Those Sweet Times

Chapter 7: Hob meat, shameless

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I didn't have a class on Monday afternoon. I wanted to go to the library, but the president called and asked if she had time.

"There is time, president, what?"

"Don't call me the president, just call me the senior," he said. "I am going to the main campus today to do something. You should be with me and be familiar with the process. These things will be done by you in the future."

To the warm feeling, the student is going to train her as a close friend, so I am happy to nod: "Okay!"

What the schoolmaster wants to do is to go to the main school district committee to approve an application for the event. With the application form, you can organize the club activities properly, and you can get the funds funded by the Youth League Committee.

“What are our community activities?” asked Wen.

"There are a lot of things that we do every semester is the school e-sports competition, this semester is about to begin."

There are several categories of esports competitions on campus, and even the ball is a big battle. The most involved is the glory of the king.

The schoolmaster asked her: "Will you want to sign up?"

"I can't do it, I am only silver."

Order silver is a higher level than the barely bronze, but these two categories are not different in the eyes of these high-end players, all classified as the low end.

I didn’t say it was warm. Not that he doesn't want to bring it, but he feels warm and may not like to chat like this. So he said, "I just play, don't care too much about the rank... What hero are you practicing recently?"

"Zhuang Zhou."

"Zhuang Zhou is very good."

"Yes, it looks good, the sound is good."

Hey: "..." I don't know how to pick it up.

A little embarrassed to warm, scratched his head and said, "That... Zhuang Zhou's big move is very good."

"Not only is the big trick, Zhuang Zhou's other skills are also easy to use. The first skill can slow down the enemy, the second skill can speed up for yourself and teammates, and can also stack high damage."

Very high damage... I sweated a lot and said, "The seniors may not be playing the same Zhuang Zhou."

He was amused, and smiled and said: "You may not understand the passiveness of the second skill."

Most of the heroes of the glory of the king have a passive skill and three active skills. Passive skills are the state that heroes have their own, no need to cast, active skills are manually cast. In addition, there are some active skills, but also have a passive effect.

For example, Zhuang Zhou’s second skill will be automatically cast at regular intervals, without taking up the skill CD.

歪歪 explained: “The more times the second skill hits a certain target, the higher the damage is added. If it is more than three times, the damage will be very impressive. Therefore, it is best to take time and wait for the second skill passive. The moment that I released it, put a second skill, this layer will be superimposed on two layers, then stack up one or two layers, and the opposite may cry."

Feeling warm is like opening the door to a new world. She had thought about this before, when the skill was released, which is the bright spot, and how the damage of Zhuang Zhou was so low. It turned out that people are not hurting low, but she will not use it.

"Also, when a skill is released, don't be too far away from the enemy. Because this skill has a delay, you may have already ran out of the skill range when you let go. In addition, don't just throw away the big tricks. The cooling time of the big move is longer. You may only have one chance to release the big move after the wave group battle, so it must be used in the blade. This self-experience."

"Uh huh!" Nodded warmly, "Thank you, senior!"

"You're welcome. Learn from each other and help each other."

I wrote down all the words that I said to the warmth of the school, and I thought I would try the first time at night.


The main campus of Nanshan University has a history of more than 100 years. Some buildings still retain the style of the Republic of China. The campus is very green. Many towering trees are now in the fall. The lawn is covered with yellow leaves and tourists are taking pictures. .

This is the first time I have come to the main campus. The two men finished the matter at the side of the Youth League Committee, and led the tour to the warmth on the campus. While visiting, they also introduced her school history. Walking, walking to a rockery. There is a small stream of artificial excavation next to the rockery. Look at the koi in the warmth and pull the breadcrumbs and watch them squeeze together to eat.

She suddenly heard someone talking behind the rockery, which was very violent:

"The original price of more than 200,000 things you sell to the old son of 120,000? How did I give birth to such a defeated son? The world owes a child a condom! ... Where are you, give me out!"

The last sentence was almost smashed out, and it was a shock to the warmth, the hand was loose, and the bread fell into the water.

At the same time, in a holiday resort away from the urban area, Lin Chuan was soaked in the hot springs, and the mobile phone was placed on the side of the spring water, and the hands-free was opened.

When Lin Xueyuan glared at him, the phone seemed to be shaking.

