It's one thing to see your skills in a video.

Witnessing him easily defuse a second-generation vampire attack, and seem to be at an absolute advantage...that's another story.

After fighting for so many years, there are no naive idiots among these human warriors of the Light and Shadow Alliance.

They know very well how terrifying the strength of drunkards is.

And Luo Xiu is obviously more terrifying than terror!

The drunkard walked staggeringly at the front, and took Admiral Dake and the others to a warehouse where supplies were piled up.

There is a long table that can project holograms, and there are several chairs, and several people have been waiting here.

Just by smelling the smell, Luo Xiu knew that 4 of them were vampires and only 1 was human.

They were wearing casual clothes.

The alcoholic sat at one end of the long table, and Roche was seated at the other.

"Everyone is here, then let's start?" The drunkard looked at everyone with a smile.

One of the staff who followed the alcoholic poured him another half glass of red wine very thoughtfully, then added half a glass of viscous blood plasma to it, and then handed it to him after shaking it gently.

The alcoholic took a sip and seemed a little dissatisfied, and the subordinate quickly took out a thumb-sized bottle from his pocket.

Pour all the colorless liquid inside into the red wine.

The alcoholic took another sip and was satisfied.

Roxiu smelled a pungent fragrance, tilted his head and asked Harry, "What did he pour at the end?"

Harry said: "A drug, a powerful psychedelic drug that can kill a human with 3 grams... This is what alcoholics look for (bfai) for a little excitement."

Admiral Duck tapped the table with his fingers: "Let's start."

Without any extra greetings, a holographic projection of a city map appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"Due to the shortage of human blood, Munihei is now in chaos."

Admiral Duck pointed to the flashing red dots on the map and said: "In the past six months, we have destroyed blood supply camps 2, 3, and 4 one after another."

The three red dots were marked with an X, and then slowly disappeared.

Only 2 small yellow dots on the periphery and a big red dot in the center are still jumping.

Admiral Dake pointed to the big red dot in the middle and said solemnly: "This is our ultimate goal in winning the country!"

The holographic map instantly zooms in.

A magnificent and ancient Gothic building appeared in front of Luo Xiu.

"This is Maria Square."

"Central location in the old town of Munihe."

"It is also the location of the largest blood supply concentration camp today!"

Speaking of which, Admiral Duck looked at the alcoholic who had been wandering the world.

The latter was stunned for a while, and when he saw that everyone was looking at him, he said leisurely:

"Oh, here... A blood supply concentration camp with a very large and very high level of protection has been established, called the Tower of Night."

Elul looked at it for a while: "Where is the tower?"

The drunkard smiled and said, "The tower is below."

The operator opened another hologram.

It was as if the perspective had been opened, and everyone's eyes were now penetrating the old city hall building on Maria Square.

Underneath the building, there is a deep tower that goes down!

Drunkard explained:

"The Night Tower is now responsible for about 80% to 90% of the blood supply in the entire city... So, you know."

"If you destroy this place, everything here will end."

"It's just..."

He turned around and smiled viciously:

"In the city hall building above, there is a vampire army of thousands of people stationed, thirty-two second-generation vampires with titles."

"The tower of night below, let alone!"

"I was fired there long ago, so I don't know the current situation... Anyway, I think the defensive measures are a lot more than the above."

"Everyone, what are you going to do?"

Admiral Dake said with a stern face: "It's very simple! We will first create chaos in the city, disperse their forces, and then storm into the Tower of Night! The revenge team will go down with a small nuclear bomb! Detonate directly!"


It's a play that kills children and never grandchildren.

Luo Xiu finds it boring, and the last thing he likes is to die together. .

Chapter 525 Luo Xiu, I don't want to be a man anymore (thanks for subscribing)

After 5 minutes of the battle meeting of the son and the grandson, Luo Xiu understood it all. Their combat plan is actually very simple and rude.

It's like this now...

Vampires completely crush human beings in terms of numbers, technology, and their own strength.

Therefore, the plan of the Light and Shadow Alliance is to blow up their granary and starve them to death!

But even if you just want to blow up the largest blood supply concentration camp, it is not so easy.

