tricky coin].

[Exchange limit: 1,000,000 coins].

[Minimum exchange: 100 coins].

[Photo][Photo][Photo][Short video].

There is no doubt that before the start of the thriller game, it may cause doubts, but the truth will inevitably hit the face, and Jiang Feng does not matter.

Controversy, questioning, ranting, what?


How hard to scold now, how much remorse you will have in the future!

He fearlessly sent out the details of the goods, set a million coins in stock, and set a 100:1 exchange price.

Just finished posting

Confirm the start of sale

The anticipation knock on the door finally sounded——




Jiang Feng couldn’t wait to trot over and open the door!

“Sister Wang…”

Wang Siya changed into a set of dressing gowns and asked calmly: “Xiaojiang, have you checked these acupuncture points?”

Jiang Feng tilted his head helplessly and replied affirmatively:

“Check it out…”


“Are you sure you want to press these acupuncture points?”

Wang Siya was serious: “Of course!”


“Then let’s start with Tianxi-”


Wang Siya pretended to be calm: “Go on~”

“It’s Chinaka—”

“It’s a big bag—”

“This is the Spirit Ruin—”

“This is the Divine Seal—”

“I can still press these five acupuncture points at the same time!”


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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