This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 156: very big pen

"This sword repair is a bit stable (

The burly Yuzun Fenhun's face was still calm, but there was a look of fear in his eyes.

Since Xie Qingyun said this, there is no doubt that the next sword will be Xie Qingyun's ultimate move, not the previous petty tricks.

It's just what this trick will be like, and what kind of momentum and power will it be?

Yu Zun's split soul didn't count in his heart, he could only wait and see what happened.

Xie Qingyun held the swing in his hand.

At this moment, Fuyao seems to have become a part of his body, or, in other words, his body has become an extension of the sword?

You can say whatever you want.

Jian Xiu and Jian were originally part of each other.

Control the vitality of heaven and earth with the sword.

"Get up!"

Xie Qingyun held the Fuyao and waved it in front of him.

Just like every previous swing of his sword.

The expression on his face didn't change much, and the placket didn't flutter.

The long sword just swung out with his wrist and went away naturally, indifferently.

But it has rolled up countless heaven and earth breaths.

Then, a vision of heaven and earth suddenly arose.

In the swing, it exudes majestic power.

There was a whistling sound in the Fuxin Mountains.

The Fuxin Mountains are ups and downs, and there are countless peaks.

But at this moment, the Wanli Mountains were instantly cut into countless vertical and horizontal ravines.

Sword Qi!

Thousands of fierce and unparalleled sword qi suddenly emerged from the mountain peak.

The entire Fuxin Mountains.

Except for the mountain at the foot of Yu Zun's soul.

One by one, the ancient trees in the sky were uprooted and broken into the ground and then floated up, the boulders were torn apart and soared upward, and the mountain peaks rose to the sky.

Mixed with all the beasts and buildings in the mountain, all the mud and water.

Almost everything rises into the sky.

The mighty sword energy floated with the entire mountain range, surpassing the height of Xie Qingyun and Yu Zun at this time, hanging over their heads.

The sky suddenly darkened.

Because the mountains are in the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and the starry sky is not visible.

"You're right, as the spirit of the mountain range, you are invincible in the Fuxin Mountain Range," Xie Qingyun stared at Yu Zun, "People don't move their nests, trees don't move their roots, I want you to leave the Fuxin Mountain Range, and I don't want to. Likely."

"But..." The Sword Immortal placed both hands on the hilt of Fuyao's sword, made a helpless gesture, and said easily: "The Fuxin Mountain Range is now gone."

With the Fuxin Mountains gone, Yuzun is no longer invincible.

The complexion of Yu Zun's divided soul was extremely difficult to see.

In an instant, he understood the subtlety of Xie Qingyun's sword.

It's not that the big move will be released now, but it will be released now.

The moment Xie Qingyun confronted him at the beginning, he was enlightened. It was a fantasy to kill him as the spirit of the mountain range in the Fuxin Mountains.

Because as long as it is in the Fuxin Mountain Range, the power of the Mountain Spirit will continue to flow.

Even if he is seriously injured, he can quickly heal with the power of Fuxin Mountain.

If you want to kill Yuzun, you must either let him leave the Fuxin Mountain Range or destroy the Fuxin Mountain Range.

Obviously, Yu Zun is not stupid, how can he easily leave the Fuxin Mountains?

Then there is only the latter possibility.

Xie Qingyun knew that he only had a chance to take a sword.

If it is impossible to destroy the Fuxin Mountain Range in a very short moment, after stunned by the grass, Yu Zun will be on guard, and it will be difficult to destroy the Fuxin Mountain Range at that time.

The Fuxin Mountains stretch for thousands of miles, and it is almost impossible for a sword to destroy even a Sword Immortal.

Therefore, since then, every time Xie Qingyun's seemingly futile offensive is actually a feint.

What he really did was to emit tens of thousands of sword qi in each offensive and silently swim into the Fuxin Mountain Range.

It is very difficult to do this under Yu Zun's nose and not be discovered.

But Xie Qingyun was swaying.

The sword is swaying, also known as the invisible and breathless sword.

The invisible is not only the sword, but also the sword energy.

So he can do it.

After a long time of deliberation and preparation, Xie Qingyun finally released a million sword qi in the Fuxin Mountains.

Then, at this moment, it erupted in this brief moment.

