This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 166: A sword that crosses mountains and seas

The sun rises on the east mountain, and the rays of the sun are shining.

Between heaven and earth, outside the city of Xin, the morning light is like a tidal stream, slowly advancing from east to west, dispelling the darkness and revealing the real scene under the shadow.

It was a black magic tide, like the densely packed fish on the bottom of the sea, and it was impossible to count the exact number.

On the top of the city, two big flags were erected.

One pole is the domain flag representing Zhongling.

The other pole is embroidered with a long sword flowing out of the dust.

The sword flag representing Jianzong.

Under the sword flag, Sword Master Wu Mo stood at the head of the city and looked out.

After Gu Qiufeng's main body died, Haoran Peak's main cultivation base disappeared, Xie Qingyun disappeared, Jian Huang and others also died in the Battle of the Three Cities, and Wu Mo Sword Master became the leader of the Sword Sect at this time. man of.

Although the sword sect at this time can hardly be counted as a sect anymore - Xie Qingyun and Lu Qingshan brought more than 1,000 sword cultivators from Zhongling from the Eastern Region, and there are only more than 200 people left at this time.

There is no doubt about the lethality of Jianzong Jianxiu on the battlefield, but because they are too powerful, they have to shoulder the most important responsibility, which leads to this incomparably huge loss.


The brutal war has been in progress for a long time, and the black and inexhaustible demon army is passing through the border like locusts, and it continues to flow forward like a tide.

Blood burns with fire.

The leaders of the demon army are still Demon Lord Tianlang and Demon Lord Xiyuan.

They were in high spirits.

Although they don't know it at the moment, they have somehow become the most powerful Demon Venerable in the Infinity Domain - the Soul Venerable, Yu Zun and Dongqi Demon Venerable above them have all fallen.

The ferocity and cruelty of the Demon Race's offensive this time was far superior to the previous confrontation on the frontline battlefield.

Because, whether it is a human race or a demon race, they are very clear in their hearts that this will be the last battle.

A battle decides the outcome and decides the ownership of the Zhongling.

So both sides have no reservations, no matter the cost.

The elite demon army of the demon race continued to charge towards the Changye Mountains.

The Zhongling Great Array, which the human race spent months laying out, faced a huge test shortly after it was formed.

At the beginning, with the advantage of the location of the Changye Mountains, the human monks who arrived at Xincheng seized the opportunity immediately and gave the demon army a head-on attack.

But that's about it.

The Demon Army was not in disarray because of the loss, and they were still advancing step by step.

As a result, the Changye Mountains had previously become a **** meat grinder.

Every inch of land was suddenly infected with blood.

The human race cultivator naturally cannot defend blindly, and needs to rely on the geographical advantage of the Zhongling Great Array to kill the enemy.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful the formation is, it cannot withstand the perennial attacks of the Demon Race.

Due to the favorable geographical location, there is evidence for the advance and retreat of the human monks, and the proportion of casualties is lower than that of the demons.

However, the Demon Race doesn't care about that at all.

Because their overall strength is far greater than the human race.

Therefore, the proportion of casualties is not at all painful - if this proportion is consumed, the human cultivators in the heart of the city will be exhausted, and they will also lose half of their manpower.

It's the human race that can't afford it, not the demon race.

This is the advantage of the Demon Race.

Now they don't need any planning at all, they just need to crush the human race with absolute strength.

As for how to rack their brains and exchange smaller losses for greater casualties of the enemy, that is something that should be considered by the human race.

Indeed, as the demons expected.

In the face of this dignified and upright Yang Conspiracy card played by the Demon Race, the commanders of the Human Race Allied Forces are all overwhelmed at the moment.

Right now, the Zhongling Great Array is still standing, but the damage to their human race is already quite heavy.

The coalition cultivator who had withdrawn from the Spirit Ocean Tide had yet to recover from the exhausted state, and then ushered in such a high-intensity offensive and defensive battle.

This is a great test of their will.


Arrive at Heart City, the City Lord's Mansion.

The human cultivators were all concentrated on the battlefield at the moment, and the City Lord's Mansion was extremely empty, with only Li Shiyi alone.

He was exhausted and could no longer participate in the battle, so he rested in the city lord's mansion alone.

However, the news of the battle situation was not blocked, and it was always fed back to him, letting Li Shiyi know the battle situation on the front line and the bad situation.

Li Shiyi understands that this is the tactic of the demons, exchanging life for life, until the day when the human race is replaced with no life, and it completely collapses...

No plan can stop such a conspiracy.

This is undoubtedly disappointing.

The footsteps of the demons, firm and heavy, are approaching them inch by inch.

Li Shiyi could not participate in the war, and he had no intention of calculating his own casualties, but just looked towards the far west.

