Chapter 80 The Oncologist [Second Update] | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 84

“This is?” Bai Ye frowned.

When did this thread appear?

He touched his shoulder.

The hand can’t touch it.

Bai Ye recalls.

I don’t remember a time when I was cursed in the middle.

And I have a sweater on myself, if it’s a curse, it shouldn’t be effective.

Bai Ye frowned.

Could it be because of his own identity.

This is the only reason that makes sense.

My identity is the guard of the morgue.

Because of the weird rules and regulations of this hospital.

So I couldn’t leave the morgue myself.

If you want to leave the morgue, you will be restricted by the rules.

Bai Ye knew something in his heart.

Summon the Burning Ghost.

Let her check herself.

There is no silk thread on the Burning Ghost.

“That’s it.” Bai Ye said.

“You go outside and look around, don’t be found, be careful, and come back and tell me after you’ve inquired about the situation upstairs.”

Burning Ghost nodded and left.

Bai Ye returned to the security room.

Look at the gray line on his shoulder.

I thought of a way.

The operation of the dead doctor.

Is your thread considered a negative state?

And this skill is also a kind of surgery.

If this silk thread is connected to one’s own body.

It can always be removed.

Bai Ye put his hand on his shoulder.

In the bottom of my heart, I meditate on the operation of the dead doctor.

Consume 10% of maximum stamina.

Itching on my shoulders.

The part where the gray transparent silk thread is connected to its own body becomes more transparent.

Faded a lot.

But not completely gone.

It seems that this idea is feasible!

It is indeed a black quality skill!

The priority is high.

Bai Ye’s eyes lit up.

Since the idea is feasible.

Then it will be fine.

At most, just wait a little longer.

For a little while, I can still afford to wait.

The Death Doctor’s surgery has only an hour cooldown.

You can move freely by yourself for at most one day.

About three hours later, Burning Ghost finally returned.

“Master, I have checked the situation upstairs.”

“The first and second floors are full of patients. Every once in a while, a doctor will come to check on the patient’s situation… However, those patients are a bit strange.” Fen Gui’s tone was a little strange.

“I think some doctors seem to look more like patients, while some patients don’t seem to be sick.”

Bai Ye was not surprised.

Follow the rules and regulations in this hospital.

It is also normal for a patient to be promoted to a doctor.

It is not uncommon for doctors to be downgraded to patients.

The rules of this hospital are too confusing. “Wait for me for a while.” Bai Ye had already removed the gray thread on his side.

Only the gray silk thread on the other side remains.

After three hours, the gray silk thread on the other side was finally cleaned up.

It’s just continuous high-intensity use of skills.

Bai Ye’s physical strength is not in the best state.

Rest for a while in the security room and eat something.

After recuperating, Bai Ye strode away.

Now it’s time to go and see what’s going on outside.

As long as you find the dean and let the dean agree to his policies, it’s almost over.

First, you need to find the hospital layout map and know where the dean’s office is.

It’s really not okay to ask other people.

Come to the first floor.

It was quiet in the corridor.

There is a strong smell of disinfectant in the air.

“The patients are all in the room.” Burning Ghost said.

The patients in this hospital are very obedient.

All are lying on the bed.

At this moment, a figure in a white coat walked past the corner in the distance.

At the other end of the corridor.

itLooking at Bai Ye.

Bai Ye also looked at it.

Bai Ye was ready to attack.

But unexpectedly, it didn’t call other ghosts.

Instead, walk directly to yourself.

After getting close, Bai Ye could see its appearance clearly.

A ghost with a face on a tumor.

Wearing a white coat.

There is also a stethoscope hanging around his neck.

It said excitedly and scolded Bai Ye, “Why are you wandering around here! Is this where you can wander too!”

“I found out that I am sick, I am a patient, I need to see a doctor.” Bai Ye said.

The oncologist was stunned.

Then he nodded happily.

“Yes, yes, you need to see a doctor when you are sick. I am a doctor, and I will see a doctor for you!”

He dragged Bai Ye to his office.

The mouth is still talking non-stop.

“I’m a doctor, you’re a patient, you can find me when you’re sick.”

Bai Ye didn’t refuse either.

This is the corridor, there are too many people.

It’s not good to make a lot of noise.

When walking through the corridor, Bai Ye looked at the open door of the ward.

In the ward, there are patients one after another.

They’ve been infusions.

The body has exaggerated edema.

Still on constant infusion.

Come to the office.

The oncologist excitedly asked Bai Ye what was wrong.

Bai Ye said it was a heart attack.

The oncologist tilted his head, and the tumor on his head kept jumping.

Like a big drum.

Tumor thumping and jumping.

It had an idea.

“Cut your chest open, let me see your heart, and I’ll know what kind of heart disease you have.” The oncologist danced with excitement for his ingenuity.

Open the cabinet behind you and take out the scalpel from the instrument rack in the cabinet.

Just turned around.

A pair of large scissors was placed around its neck.

On the left and right sides, the sharp scissors flickered with a faint cold light.

The oncologist innocently dropped the scalpel in the palm of his hand.

Hold your head with both hands.

The action is skillful and distressing.

“Hey, he’s another troll. I didn’t make these rules. If you have the ability, you can go to him…” The oncologist muttered.

“Who is he?” Bai Ye narrowed his eyes.

It seems that this oncologist knows a lot.

The oncologist looked at Bai Ye suspiciously.

“Are you new here?”

The ghosts in the hospital must know him.

However, the oncologist looked at the scissors around his neck and obediently said everything he knew.

“He’s the one who makes the rules.”

“Everyone must follow the rules. If they violate the rules, they will be pulled into the second floor.”

“The monthly rotation system of doctors and patients was also formulated by him.” The oncologist did not wait for Bai Ye to ask questions, and said all in one go.

“Where is the dean?” Bai Ye asked.

“The Dean is in the office on the top floor.” The oncologist told Bai Ye how to get to the Dean’s office.

“I know the dean. He used to be the stupid pillar of the bed next to me. Let me tell you, he has a problem with his brain.” The oncologist said mysteriously.

“He likes role-playing, so he’s the best in the hospital and gets the quickest promotion.”

Look at the tumor that covers almost the entire head on the oncologist’s head.

I think you should have a look too.

Bai Ye’s mouth twitched.

“There used to be a lot of bad guys in this hospital. They were hot-tempered and liked to fight and kill, and they were all locked up on the second floor by him.” The oncologist sighed.

“Now the rest of the hospital are good people like me.”

“I’m going to the ward round, the doctor has to do three rounds a day.” The oncologist pleaded.

“If I perform badly, I’ll become a patient.”

“If you want to go, you can eat this lunch.” Bai Ye made a cursed takeaway.

The oncologist looked at the ominous takeaway.

Hesitate again and again.

Still ate it clean.

“As long as you don’t sell me, there will be no problem with this lunch box,” Bai Ye said.

“If you betray me, you will… bang~” Bai Ye made a thud.

Made an explosion gesture. .

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