Thousands of Hearts

Chapter 447: Do It All 1

"A mere conspiracy?" Tong Tian shuddered, and countless golden light spots spread out from his body, and quickly reorganized into a circle of light behind him.

The bright golden round light instantly shattered and scattered all the spider threads around it.

Although this spider silk was transformed by Wang Yiyang with the help of the Evil Spider Mother, it is not as powerful as the real saint's throne in essence.

Dissipates quickly in an instant.

In the way of heaven, although the holy position controls the rules, they also have different priorities.

Just like between different rules, there is also a distinction between strength and weakness.

Under different circumstances, the rules will react differently.

The so-called rules are originally a kind of restriction on matter, energy and so on.

Since it is a constraint, there will naturally be strengths and weaknesses.

And Tongtian's holy position rules are obviously stronger than Wang Yiyang's half-baked spider silk.

So these spider threads only played the role of delaying him for a moment.

But even this moment is enough.

Just before Tongtian broke free from the shackles, the two saints shot at the same time.

The sea of ​​blood turned into a long sword and swept across.

The golden hammer hovered with golden light, and with an indestructible heaviness, it fell with a bang.

Boom! !

The long sword and the golden hammer hit the thin invisible barrier in front of Tong Tian at the same time.

In an instant, in the entire surrounding millions of miles of space, the internal laws rapidly became disordered.

Countless rules change rapidly.

If there is a scientific instrument that can detect it, you can find that in this space at this time, a large number of physical parameters are like a roller coaster, soaring for a while and plummeting for a while, and they are no longer quantitative at all.

On the surface, it seemed that the three of them were simply fighting hand to hand. Long swords, golden hammers, constantly waving.

Tong Tian realized that he was also pinching the sword formula with his hands, and the four fairy swords on his back shot up into the sky, turned into streamers, surrounded him, and fought against the two saints.

It seems that there are no large-scale vast fluctuations, and there are no gorgeous scene special effects.

But if someone suddenly breaks into the millions of miles around the battle, they will feel that all the laws in this space are changing crazily.

Under such circumstances, any living beings that entered here would not even be able to survive for half a second before collapsing and disappearing naturally.

Because the living beings themselves are highly ordered things that can exist, once there is no order, the living beings will lose the basis of existence in an instant.

Blood vessels, muscles, bones, internal organs, brain, all organs, all flow and operate according to a fixed order.

Only the detached existence of saints can break free from such shackles. Unfettered.

According to Hong Huang's words, around this space is the place where all the earth, water, wind and fire re-enter chaos.

The fight between the three saints did not delay Wang Yiyang's actions.

With a smile, he looked straight in the direction of the large star field of Jujiao Sanctuary.

Hands of pale white zithers gathered around him out of thin air from the devilish energy.

The dense zithers of devilish energy floated around, guarding him like soldiers.

Wang Yiyang didn't pay any attention to it. After being flooded by the gray dust, he was frantically fearing the fleeing disciples and congregants of the Jiejiao.

He squeezed the magic weapon in his hand, his body flickered quickly, and flew towards the cross-boundary formation of Jiejiao.

After dozens of continuous space jumps. He quickly arrived at the largest remaining cross-boundary teleportation formation.

"Quick, quick!!" A large group of Jiejiao disciples were frantically arranging people to enter the formation, and then quickly started the teleportation.

This formation is located on the surface of a space city among several planets.

A large number of precious light escapes are constantly approaching and falling around, and tens of thousands of people will teleport away at every moment.

Wang Yiyang was floating in the sky, looking down, his undisguised figure was quickly spotted by the monks below.

A series of probing perceptions and spiritual powers flew up.

Wang Yiyang didn't hide and hide, and let them investigate.

He stretched out his right hand, and the perception surged out.

The perception of the stellar layer, after filling the body with the help of black mist, has successfully crossed the limit and entered the trial level.

The limit of human beings is the star layer, which is the undoubted ceiling.

But now, his body is no longer human.

It is a perfect creature on the fourth floor of the Tower of Perfection.

So the curse of the star layer is no longer the limit that limits him.

Therefore, Wang Yiyang's perception has easily broken through the judgment level.

Judgment-level perception, combined with the signs of the half-holy body of the Evil Spider Mother.

What it brings is a shrunken version of the saint.

The current Wang Yiyang, that is, the area covered by his shots is not as good as the holy position, so in real comparison.

He can be regarded as the semi-saint as the saying goes in the prehistoric world, and he is only one step away from proving the existence of the Dao.

There are many such existences in the prehistoric world, such as Tathagata, Kunpeng, Zulong, Phoenix ancestor, and even... the demon emperor Jun Taiyi with the help of magic weapons.

With his current level, it is already very simple to deal with such small scenes.

"Teaching against cause and effect, the way of heaven cannot tolerate it, so I will do it on my behalf." Wang Yiyang smiled, facing downward, and suddenly opened his mouth to vomit.

In an instant, countless gray and white spider threads gushed out of his mouth.

At the beginning, the spider silk was only the size of a fist, but soon, as it continued to disperse and split during the flight, all the spider silk expanded rapidly. Divided into individual thin threads.