The sword qi came so fast, and they exerted their force together, which subverted the entire Fuxin Mountain Range.

Using the sword fairy method to describe this sword is even inferior.

This is the magic trick.

Yu Zun immediately understood that what Xie Qingyun said "this is called a sword" is indeed true.

In front of such a sword move, how dare other sword moves dare to call themselves swords?

Upside down.

Mountains hang upside down.

Even the magic cultivators who are enemies are shocked at this thrilling and spectacular scene at this moment:

On the blood-colored sky, is a broken mountain.

Stones, gravel, dirt, trees, water flow, the grains are distinct, as if they have lost their gravity and cohesion, and hang there.

Fuyao buzzes.

It's exciting.

Really excited.

Even if it is a Dao sword, it may not be able to cut such a sword in a lifetime.


"Senior Soul, what are you waiting for? If you don't make a move? If you don't make a move, it won't be the Fuxin Mountain Range anymore!" The Soul Yuzun finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and let out a low roar.

Yes, from the beginning to the end, Yu Zun has always shot, and Soul Zun has never appeared.

However, it is not incomprehensible.

After all, Soul Sovereign did not divide his soul in the Infinity Domain at this time, only his body.

Soul Zun is not like Yu Zun, who can hide the body in the split soul.

And the enemy they faced at this time was the Sword Immortal who was famous for attacking.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, Soul Venerable is unwilling to show his true body in front of Xie Qingyun, lest there will be an accident and Xie Qingyun will take the body directly.

It's about life and death, so it's no wonder Soul Venerable dare not take risks.

But now that the situation has developed to such a point, it doesn't make much sense for Soul Venerable to hide.

Is there an egg under the nest?

The most urgent task is to work together to solve Xie Qingyun.

At the moment when Yu Zun's voice fell, there seemed to be an indescribable force in the only intact mountain under their feet, and the magic energy rolled around, forming a vortex.

In the depths of the vortex, a figure appeared.

Xie Qingyun's eyes suddenly brightened at this moment.

That silhouette is naturally the body of Soul Venerable.

Compared with the shriveled and ugly bodies of other Heart Demons, Soul Venerable is much more burly, with flying white hair and a arrogant and unruly temperament.

Even if it is placed in the human race, Soul Venerable is definitely the handsome one.

In his flesh, strands of black energy rose up,

These black qi slowly wriggled on the surface of Soul Venerable's body like living creatures.

Looking at the black air that wriggled like a snake, Xie Qingyun's brows rose.

For some reason, these black qi made him feel an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

"Have you felt it?" Soul Venerable's eyes were projected, and his words were silent, "No matter how strong you are, as long as you are entangled by it, it is difficult to break free."

"This is the innate supernatural power that belongs to our inner demon family.... To control life."

"Real life control."


When Soul Venerable's voice fell, the black energy suddenly shot out.

They directly penetrated the numerous voids, ignoring all obstacles, and in an instant they wrapped around Xie Qingyun's ankles, necks, wrists like poisonous snakes...

One after another black energy rushed towards him frantically, and in an instant, it covered Xie Qingyun.

The black gas forms a black snake, circulating the power of the source **** and the unique supernatural power, and it seems that it is difficult to break free.

It is also a life-controlling supernatural power. When Soul Venerable is displayed, it seems that it is not the same thing as Yu-Zun. It is too powerful and it is enough to pose a threat to Xie Qingyun.

The black gas swam wildly, covering Xie Qingyun's body, making his vision rapidly compressed, and the eyes gradually became dark...

However, before the darkness completely drowned him, Xie Qingyun closed his eyes first.

In the next moment, thousands of sword qi torrents poured out from Xie Qingyun's body, then fell, and then turned into sword qi swimming fish, directly rushing towards the poisonous snakes formed by black qi in a mighty trend.

The swimming fish and the poisonous snake began to fight.

The two are colliding silently, and anyone can see that whether it is a swimming fish or a poisonous snake, they are constantly disappearing.

It is still the use of the primordial qi of heaven and earth, whether it is primordial force or primordial spirit power, in Xie Qingyun, there is no limit.

Soul Zun saw this scene, his face was gloomy.


He clenched his palms, angry in his heart.

The two dignified heart demons were actually blocked by Xie Qingyun alone, and they were forced to be so embarrassed but helpless.