"The turning point, where is it... On the Sect Master's side, how is the situation now?"


The war was in such a cruel situation, and another seven days passed.

The demon army once again launched a charge on the Zhongling Great Array.

In seven days, the human cultivator has not known how many times such a charge of the demon army has been repelled.

Whether it is them or the demon army, they are already a little tired of this scene.

But this time, something was different.

This time, the demon army seemed extremely neat, consisting of ten thousand people forming a battle formation.

The Demon Race battle formation consisting of 10,000 people has already charged.

In the next instant, the infinite demons shot up into the sky, instantly forming a shadow of the demon god's soul as high as 100 meters high, holding a sledgehammer high, and slamming down against the light curtain of the Zhongling Great Array.


The dull sound, like the sound of drumming, is incomparably powerful, resounding through the heavens and the earth.

Huge ripples spread out on the light curtain, spreading the terrifying force into the ground, causing the ground to tremble slightly.

The mountain was shaken!

And that Demon God Soul Shadow only lasted for this moment, as if it was born to swing this hammer.

However, the human monks in the heart city saw it clearly, and the ten thousand demon army who built the battle formation quickly changed formation, flew to both sides, and gave way.

And the second ten thousand army battle formation of the Demon Race has been inserted in time.

The same battle formation, the same Baizhang Demon God Soul Shadow, the same Heaven-shattering Hammer, and then hammer the Zhongling Great Formation.

The whole process is smooth and smooth, and there is an incomparably smooth beauty.

The deafening sledgehammer sounded like this on the battlefield, one after another, continuously.

The Demon Race's 10,000-strong army is constantly forming battle formations, bombarding the light curtain with sledgehammers.

The Zhongling Great Array began to crumble, and although it never collapsed, it was truly frightening.

Attacking is like a storm, making it hard to breathe.

Due to the strong demon army, the allied army of human cultivators could only be in a passive defensive position.

The only thing they can do now is to do their best to defend the Changye Mountains and keep the last line of defense of the human race tightly and imperviously.


In the great formation of Zhongling.

The blood-covered Sword Master Wu Ju looked at the tens of thousands of demons who were rushing in like a flood, rubbed his face tiredly, and then tilted his head to look at the many figures behind him.

His eyes passed from King Qingmei of Daxia to Elder Ziyun of Candle Dragon Hall, and then to Situ, Tianxing and other familiar faces in the Central Spirit Domain.

There were only so many people left in the once talented Zhongling cultivator coalition.

And on the faces of these people, like him, there is also a strong sense of exhaustion.

Sword Master Wu Mo grinned, then took a deep breath and laughed out loud.

"There is no such strong family in the world that the monks do not die and lose their soil."

"Throughout history, my human race has never been weak!"

The moment the voice fell, the figure of Sword Master Wu Mo turned into a sword light and swept out.

Just in time, the huge sledgehammer slashed again.


Suddenly, there was a huge sword energy, which rose against the storm and condensed into a blue sparrow with all scales and claws, and its potential was sparkling.

Sword spirit.

The blue bird flew out at this critical moment, its wings turned into knives, and it cut towards the demon god's soul shadow. The precious light flickered, directly cutting the tall soul shadow across the waist and dissipating it out of thin air.

The next moment, Qingque flew forward, rushed into the battle formation of ten thousand people, and killed the demon cultivator on the path.

The demon monks fell like rain, and the wind roared as they fell.

The formation of the Demon Race battle formation was completely disrupted and could not be reorganized in a short time.

Sword Master Wu Ju, at a critical moment, when the offensive of the Demon Race battle formation was about to emerge, he disrupted its momentum.

Whether it is the grasp of the timing, or the explosive power in the sword, it is almost perfect.

The Wuju sword master held the famous sword Wuju, and his figure followed closely behind the blue sparrow who opened the way, and directly attacked the next ten thousand demon army battle formation that came in reinforcements.

When a sword fell, it was brilliant and brilliant, and the sword energy was so prosperous that it covered the sky and the sun.

I don't know how many demon cultivators were directly strangled by this sword energy.

Break for a while!

With the straight sword, Sword Master Wuju once again disrupted the formation of the next wave of the Demon Race.

Even though Jianzong has been damaged so far, there is still no shortage of talents, which shows the profound background of Jianzong!

But at this moment, one of the battle formation demon cultivators, who was supposed to be under the sword energy, suddenly rose up, holding a long-pointed spear in his hand, stabbed it with one shot, and stabbed the Wuju Sword Master unprepared. 's heart.

Wuju Sword Master's face froze, and he hurriedly swept away. Between the rise of the rabbit and the falcon, it was like walking on the ground, and instantly pulled a large distance away from the magic cultivator of the battle formation who launched the sneak attack.

