Three Sisters Chop Me to Upgrade

Chapter 69: Player challenge copy

Under Yang Xiaofan's deterrence, those who wanted to make trouble retreated silently.

The Scarlet Empire Guild set a good example for this group of people. Before they learned the evolution skills, they couldn't provoke a ‘picking a cat’.

A group of big guilds stepped forward to make an appointment to pass the game for Dan.

The three sisters of the Su family brought the female players from the Divine Phoenix Guild to Yang Xiaofan.

The group of female players behind looked at Yang Xiaofan with gold stars in their eyes.

Just like men love beautiful women, women also love handsome men. It is human instinct to love beauty.

The glance just now took away their hearts.

The president of the Divine Phoenix Guild, Divine Phoenix Yu, wore a beautiful armor, and walked forward and smiled and said, "I have already introduced myself last time, so I won’t introduce myself this time. The battle of Brother Cat just now was really exciting, which made me admire. Can you give me a friend?"

"What are you doing, you don't want to sell tea." Yang Xiaofan asked vigilantly.

Divine Phoenix Rain: "..."

The three sisters of the Su family: "..."

Everyone present: "..."

God sells tea! A dignified guild president who can sell tea?

The three sisters of the Su family blushed. Fortunately, no one knew that this guy was his brother, otherwise it would be a shame.

When Yang Xiaofan was showing great power before, they wanted to shout and tell everyone that ‘picking a cat’ was their younger brother, but now they just want to back off.

"" Divine Phoenix Yu tried to control her expression, trying to keep herself smiling.

"Oh oh." Yang Xiaofan sent a friend request. He set a prohibition on adding friends, and others could not add him.

"My friend is refining medicine. I will pass the medicine over. This is the antidote promised to you."

Yang Xiaofan raised the transaction, and the transaction panel appeared in front of the two.

Divine Phoenix Rain didn't have any ink stains, and directly turned over five hundred gold coins.

Yang Xiaofan once again sighed that the Great Guild would have money.

In addition, Divine Phoenix Yu turned around 1,000 gold coins and said, "Book ten copies for us, thank you. The extra ten gold coins will be used as a thank you fee. We must hurry up to clean up the monsters and thank you again if you have a chance. you."

After finishing speaking, this woman led a large number of female players who were reluctant to leave, and did not drag her away.

Yang Xiu quickly handed the mask to the three sisters.

Many guild presidents or persons in charge who had booked copies from Xu Lotto came over to ask Yang Xiaofan to be friends, and then asked if this group of people were wechat merchants and added them.

The guilds who made appointments to later leave one after another, and the provincial capital has been opened. In order to seize the opportunity in advance, they must reach the 30th level to enter the provincial capital as soon as possible.

When they left, they took a deep look at Yang Xiaofan, and their heads were full of images of Yang Xiaofan destroying the Scarlet Empire Guild players.

Ying Ying, the president of the Eagle Empire Guild, led people to the back mountain of the villa. He selected fifteen low-level guild members to enter the secret path first.

He clearly knows that no dungeon is simple, and it is rare to pass the level once. In order to avoid losing the level, it is better to let the low-level players enter to explore the way and watch the situation inside from their perspective.

This is why most guilds will buy ten times in a row.

Fifteen players entered the secret tunnel cautiously.

[Ding~ You have entered the ‘Secret Path Instance’, Level: Simple. Reminder: The death of this instance will be teleported out, things will not fall, time limit: three hours. 】

[At present, 0.001% has been explored. 】

The secret road is so dark, there is no light, and you can't see the deep situation.

"Too grandson, even if the secret road was built by the player himself, it can save the oil lamp, which is too much!" A player vomited frantically.

Fortunately, they usually carry out tasks at night, and they all carry torches.

In addition to the outside players of the Eagle Empire Guild watching the situation in the secret road, Yang Xiaofan also watched the situation inside through his authority, recording the operation of the organ.

The torch was lit, and the secret path was unfathomable, with no end in sight, no shadow of any monsters, and obvious signs of artificial activities.

"Isn't this a map to brush the wild?"

Suddenly, Luying thought of something, his pupils shrunk, and hurriedly shouted through private chat: "Be careful! I said ‘organ maintenance’ before picking up a cat! This is probably a copy of a mechanism!"

At the moment he reminded, small holes appeared in the surrounding walls, and arrow feathers shot out from it, as dense as raindrops.

The player walking in front is a shield warrior, and the reaction is not slow, quickly raising the shield in his hand to resist.

The iron arrow on the shield made a crisp sound of table tennis, and the flames of iron rubbing splashed everywhere.

The angle of this crossbow was extremely tricky, with almost no dead ends covered. The shield warrior's foot was shot several times, losing a third of his blood.

Fortunately, it was over. A shield warrior shouted: "Follow up."

They drank a bottle of blood rejuvenation potion and continued to walk forward. Just as the player behind stepped in, the dense arrows appeared again, and the second player who entered was shot into a hornet's nest and kicked out of the secret tunnel.

"Could it be that one shot once after entering?" A speed-flow thief quickly jumped into the arrow feathers and shot within the range. When he was about to escape, he found that no arrow feathers appeared, and he was relieved.

Turning his head to face everyone: "It should be only twice, it's okay, Ann..."

"Puff puff~" Arrow Rain appeared again.

The thief was sent out.

"Damn! It's too insidious, just destroy these things!" A grumpy player with a big knife didn't like such insidious things, so he picked up the knife and slashed towards the wall.

After slashing dozens of times in a row, many arrows were cracked, and a cloud of white powder sprayed out, covering everyone.

Immediately afterwards, a warning sound came from the ears of the players.

"Ding~System prompt: You have been infected with primary itching powder."

"Itchy, itchy!"

"I'm going! The junior Tickle powder is so perverted, what have the players in the Scarlet Empire experienced? Tickle~ Give me water."

The players of the Eagle Empire Guild were scratching their bodies uncomfortably, as if lice were crawling around.

Fortunately, they have a water magician here who can help clean up the primary itchy powder on their bodies.

After more than ten minutes of rinsing, the itchiness on my body gradually disappeared and I felt uncomfortable one by one.

The falling eagle outside saw all these things in his eyes, and solemnly reminded: "Organizations can change in a variety of ways. Don't be careless. If I guess it is correct, the person who designed the organization deliberately tried to prevent you from destroying the organization. Loaded with itchy powder."

"Shield warriors and fast people go to the front to'step on thunder.' Magicians with defensive skills use defensive skills to protect the people around them, and try not to damage the mechanism."

Luying is a veteran, he can see through something in just a moment, and is commanding outside.


With the help of the magician and shield warrior, the remaining thirteen players continue to move forward.

"I'm poisoned, everyone, be careful, there are poisonous insects here! Quick, who has the antidote..."

"Ah, pull me! I stepped on empty..."

"Where are you? I was lost."

"Run! The walls are merged!"

Some people are gone when they talk, and some people are lost when they walk.

In the end, only one soldier remained.

[Ding~ Congratulations, the first level is passed, experience reward +500,000. 】

[The exploration rate of secret roads is 9%. 】

This soldier was not happy because of the high rewards, but his face suddenly changed, "Damn! It's the first level after so many organs...Ah!"

His words hadn't settled yet, a scream sounded, and at the last moment when he turned into white light, he looked back at the ground.

A straight spear rose from the ground and exploded directly.

The first group of people who entered the secret copy all challenged and failed.

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