If Qinglong is here, can his Soul Venerable suffer this grievance?

"Join us!" Soul Zun was silent for a breath, and whispered to Yu Zun.

Yu Zun was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then a decidedly ruthless color flashed in his eyes, and he said sternly: "Xie Qingyun, although this deity was in a chess game this time, you destroyed the Fuxin Mountain Range and cut off my source of strength, But today's battle, you absolutely cannot win."

"Don't forget, this place is our territory!"

Yu Zun took a deep breath, his expression was determined, and his hands changed like lightning to make his debut.

"Fate control," he shouted loudly, "Lock the soul!"

The voice fell, and a dark red light suddenly spewed out from the palm of Yu Zun's palm like an angry dragon.

The same is true in Soul Venerable's palm.

Not only them, but also other demon cultivators, but all the heart demon clan, all shot at this time.

Dozens of dark red lights run through the void, and one after another of mysterious lines and strange auras are vaguely visible, looming.

These dark red lights, intertwined in the air, contain indescribable power, even Xie Qingyun felt a palpitation at this moment.

He has some sense of it, and these dark red lights are a great threat to him.

But the dark red light was too fast, and it appeared all over Xie Qingyun in a short time.


The dark red light whizzed down, and the cloud qi that Xie Qingyun shrouded on the surface of his body was simply ignored by these dark red light.

The dark red light fell, and it was directly integrated into Xie Qingyun's body.

And when these dark red lights dissipated, Xie Qingyun was still quietly suspended in mid-air, with his hands stacked on the swinging sword hilt, and it seemed that there was no damage.

However, Soul Venerable and Yu Zun above the void looked at each other and smiled, "You and I, in order to deal with foreign races, co-created this method of Origin God's seal that finally came in handy."

When the two of them first took control of the Infinity Domain, their soul division was not complete, and they were not as powerful as they are now, and their combat power was far inferior to that of other holy demons in power.

In order not to be oppressed by other holy demons and occupy the territory, the two of them used their talent to control their lives as the foundation, supplemented by the knowledge of human formation formation, and created a combined attack technique, that is, the technique of locking the soul.

This soul-locking technique is the real trump card of their inner demon clan, which maximizes the power of their life-controlling supernatural powers.

Five ninth-grade inner demons can join forces to lock the source **** of a primary demon.

Because the demons cultivate the gods and demons and do not pay attention to the cultivation of the primordial spirit, the primordial spirit realm of the human race is usually stronger than that of the demons, and the strength required to lock the soul is correspondingly larger.

But this time, it was two top Demon Venerables and dozens of Ninth-Rank Inner Demons joining forces.

Even if Xie Qingyun is a sword immortal, this soul-locking technique can block his short breath count time.

Visible to the naked eye, some dark red lines spread out on Xie Qingyun's exposed skin.

With the spread of this pattern, the Qingyun Jurisdiction that Xie Qingyun had originally developed with all his strength converged.

Xie Qingyun's breath also disappeared suddenly.

Anyone can see that this is Xie Qingyun's Primordial Spirit trapped and fell into an unconscious state.

In a battle of this level, a weak sword immortal would be caught without a single hand, not to mention counting breaths, even a single breath would be fatal.

"While he is sick, he will die!"

Soul Zun and Yu Zun, who are extremely experienced in combat, will not miss such fighters.

The void shattered abruptly, and Yu Zun's huge body swept away, rushing towards Xie Qingyun like a mountain peak, and his fists were even more like thunder, slamming straight towards Xie Qingyun who was frozen in the air.

Soul Venerable is not to be outdone, strong winds, rainstorms, thunder and lightning, and flames appear out of thin air in his body, sweeping towards the four directions.

At this moment, it is as if the earth's fengshui and fire are surging, causing chaos in the world.

Four demons.

The supreme **** and demon body cultivated by Soul Venerable.

Soul Zun's body is surrounded by feng shui and fire, like a holy spirit, turning into a streamer and swept towards Xie Qingyun.

He made a fist with both hands, and there was a big sun lit on the fist. The big sun contained a mighty power, which was extremely terrifying, and it also slammed into Xie Qingyun.

The two of them made moves together, just to kill.