But that magic cultivator did not hesitate to draw a gun to keep up, which can be described as aggressive.

This demon powerhouse who was hiding in the demon army and pretending to be an ordinary demon cultivator was the Heavenly Wolf Demon Venerable, one of the two commanders of the demon army at this time.

In the face of the imposing gun of the Heavenly Wolf Demon Venerable, Sword Master Wu Mo did not choose to attack the Heavenly Wolf Demon Venerable head-on.

In the next moment, the mask, which was extremely intractable to the demons, was like a soft bubble at the moment, wrapping the Wu Mo Sword Master, absorbing him, and then regaining its hardness.

——The Zhongling Great Array is presided over by tens of thousands of cultivators, and it is by no means a "dead-brained" great array that can't get in or out.

In the face of the large formation of the central spirit, which was as hard as a tortoise shell, the Heavenly Wolf Demon Venerable had no choice but to give up this unsuccessful sneak attack, prepare to retreat, and then make a long-term plan.

But he didn't think that he had just stepped back, and Sword Master Wuju just rushed out of the big formation again, with several swords in succession, just the sword energy would strangle the demon cultivator who was charging forward from the side of the Heavenly Wolf Demon Venerable on the spot, showing it all. Majestic sword repair style.

But as soon as Heavenly Wolf Demon Venerable was about to turn around again, Sword Master Wu Ju was once again withdrawing into the Zhongling Great Array.

Although Heavenly Wolf Demon Venerable's strength is several heads over Sword Master Wu Mo.

However, a sword cultivator of the level of Sword Master Wuju chose this almost rogue-like tormented style of play, and he couldn't grasp the flaws and succeed in one hit, causing him a lot of headaches.

It's a long time to say, but it's actually just a brief battle of wits and courage, and it's a corner of the battlefield.



On the other end of the long front, the sound of bombardment is constantly sounding.

On the city wall of Dixin City, there was a Fa Xiu wearing a black shirt with crimson flames embroidered on his sleeves, standing with his eyes closed.

His cultivation base is not high, but the surrounding human race cultivators whose cultivation bases are better than many of him look at this Faxiu, but they are full of disbelief and admiration.

Because, in Faxiu's palm, there are five colors of flames violently colliding and merging.

The flames released blazing heat, distorting the surrounding light.

After a while, between Fa Xiu's palms, the five-color flames merged into one, turning into a five-color lotus flower, which was beautiful but also had an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

One after another violent fluctuations spilled out from it.

At the moment when the lotus was formed, Nafaxiu opened his eyes.

His black eyes were very deep, but his complexion was abnormally pale.

This is the performance of lethargy.

But Faxiu didn't care about his physical condition.

He just threw the five-colored lotus flower in his hand extremely indifferently, threw it out of the mask of the Zhongling Great Array, and threw it into the army of demons that gathered together like locusts.

boom! boom!

It was like a grand firework in full bloom in the demon army.

The five-color lotus burst out with unimaginable terrifying power, sweeping across all directions.

I don't know how many magic cultivators were blasted by the flames, turned into flying ashes, collapsed down quickly, and dissipated.

The demon army in a large area was just empty, revealing the original appearance of the sky.

Countless broken arms and stumps fell down, and a thick blood mist exploded.

Then the magic cultivators around the central area of ​​the five-color lotus explosion looked at the cultivator with fear, surprise and hatred on their faces.

Mo Yan.

If Jian Xiu is the strongest in encounters, then in the current situation of defending the city, Fa Xiu is definitely the strongest.

Because Fa Xiu is the cultivator who is best at group attack.

They can unscrupulously vent their firepower to the outside world under the protection of the great formation.

In order to prevent the demons from breaking the formation, the human monks must leave the guard of the large formation, fight outside the formation, interfere with the attack of the demons, and avoid too many offensives falling on the formation at the same time, making the formation difficult to bear its weight. , is instantly destroyed.

However, unless other monks die, this kind of thing will never be the turn of Dharma cultivation.

Because the role that Fa Xiu needs to play at this time is a human-shaped cannon, he just needs to cover his head and fire the artillery with all his strength.

Mo Yan, like a fish in water.

His stunt of fusion of different fires is the best in terms of power and destructive power. Even Lu Qingshan sighs, but he also has fatal flaws-starting is too slow, it is easy to be interrupted by interference, and it is easy to be perceived by the enemy early to escape. lead to the failure of the offensive.

But in this situation, with the protection of the Zhongling Great Array, no one can interrupt Mo Yan's fusion of different fires.

As for the failure of the offensive...

Please, there are so many demon cultivators outside the city that even the sunlight is blocked. If Mo Yan's offensive is to fail, it will be more difficult than reaching the sky.

