Thousands of Hearts

Chapter 272 Garrison 2

Wan Ling and these guys are simply endless cockroaches.

And you don't dare to kill yourself.

In the event of provoking the more powerful Wanling powerhouse behind, even if they are eighth-level, they will not be able to bear it.

You can also apply for support from the Star Council, but when the support comes, people will be cold.

So as long as they don't do big things, everything will be fine.

Now that Flo Andy speaks, it means that what Wan Ling must do this time is very troublesome. There was a lot of movement.

"That's what happened to Wei Dayong last time, now he should be called Wei Chou.

The Haisha family has come again, and now they are rampant in the planet, chasing and killing Wei Chou unscrupulously.

Even we are ignored. ’ sighed Flo Andy.

"The strength here is very strong?" Wang Yiyang asked.

"Two eighth-level, and they are still undead bodies of all spirits. We can't carry them. We don't dare to carry them." Flo Andy said bitterly.

He raised his head and looked at Wang Yiyang.

"But you are different. You represent the Council of Stars behind you, so as long as you stand up, this matter will definitely be resolved."

"Two eighth grades... I really value Geer Xixing." Wang Yiyang drank the milk in one gulp.

"So, as long as you take the lead, we will all listen to you! Four eighth levels plus you, encirclement and suppression, there must be no problem!"

Flo Andy said harshly.

"I'll think about it." Wang Yiyang remained expressionless.

He had just talked with his family on the phone, and he actually knew something about Galxi, but he pretended not to know it in front of the alloy island owner.

The two eighth-levels of all spirits are very measured, and they don't touch densely populated cities at all.

Instead, it only targets Wei Dayong, who is now Wei Chou, and the Sanling Palace that protects him.

The opponent's goal is very clear, that is not to cause the action of the Council of Stars.

"Also, we found Xiao Rong, Zhu Yanhui Xiao Rong's trace by accident." Flor Andy continued.

"Huh? Xiao Rong!?" Wang Yiyang still remembered this person.

At the beginning, Xiao Rong and the perverted old man who inspected the fleet were introduced into identity missions by him, and were killed by the master and himself.

"Isn't he missing?" He narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice. "Why did it appear again?"

Yes, in the eyes of outsiders, Xiao Rong is not dead, but missing.

After all, no one knew about that battle except Wang Yiyang himself.

"He didn't disappear, he came back this time, and he broke through the eighth level. I suspect he is here for revenge." Flo Andy said in a deep voice.

Wang Yiyang was silent.

Wan Ling has many strange means, and now he is not sure whether Xiao Rong is dead or not.

"How is it? Go back and have a look?" Flo Andy asked in a low voice.

"Well, go back and have a look. See what tricks they are up to." Wang Yiyang nodded.

He now practices the basic exercises of this comet layer every day.

At the same time, occasionally go hunting in the real world of the second layer to increase perception.

Coupled with the continuous cultivation and nourishment of the Taoist Xianlu.

Three prongs.

Compared with ordinary mecha masters, they can only rely on slow basic training methods to improve.

As for him, the three methods go hand in hand.

The speed of perception improvement is simply indescribable.

Now, he has initially felt that the black ball that he perceives condenses seems to be hatching.

There is also the condensed void core that came out of the hunting bow, and it seems that it is about to bear fruit.

This is the result of Wang Yiyang testing himself several times with the test method of a mecha master hypnotist.


"You are Wang Yiyang? The new patrol commander?"

Suddenly a palm the size of a cattail fan slapped hard on the table in front of him, interrupting Wang Yiyang's train of thought.

He raised his head and looked up along the palm of his hand.

The person who came was a short, big man with a big black beard.

This person was also wearing the military uniform of the inspecting commander, but the originally neat and beautiful black military uniform gave off a bandit look on him.

"I am, what's the matter?" Wang Yiyang raised his head and smiled.

The stocky, bearded man had a fierce expression.

"It's okay, I just have nothing to come and take a look. I heard that a beautiful man with a sissy appearance has recently arrived. Hehe, now it seems that I am really right."