First of all, the Light and Shadow Alliance has had several operations in Munihe, and some comrades who voluntarily converted into vampires have been exposed, dead dead, and withdrawn.

There are now card checks all over the city.

Once a vampire with a chip implanted in its head is found, it will be killed immediately.

So it is difficult to simply lurk in.

then what should we do?

They used the oldest and most reliable infiltration method.

dig! land! road!

A tunnel that has been dug through, connects from outside the city to a mansion in the city.

It's a drunkard's house.

Then, the light and shadow warriors who entered the city began to pretend to attack other blood supply concentration camps to create chaos.

Then, five aircraft loaded with bombs crashed directly into the municipal building in Maria Square!


They hope this move will kill more than half of the vampire soldiers.

Then, the drunk will lead them to the entrance to the Tower of Night.

Go down, detonate the nuke and it's over.

Below this blood supply concentration camp, it is estimated that there are 100,000 human beings.

But the Light and Shadow Alliance would not care about these 100,000 lives.

"In this operation, alcoholics are the key."

Admiral Duck looked at Luo Xiu, and it seemed that he was mainly talking to Luo Xiu:

"He used to be one of the heads of the Night Tower defense system..."

"I used to be the head of the night tower defense system."

The drunkard looked at Admiral Dake drunkenly and corrected with a smile: "No one."

Some of the participants rolled their eyes.

It seems that many people have long disliked the character of alcoholics.

Admiral Dake didn't argue with him, and continued: "So, he is very aware of the structure, traps, and weaknesses of this deep underground tower. Originally, we had full confidence that this attack would be completely impossible. Like what we did in Enamel and Italia before."

Elul asked: "He came here because he was fired over there? Why? What happened?"

The alcoholic laughed at himself: "Because I have a negative attitude."

Admiral Duck's face was not very good: "If you pay attention to the disguise, our task will be much easier."

The drunkard said indifferently: "Hey, hey, for a traitor within a race... you shouldn't ask so much, right?"

Luo Xiu asked: "Drinker, why are you willing to join the Light and Shadow Alliance? It seems that it has been a long time since you transformed into a vampire?"

This question is very straightforward.

He just wanted to know, why some vampires would want to defect?

No matter how you look at it, in this war, only humans should want to surrender to the vampire camp, right?

After all, the difference is too big.

The alcoholic lit himself another cigarette, which smelled very pungent. It was definitely not ordinary tobacco.

He sucked most of it in one breath, and exhaled a **** smoke upward.

Then he smiled and said:

"For a person who is determined to explore the mysteries of the universe, obtaining immortality is of course a great thing for Te Niang... I also volunteered to become a vampire back then..."


"Really turned into a vampire, and I noticed something was wrong."

"I'm not me anymore."

"I don't have the patience to grapple with the hard problems of science."

"Because I'm no longer curious... This matter has no appeal to me anymore."

He looked at Luo Xiu:

"Can you understand that feeling? It's like... you used to be a **** addict, severe, and doing that was the only joy in your life..."

"And then one day, you changed."

"Your things have been strengthened and become invincible!"

"But you're completely out of **** appeal."

"When you see a hot woman, it's no different from seeing a piece of fat and thin pork."

"My curiosity was taken away, and there was an irreparable hole in my heart."

"At this time, existence is a pain."

The alcoholic disdainfully said:

"Vampires are an inferior life form."

"We still have the knowledge of the past, but we are not demanding about the new unknown."

"We don't try to learn anything anymore...and we can't have so-called spiritual enjoyment."

"We don't read books, and we don't even bother to watch movies."

"After the vast majority of people became vampires, they became more and more depraved. All day long, they went crazy to drink, smoke, exercise with multiple people... Enjoy the joy brought by carnal desire to the fullest..."

"Anyway, even if our body is damaged, it will recover quickly!"


"And then there's the ever-rising threshold..."

"General stimulation, we quickly become numb, and what follows is a sense of nothingness that humans can't imagine..."

"I've had enough of this kind of pain!"

"Destroy it! Damn vampire! Inferior trash species!"

It can be seen that the alcoholic is really in pain. He just opened a vent for him, and he sprayed so much in one breath.

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