Therefore, with this fusion of different fires, Mo Yan quickly achieved an incomparably stunning record, winning the respect of those whose cultivation base surpassed his companions.


But after sending out this different fire lotus and achieving another amazing victory, Mo Yan didn't have time to rejoice, but his throat was sweet, and the long-suppressed injury finally turned into a mouthful of blood.

Even a real cannon can't fire continuously, or it will explode due to heat.

What about people?

During these seven days, Mo Yan himself couldn't remember how many different fire lotuses he sent out. Whether it was mana, energy or physical strength, he was already exhausted.

If you look at Mo Yan's body at this moment, you will find that the meridians in his body have long been burned and twisted.

Even the flames of the alien fire cannot heal this kind of injury in a short period of time.

This is internal injury.

It is an injury caused by excessive activation of the abnormal fire. If it is not treated and dragged on, it may damage the foundation.

Although Mo Yan knew that his condition was bad, he really had no time to heal these injuries.

Because the battle situation was too tense, the enemy did not give them a chance to breathe.

In other words, he has been fighting for seven days.

High intensity combat.

However, Mo Yan was not an exception.

At this moment, almost all the companions around him are like this.

In this time of life and death, no one can back down.

As a human monk, there is no other way but to face it bravely.

It's just... it seems that no matter how hard you try, the disadvantage of the situation cannot be reversed, and there is no hope at all?

Mo Yan raised his head, just like Li Shiyi did, looking towards the bottomless demon army and towards the west.

Turnaround, when will it come?


It seems to be a coincidence, and it seems to be inevitable.

At the edge of the battlefield where Mo Yan's eyes were out of reach, there was a "Qingfeng" that quietly entered the battlefield at this time.

This breeze, which traverses left and right in the dense battlefield of magic cultivators, is extremely flexible and its direction is changeable.

What doesn't change is that it keeps moving forward.

The airflow is invisible, so even if it passed by the side of the magician, the magician would not notice it.

Of course, there are also areas that are simply too dense for airflow to pass through.

In this case, it rampages and rushes through the magic tide.

The magic tide gradually split, and the magic cultivator shattered into pieces under the impact of the breeze, and corpses fell out of thin air.

This is a very weird scene.

But the battlefield is too big, and no high-quality magic cultivator noticed this strange incident that happened in a corner of the battlefield.

The breeze is still moving forward.

It's like an unremarkable boat in a raging tide of magic.

Even though the waves were strong, the boat never sank and moved forward firmly.

After a long time, this breeze finally crossed the magic mountain and the magic sea, and came to the front of the Zhongling Great Array from the edge of the other side of the battlefield.

At this time, there happened to be a Zhongling cultivator who broke out of the large formation. With a wave of desperate explosions, he forcibly rushed away from the surrounding demon cultivators and returned to the Zhongling formation with difficulty.

Unfortunately, within the brief moment when he was about to enter the Zhongling Great Array, he was hit by a heavy hammer from a magic cultivator, and his bones suddenly cracked and he was seriously injured.

But he was pretty good.

Although he was seriously injured, at least he was killed.

You must know that among the monks who took the initiative to rush out of the Zhongling Great Array, there were not even one out of ten who came back.

After all, there is no way to take the human cultivators across the large formation. Once the human cultivators leave the formation, how can the demon army let them go back so easily?

No one noticed that when the cultivator returned to the Zhongling Great Array, an invisible breeze clinged to him and entered the inside of the Great Array together.

This is not because the cultivator who presided over the great formation was slack and let in things that should not be put in.

Everything is entirely because the breeze is invisible and breathless, invisible to the naked eye, and others cannot perceive its existence at all.

After the breeze entered the Zhongling Great Array, it did not linger, but quickly went away, not knowing where it was going.


Arrive at Heart City, the City Lord's Mansion.

Li Shiyi suddenly raised his head.

He felt a very familiar aura fluctuation and was approaching him quickly.

"This is..." Li Shiyi clenched his fists.

Suddenly, the breath fluctuation disappeared again.

Just when Li Shiyi was in shock and doubt, the next moment, a long sword appeared unexpectedly and suspended in front of Li Shiyi without warning.

His eyes fell on the Immediately, the Haoran Peak Master, who had lived for three generations and had extensive knowledge, became uncontrollably excited.

As one of the seven peak masters of the Sword Sect, this sword was too familiar to him.

Originally uneasy, desperate and powerless, because of the appearance of this sword, he suddenly felt a lot more at ease at this moment.

Because the sword in front of him is not just a sword.

It's still hope...and a turnaround. is the sword of the sword sect master.

Dao device, swing!

Li Shiyi doesn't know yet...

The sword is still the extraordinary sword, but the sword master is not the extraordinary old sect master.


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