He bent down and brought his face closer.

"Boy, aren't you still a g? Hahahaha!"

The bearded man laughed maliciously.

"Are you Boleyn? The several waves of pirate groups I've strangled recently are all related to you.

So you are upset, angry, and come to trouble me? "

Wang Yiyang wiped his mouth with a tissue.

"No, I just don't like you."

The bearded man smiled viciously, "You don't follow the rules when you come here, you know? In fact, many people don't like you. They want to kill you!"

Wang Yiyang looked at the alloy island owner opposite. This guy lowered his head and said nothing, not even daring to lift his face.

Gently drop the tissue on the table.

Wang Yiyang stood up.

"I don't like what you just said."

"So? Are you going to have fun with the brothers at night?" The bearded man laughed.

Chi! !

In an instant, a phantom pierced his mouth and pulled it out.

With a crisp sound, a piece of bloody tongue appeared in Wang Yiyang's hand.

"So I'm going to pull out your tongue." Wang Yiyang said calmly. He held a bloody severed tongue in his hand.

ah! ! !

The bearded man covered his mouth, yelled, and roared in horror.

But the blood still flowed from his fingers little by little.

He is also an eighth-level mech master! He didn't react at all to the action just now.

He has always been in the state of time sense!

How can it be!

How can it be! ! ?

The pain and shock in the bearded man's heart were mixed together.

A steady stream of severe pain poured out of his mouth, causing his sanity to gradually collapse.

"You bastard!! I'm going to kill you!!"

He roared indistinctly, and a layer of silver metal mecha suddenly appeared on his body. It was a miniature mecha that he carried with him.

Huge energy fluctuations swept and spread from him.

The eighth-level perception and the mecha quickly began to resonate, and a thin force field began to emerge.

It's just that before the force field and the mecha completely covered the bearded man's head.

Wang Yiyang raised his hand, and the palm came out with a bang.

The explosive power at twice the speed of sound made his palm bring out white air.

The sound barrier exploded in the air around the casino at the same time.

The loud noise caused the tables and chairs around to vibrate.

The surrounding officers only saw a stream of white air enveloping Wang Yiyang's palm, like a heavy cannon, hitting the bearded man's head with a bang.

Boom! ! !

The dull impact was like an explosion.

A large expanse of white air oscillated and rippled, spreading out over the bearded man's head.

With his full sense of timing, under this palm, he barely had time to raise his hand to block.

It's a pity that he has only raised his arm to his chest, and he has already been hit.

The bearded man leaned back, flew upside down, and crashed into the inner wall of the high-strength alloy.

His neck creaked, his face was covered with blood, and he seemed to have lost consciousness.

The mecha on his body also dissipated automatically with the coma of perception and consciousness, returned to the liquid state, and returned to the mecha bag.

There was no sound around.

The officers and commanders present witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and the shock in their hearts was indescribable.

It's not a day or two since the bearded Boleyn is rampant here.

He dared to be domineering, so he naturally had his confidence.

This guy is not only a rare eighth-level extreme mecha master here, but also has a background relationship behind him.

Ordinary people dare not mess with it at all.

But this time, this guy seems to have finally hit the iron plate.

"The difference in time sense is too big... I was knocked out before I even had time to put on the mecha!" Someone couldn't help but whisper in surprise.

Throwing away his tongue casually, Wang Yiyang picked up a tissue to wipe his hands again, and walked out of the casino slowly.

After all, the other party is also the patrol commander, so it's not easy for him to attack directly in front of so many people.

So I can only pull out his tongue, as a small punishment.

With the sharp increase in perception, Wang Yiyang can already feel that after he turns on the sense of time, the speed has skyrocketed to an extremely exaggerated level.

At level eight, the fastest speed that can generally be acted is actually double the speed of sound.

So this also limits the eighth level, which can only be useful in small-scale melee combat.

Although mecha masters can operate large mechas, and use the warp speed engines of large mechas to fight at long distances.

But their perceived speed can only support this level of speed.