This kind of power is enough to wipe out Xie Qingyun, who was unconscious at this time, hundreds of times.

Xie Qingyun seems to have not been able to unlock the soul.

The dark red lines on his body were glowing violently, but he couldn't break free. He could only watch the four fists rolling down.

Just when the four fists containing the terrifying power of the Demon Venerable were about to fall.

Xie Qingyun suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked at Yu Zun's separate soul and soul Zun's body, which were already close to his body, his eyes were very clear, and there was still indifference in the clear and bright.

The corners of his mouth raised a meaningful smile.

Those who go to interest also.

Kunpeng can't be sleepy.

Qingyun is also free.

The world can't restrain Xie Qingyun's method.

This is where Xie Qingyun is the most powerful.

However, Soul Venerable and Yu Zun did not understand this truth.

They absolutely shouldn't, and the worst thing they should do is to choose lore as the method of locking the soul.

The method of locking the soul is a bondage, a shackle.

It can't lock Xie Qingyun.

Xie Qingyun chose the plan.

He needs to let the cautious Soul Venerable and Yu Zun relax a little, and gather together to give him a chance to wear two.

Therefore, he made the illusion that he had caught the soul lock method.

In this case, Soul Venerable and Yu Venerable will inevitably pursue the situation and use the ultimate move to kill him directly, which will definitely cause trouble.

Yu Zun's soul is the spirit of the mountains, and the strongest ultimate move must be his body, which is beyond doubt.

The law of the flesh requires closeness to perform.

As for Soul Sovereign......

The cultivation system of the demons is the body of gods and demons, even if they are stronger than the original gods, the demons of the heart cannot get around the body of gods and demons.

Just like no matter what the cultivation system of the human race is, it cannot bypass the jurisdiction.

Therefore, there is a high probability that Soul Venerable's ultimate move is also a melee combat method that relies on the release of the gods and demons.

Xie Qingyun's luck was good, and he made the right bet.

"Luozi!" Xie Qingyun snorted coldly as he looked at the two people who were very different in size.

Then, his hands on the swinging sword hilt suddenly pressed down.

Soul Zun and Yu Zun both jumped, as if realizing something, they all raised their heads in horror.

They looked at the Fuxin Mountains hanging upside down, and suddenly remembered something...

Since Xie Qingyun hung the Fuxin Mountain Range with a sword, the broken Fuxin Mountain Range has been hanging in the sky like this, and it has not fallen.

Such a huge mountain range hangs above the sky, relying on Xie Qingyun's millions of sword Then Xie Qingyun exerts his mighty power to hang the mountain range upside down, is it to intimidate people?

Obviously not possible.

Now they understand.

Since there is a momentum, there must be a fall.

It turns out that Xie Qingyun's "One Sword" is actually divided into two sections, and the starting point is only the first section.

Only when the drop falls can it be regarded as a complete sword.

But they understood it too late.


The ethereal swaying, carrying the might of Qingshan, pressed down heavily.

As Xie Qingyun pressed the sword, the scattered Fuxin Mountains fell down together with the sword.

Just now, Yu Zun divided the soul to press Xie Qingyun with a mountain.

Xie Qingyun still has a mountain range.

This is called Taishan pressing the top.

In the face of such a vast mountain, even if it is as vicious as a demon cultivator, subconsciously, there is an irresistible fear of looking up, and even loses the courage to struggle.

This is where Xie Qingyun's sword is the most powerful.

This sword of his did not borrow the power of heaven and earth.

This sword of his is part of the power of heaven and earth.

Xie Qingyun's sword intent spewed wantonly towards the surrounding world.

Fu Yao was pushed down by him inch by inch.

The Fuxin Mountain Range is pressing down at a great speed, pressing towards Soul Venerable and Yu Zun.

This Fuxin Mountain Range, which hangs down from the sky, is the most magnificent picture that has never appeared before, whether in the world or in the abyss.

Although the strength is not as good as that of Li Qiufei Jiankaitianmen, but in terms of weather, in terms of spectacle, it is number one in the world!

There is nothing in the world that can compare to it.

I think that even if Li Qiufei, who is known as the most romantic in kendo, witnessed Xie Qingyun's "rising and falling" sword with his own eyes, he would have to slap the pole against the railing and praise him:

What a great handwriting!

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