And each silk thread seems to have absorbed something during the flight, and began to rapidly expand and become larger, and soon formed a new bundle of spider silk, and then continued to split.

The spider silk in Wang Yiyang's mouth was only a little big at first, but then it became more and more thick.

In a blink of an eye, it seemed that the entire teleportation pile was covered in gray and white.


Each spider thread instantly pierced through a monk with a negative sword in green clothes. While penetrating, they directly imprison their souls and drag them into the prison of thinking.

"kill him!!"

"Form an formation to resist!"

"Go and notify the saint!"

Streams of magical treasures and supernatural powers rushed towards the sky like raindrops, rushing towards Wang Yiyang above.

But to no avail, all attacks, which did not reach the level of touching the rules, were like the moon in the water in the mirror, and could only pass through Wang Yiyang's body.

It is impossible to touch his semi-holy body.

Countless gray and white spider threads are like a fountain, and each thread will take away a monk.

In just over half a minute, there was no living person around the formation.

All souls and primordial spirits were forcibly dragged into Wang Yiyang's thinking prison and turned into his spiritual nourishment.

If it was the original him, maybe he would feel unbearable at this time.

But now Wang Yiyang feels numb and boring. Apart from being a little bored when doing it, no matter how many people killed, it was already difficult to make him feel emotional.

"Theoretically, the trial level is already the limit that a weapon can achieve in terms of pure destructive power.

The limit of technology, now it seems, can only be the use of low-level rules, the use of foreign objects, a little bit of combination into a delicate structure, and finally leverage the higher-level rules. To achieve the purpose. "

"In terms of fundamental battles, this method is not an enemy of saints at all. You only need to change the basic rules a little bit, and the so-called technology is like a sandcastle on the beach, which will collapse at the touch of a finger."

Wang Yiyang realized in his heart.

The sage unites the way, and he is part of the way of heaven. No matter how powerful the technology is, to them, it is just a castle in the air, vulnerable to a single blow.

Realizing this, he suddenly lost interest.

Closing his mouth and stopping to spit out the spider silk, Wang Yiyang reached out and tapped lightly on the spider silk he spewed out.

Suddenly, a black light flashed across all the spider threads.

Countless spider threads, at this moment, quickly formed a huge and terrifying spider web.

The diameter of this spider web has even reached tens of light years, and part of the structure is looming, obviously maintaining the structure through some kind of continuous space jump.

Wang Yiyang's face was calm, looking at the almost endless spider webs around him, he stretched out his hand and flicked it lightly.

hum! ! !

Layer after layer of continuous ups and downs of sound, rushing out quickly.

The sound grew from small to loud, from weak to strong, and soon from intangible to tangible, gradually forming a circle of spherical gray light spreading around.

The spherical gray light rapidly spread and strengthened along the oscillating spider silk.

The sound was continuously strengthened by the vibration of the spider silk, and when it reached the outermost edge of the spider silk, it had turned into a terrifying gray light ball with a diameter of tens of light years.

Wang Yiyang is in the middle of the light sphere.

"Explosion!" He flicked his fingers lightly.

In an instant, the gray ball of light shattered and cracked silently.

Its body spread out a circle of dense gray ripples.

Where the ripples pass, all living things are extinct and disintegrated.

Whether it is the nobles of the stars who are fleeing in the spaceship, or the monks who cut off the magic weapon to protect the body, or the various space cities and space stations that protect the body with formations.

They were all swallowed up in this instant.

Through the spider silk, Wang Yiyang can feel that there are still many fish slipping through the net in the surrounding Jiejiao star field, which is probably the part of the Jiejiao with a relatively advanced cultivation base.

With every thought and thought, he was like a gray-white spider with a huge web, constantly dragging the remaining cultivators into the gray light ball.

Every time he moves, there will be a large shock.

The ripples brought about by the shock will further devour the lives of countless monks, bringing him massive spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy was once again transformed into the original force in the physique, and then transformed into the magic energy, which refilled into Wang Yiyang's body.

In this way, endless life, never ending.

After a while, the entire Jiejiao Sanctuary Starfield was gray and white, completely covered by a sea of ​​dust.

Wang Yiyang dissipated the surrounding spider silk and returned to its original form.

Among the eight eyes behind him, one has completely disappeared.

That was when he plotted against Tongtian just now, he used the Eye of Sleep once, which put Tongtian at a disadvantage from the very beginning.

At the same time, it gave him a certain estimate of the power of the eight sleeping eyes.

"Each eye can simply borrow power, or use it completely. Simply borrowing power can increase all my attack defenses.

And if it is used thoroughly, it is a one-time blow, and it is a real saint blow. "

Wang Yiyang understood in his heart.

At this time, the three saints had already decided the winner.

Tongtian Saint was one-on-two and was slightly injured. Seeing the scene of complete annihilation, his expression was cold, he turned and left without saying a word.

He lost the opportunity and couldn't set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation from the very beginning, so that he could only rely on his own cultivation to fight the siege of the two great celestial demon sects.

As a result, he lost the wind and was slightly injured.

From a distance, Tong Tian looked at Wang Yiyang, which turned into a blue light and disappeared instantly.

Wang Yiyang's expression was flat, he didn't say a word, he also turned around and disappeared into black light.

The next game should be elucidation.

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