This is the limit.

The speed of sound is not so easy to break through in an environment with atmosphere and gravity.

After all, mecha masters and reformers need to be flexible enough to perfectly control the speed of battle.

If it is simply a straight-line movement speed, fighter jets with a speed of more than ten times the speed of sound are everywhere, and the warp engine can directly exceed the speed of light.

That makes no sense.

Get out of the casino.

Wang Yiyang looked at Flo Andy, the owner of Alloy Island, who came out from behind.

There was no way to hide the shock and surprise on the other party's face.

"Your sense of time..." Flo Andy opened his mouth to ask something. But in the end, he didn't continue talking.

He clearly remembered how long it had been since Wang Yiyang went to Hunting Bow?

It broke through to this level so quickly.

This speed is already close to those famous elite geniuses.

The bearded man just now had a stronger record than him.

Wang Yiyang can instantly kill the opponent, does this mean that he, Flo Andy, is just a slap in the face in front of him?

At this time, Flo Andy's heart was complicated and could not be expressed.

Looking at Wang Yiyang's young face, he suddenly felt a pang of sadness from the bottom of his heart.

Indescribably sad.

"When are we going back?" He sighed and asked aloud.

"You can do it anytime." Wang Yiyang also wanted to go back and see what happened to the dead Xiao Rong.

In the past few days, he has a vague feeling that he seems to be about to reach level nine.

Under the purification of the moral fairy record, the perception is more and more absorbed and condensed by the black ball.

It's just that this feeling is a little uncertain.

It seems that there is only physical strength, and as the virtual core gradually solidifies, it will soon reach level nine.

Perception is only the eighth-level limit, and it is still stuck.

He can understand the physical situation.

After all, he had absorbed Jun Yangzi's true essence of penance for hundreds of years, so it was normal for his physical body to progress faster than his perception.

Normal people would never have imagined that all other mecha masters would be weak without their mechas.

He turned around.

It was the armor that limited his strength.

The mecha he is currently operating is only a standard military mecha that can be used at the seventh and eighth levels.

The strength of this kind of mecha is only a little stronger than that of pirates, and all kinds of performances have fixed limit values.

Simply put, there is an upper limit of combat power.

In fact, Wang Yiyang's real peak strength is that he doesn't wear mecha right now.

"Why don't you go back early tomorrow? Anyway, you don't have any applications for a while now. The application troubles in the surrounding galaxies have been dealt with."

Flo Andy made up his mind and proposed.

The scene just now made him straightly raise Wang Yiyang's position in his heart.

"Yes." Wang Yiyang nodded.

"Then I'll go back first." Flo Andy didn't want to stay any longer, and light blue particles were ejected from behind, flying into the distance.

Wang Yiyang walked slowly along the exposed bridge of Star City.

The entire Star City is actually transformed from a huge battleship.

The entrance to the casino is in one of the original gun ports of the outer armor.

The starlight in the distant universe shone down, coating the bridge with a thin layer of silver.

Wang Yiyang walked slowly, and the figures around him gradually decreased.

At this moment, he vaguely felt that his body was changing.

A strange feeling of softness that he had never felt before was gradually permeating his whole body.

In the rumbling vibration.

Suddenly Wang Yiyang stamped his feet.

Under his feet, under the bridge, a brown battleship was slowly flying by.

The surface of the battleship is covered with signal lights and various laser cannon muzzles, and it is covered with black and brown armor like dried hard mud.

After flying for hundreds of meters, it completely crossed the bridge.

Wang Yiyang looked at the warship hundreds of meters long.

It is gradually accelerating towards the distant starry sky. A rectangular blue particle with a lit tail.

Through the transparent glass of the bridge, he put his hand on the glass.

The cold and hard touch is transmitted from the palm to the brain.

Suddenly, an inexplicable stabbing pain came from his chest and abdomen.

Wang Yiyang's perception extended, and he suddenly saw a light gold ball the size of an almond floating inside his chest and abdomen.

Ninth-level Golden Core stage, naturally.

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