Chapter 76 Blood Coffin [Second Update] | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 80

The rapid honking of the whistle echoed on the road.

An ambulance drove into Jiaxing Private Hospital.

Inside the security booth.

There is a blurry shadow with an indistinct face standing in the security booth.

Bai Ye retracted his gaze.

There is a coffin shop more than 100 meters in front of Jiaxing Private Hospital.

The coffin shop is not small.

It occupies two stores.

There is a coffin shop next to the hospital, and Bai Ye can only say a good guy.

Walking into the coffin shop, Bai Ye realized that there was another customer besides him in the shop.

a woman.

The woman is about twenty-five or six years old, and she is very beautiful. The upper body is a red turtleneck sweater and the lower body is a pair of tight flared trousers.

The only fly in the ointment is her pale face.

An old man was sitting in the coffin shop.

The old man first glanced at Bai Ye suspiciously.

The woman said, “Do you have a blood coffin in your store?”

“There is no stock in stock. If you want, you can pay a deposit and get it the day after tomorrow.” The old man said lightly.

“I want it today.” The woman’s lips were as bright as blood.

Her voice was shrill.

The shrill voice echoed in the coffin shop.

Bai Ye’s hair stood on end.

It seems that there are countless claws scratching in my heart.

“Fucking?” The old man grinned.

Showing a mouth full of big yellow teeth. Three folds appeared at the root of the mountain under his Yintang. The drooping eyelid skin was turned up, and there was a murderous aura rising from the ground between the brows.

“Although I’m still human now, I’m even more vicious than you when I die!”

“Old man, I have already chosen a coffin and a grave for myself!”

The female ghost was shocked.

He glanced at Old Man Deng fearfully.

He took another look at the back hall where the coffins were covered with a curtain.

“Then I’ll come back the day after tomorrow.” The female ghost Shi Shiran left the coffin shop.

The back disappeared into the fog on the road.

“You didn’t pay the deposit.” Old Man Deng said.

In the fog, a gold ingot was thrown out.

Landed on the counter of old man Deng.

“Does anyone still use this stuff these days?” Old Man Deng wondered.

Then the old man looked at Bai Ye.

“What kind of coffin are you buying for yourself as a living person?”

“Coffins are for the dead. We’ll talk about it when you’re dead.” The old man waved his hand.

“Deng’s coffin shop, right here.” Bai Ye took out the certificate of title.

The old man’s eyes narrowed.

“It turned out to be the new boss, but the old man Deng was abrupt.”

Bow with both hands.

This is actually a living person.

Bai Ye looked at the old man.

No matter how you look at it, it is a living person.

“I’m not dead yet.” Old Man Deng said helplessly.

He was stared furiously by Bai Ye.

Bai Ye nodded, but it was a little strange.

It is said that this roadside shop requires at least a half-step red-clothed ghost to open.

How can this old man Deng be a living person?

“This shop is inherited from ancestors, and there is a little skill passed down in the family.” Old man Deng got up.

Bring Bai Ye to the back hall.

There is a coffin in the back hall of the shop.

“This is my wife. She left early, almost ten years ago. I don’t dare to disturb her, but with her around, ordinary ghosts will give me a little face.” Old Deng said with emotion.

“What’s your wife’s strength?” Bai Ye is very vulgar.

I like to ask straightforward questions like this.

“I don’t know, but my wife quarreled fiercely during her lifetime, and sometimes ghosts are afraid of her.” Old Man Deng hesitated.

He didn’t open the coffin.

Naturally it is not clear.

Before his wife left, he instructed him not to open the coffin easily unless he was in danger of life and death.

He also listens to his wife.

Because my wife is here, this coffin is laid out like thisIt has been running smoothly.

He also waited ten years in the coffin shop.

“Since the coffin shop has been sold, the shop will be handed over to you, the owner.”

“Old Deng, you are not funny, you will run away as soon as I come.” Bai Ye asked.

Why do you want an empty coffin shop?

What is needed is talent, even ghosts.

“I’m going to die, shopkeeper.” Old Man Deng smiled bitterly and said this fact plainly.

“I only have three months of Yangshou left. If I want to have a good life after death, I must work hard before I die. I have already picked a good cemetery outside the city, and I’m going to live in it first to get used to it.”

“You go out of the city alone?” Bai Ye pointed outside.

“.” This city has become like this, how can you go out of the city?”

Old Deng’s face became bitter.

“There is always some way, although it’s not very secure, but it can still be a fight.”

“Since there are still three months left, let’s accompany her here.” Bai Ye said, pointing to his wife’s coffin.

“If you want to go out of the city, I have a way to get you out of the city safely. You can work here now.”

Bai Ye refers to the horror train.

Wait for the train to arrive, and then take him out of the city.

“That would be troublesome for the head of the family.” Old Man Deng did not refuse.

Bai Ye then communicated with old man Deng.

Through communication, I learned that his ability to punch coffins is ancestral.

All kinds of coffins can be punched.

The blood coffin that the female ghost asked for is a kind of murderous coffin.

Specially for Specter.

Every time it is used, the coffin must be soaked with human blood, and then the Li Guiguan (Liao Wang Zhao) will be placed in it.

It only takes seven, seven and forty-nine days, and the Specter can go through the blood coffin and become a Red-clothed Specter.

More importantly, this blood coffin can be reused.

As long as there is enough human blood.

This is good stuff.

“Old Deng, you need to build more of these blood coffins.”

Bai Ye’s eyes lit up with hunger.

This energy continuously mass-produces red-clothed ghosts.

Even if it’s just the most common red-clothed ghost.

is also sufficient to be usable.

In the future, if you want to open a branch in your own supermarket, you don’t have to worry about the shortage of manpower.

“I don’t have that many materials here, I only have enough to build two.” Old Man Deng said.

The materials in his coffin shop are all imported from lumber factories.

However, recently, the frequency of transporting wood from lumber mills has become less and less frequent.

There are not many survivors piled up in the coffin shop. .

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