The first banquet of Lin was unmoved. Anyway, the two of them are far away, and Dad can't cut him even with a knife. He leaned against the pool wall of the hot spring and said, "Dad, you are calm, the watch is mine. You forgot, it is the 18th birthday gift that Uncle Liu gave me."

"Oh, you are yelling at me, do you want a face? If you are not my son, he won't even send you a steel shovel! What's more, how much he sent you, I have to go back when his child's birthday. You still tell me that it is yours?"

"Dad, don't be angry. The watch is actually not sold, just placed in the pawnshop, redeemable within three months."

"I will translate the meaning of this sentence for you: I am stinking and shamelessly, if you are reluctant to redeem... is it?"

"Sorry, Dad, I am so hungry." Lin first feast began to change routes.

Just then, the waiter knocked in and sent a beautiful fruit plate and drink. Lin’s first feast pointed to her, indicating that she was putting something next to the hot spring.

The young man was half body immersed in the water, and the white water translucent water vapor floated on the surface of the petals, making his body and face look awkward. The indoor air is damp, his bangs are wet, and they are stuck in front of the forehead, soft and messy.

The waiter bent down to put things down and glanced at the water. Oh, it’s a pity that there are petals blocking it and nothing can be seen.

He suddenly looked up and made a gesture of ban on her.嘘——

Bright eyes, a little bend, gently holding the lips, the long, good-looking index finger is in front of the lips... At that moment, she deeply felt what it means to be "a million years."

How can it look so good... The waiter is full of thoughts.

Then she blushes and quits lightly.

Lin’s first banquet did not know that he had inadvertently teased others. All his attention was on the phone, and Lin Xueyuan briefly hesitated to let him know that his father was soft.

But soon Dad yelled at him again: "I don't give you money, isn't it for you? You talk about it, you don't have to work in the four bodies, throwing you on the street and starving to death. Let you be a part-time job to make money. Is it so difficult? You can't be a tutor at the 10th level of your piano? You have a comprehensive score in the college entrance examination, and the tutors of the world must be robbed by the parents of the world. You talk about you..."

"Too tired." Lin first feast commented on Dad's suggestion in three words.

"Your uncle! You Laozi, I didn't even have good shoes when I went to school! I went to sleep four hours a day for three part-time jobs, and I was not exhausted!"

Lin first feast, I am different from you. My father has more money than your father.

Of course, it is impossible to say this on the mouth, otherwise Dad will blow up.

Lin Chuan said: "Dad, I really admire you, no wonder there are so many people chasing mothers, but she only sees you."

Although Lin Xue had a special time to put this bad son into a condom and throw it into the trash can... But he also had to admit that the stinky boy would chat too much. He specializes in scratching the most itchy place. After you have scratched it, you feel comfortable. You know that his purpose is not just a sweet talk. You may also sneer at it, but it will still be comfortable, because this emotion does not accept wisdom control.

Such a person, in ancient times, must be a traitor who has been bullied on the two sides and three knives.

It is terrible to think about it.

Lin Xueyuan snorted and said, "Don't play tricks with me, Lao Tzu has a way to cure you!"


To warm is not deliberately to listen to others, she very much wants to see those koi eat the bread, so stay a little longer. He stood beside her and raised his ears with a look of gossip.

When the Koi finished the bread, the two left, passing by the rockery, saw that the father was still training his son.

Lin Xueyuan talked to his son and turned to look at them.

His gas field was too strong, so fierce, he was so scared to stay warm, and stuttered, "I’m sorry for me, I’m passing by...”

Lin Xueyuan did not expect that he would scare the passing students, watching the little girl very poor, he took the phone and also apologized to her: "Sorry, my son..." said shaking the phone, "It's a roll Knife meat, stinky."

I am so warm, I think that this son is too strange, can make his father and the passers-by spit.

I know how to look, and I took some of the shoulders of Lin Xueyuan: "Big brother, look at the opening."

Lin Xueyuan looked down at the paw on his shoulder and tilted him a little. The voice was a bit hard: "Call your uncle."

He and the warm horses escaped without stopping.

Lin Xueyuan regained his gaze and said to the mobile phone: "Don't think that when you are rich, you can sit back and relax. When Laozi is dead, I donate my property and let you drink the northwest wind!"

There was a blessing in the end of the mobile phone: "Dad, I hope you will live forever."

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