This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 144: Yuzun's 3rd Soul

69 net 69, the fastest update of this sword repair is a bit stable! The birthplace of the Heart Demons that Lu Qingshan saw in the inheritance place of Edict was located in a swampy area, with endless thunder and a blood moon in the sky.

The blood moon is in the sky, this is a unique sight of the abyss, and it is not particularly useful information.

That useful information, there are only two.

Swamp and Thunder.

But beyond that, there is information that can be inferred.

The birthplace of the inner demon hides the body of Soul Venerable and Yu Zun.

In such an important place, two conditions must be met.

Well-protected yet unobtrusive.

At the same time, it must not be in too remote places.

Otherwise, once an accident occurs, the split soul between Soul Venerable and Yu Zun will be too late to rush over to support the main body.

The location of the birthplace of the inner demon is not something that Soul Venerable and Yu Venerable can decide.

But whether a place is remote is not determined by its geographical location, but by human beings.

Just like some remote suburbs, it may become a bustling and lively place after re-planning.


After Xie Qingyun entered the abyss, the first thing he did was to raid the city lord's mansion in a demon city, and collect the required information by interrogating and checking the books.

According to the information, there are not many areas full of thunder in the Infinity Domain, and there are more than 100 places that have been recorded.

Xie Qingyun combined the last two conditions and quickly narrowed the target to eleven.

Later, after Xie Qingyun checked the detailed introduction of the eleven places of thunder, he directly locked the target.

Fuxin Mountains.

This is a mountain range outside the Wujiewangcheng Abi. It is named because it looks like a beating heart when viewed from a high altitude, and there is thunder all year round, rumbling and rumbling like a beating heart.

There are many demonic veins in this mountain range, so it is shrouded in a strong demonic energy all year round.

And the thundering place is the "heart"-shaped valley.

The quality of the magic veins condensed in this mountain range is surprisingly high, so this is also the most excellent Fengshui treasure land in the Wujiewangcheng.

Back then, the Heart Demon family valued this terrain, so they built the King City Abi beside the Fuxin Mountain Range.

As for the Fuxin Mountains, it was regarded as a burial ridge by the Heart Demons, and a tomb was built here.

All the heart demon kings who died were buried in the Fuxin Mountain Range.

In addition, there are many heart demon kings who feel that their lifespan is approaching, and they also choose to sit in the Fuxin Mountains.

As the location of the royal mausoleum, the Fuxin Mountains are naturally heavily guarded, but not many people will pay more attention to this place.

After all, other than tomb robbers, who cares about a place where the dead stay? It's not that there are any treasures or great resources.

In addition, the Fuxin Mountains are located next to Abi City.

As the royal city of the heart demon family, Abi City is also the place where Soul Zun and Yu Zun usually stay.

Then where else would be more reassuring than under the nose?

A place that perfectly met all the conditions that Xie Qingyun expected.

What's there to hesitate about?

Above the top of the clouds, dressed in blue clothes stood proudly.

The king's city is at the foot.

But Xie Qingyun's eyes were not on this city, but on the Fuxin Mountains on the side of Abi City.

His eyes are deep and distant, as if he can see the scene of Fuxin Mountain through time and space, and at the same time, he swept past with a clear target.

The guard Mo Xiu of Abi City feels that since the establishment of Abi City, no enemy has ever been able to kill here.

But today, the enemy is on their heads, and their entire city of demon cultivators is unaware.

So far, Xie Qingyun has set a precedent in history.

Only today, he will not be satisfied with this.

The illusory and invisible light passed silently across Abi City and came to the Fuxin Mountain Range.

On the periphery of the mountain range, there are many buildings and magic repairs patrolling, forming the first line of defense of the royal tomb.

These magic cultivators, like the patrolling magic cultivators in Abi City, did not notice Xie Qingyun's arrival at all.

Xie Qingyun stood in the clouds and looked towards the valley, but the strong demonic energy blocked his sight.

Boom boom boom!

The continuous sound of thunder continued to come from the valley, shocking people.

So he stepped out.

This step is a distance of thousands of feet, which can penetrate the heavy magic energy and reach the heart valley.

But after this step, Xie Qingyun found himself still in the original position, outside the Fuxin Mountain Range.

Xie Qingyun couldn't help frowning slightly, looking at the Fuxin Mountains in front of him.

"Assimilation of heaven and earth," he said softly, "It's interesting."

The world in front of him was assimilated by a force of unknown origin, and corresponding rules were set.

So no matter how he goes, in the end, he will return to the starting point.

It's just that in the face of this situation, Xie Qingyun's mouth is slightly upturned, and he is in a good mood.

Because, assimilating the world, that is the top power in the world.

To be able to meet this kind of power here, doesn't it mean that the Fuxin Mountain Range is not just as simple as a royal mausoleum?

"Just find the target."

Xie Qingyun stopped striding.

He stretched out his right, a blue sword

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ flashing, it belongs to him.

Then, Xie Qingyun gently waved his sword.

Cloud Qi condensed above the sword's edge and slashed forward.

As if it was cut on an invisible glass cover, the cloud was bounced off, and suddenly a huge ripple swept across the world.

The ripples swept across the mountains, across the buildings on the periphery of the mountains, and over the patrolling magic cultivators. The forest suddenly turned into dust, the buildings turned into wrecks, and the magic cultivators turned into blood mist and exploded.

After this sword, the thick demonic energy suddenly separated to both sides at this moment, making way for it.


But at this moment, the vast horn sounded from the valley, spreading all over the Fuxin Mountain Range, and also spreading to Abi City, which is located next to the Fuxin Mountain Range - this royal city where high-quality magic cultivators gather.

The magic cultivator stationed in the royal city was awakened by the sound of the horn, and at the same time was a little dazed.

The trumpet sounded the message that an enemy was coming.

But, what kind of enemy dares to be so daring to come to the core area of ​​their boundless realm?

The next moment, one after another, escaping light flew up from Abi City, like a dense meteor, carrying a billowing demonic energy, and swept towards the Fuxin Mountains where the horn sounded.

Above the Fuxin Mountains.

In the face of the sudden horn sound, Xie Qingyun did not have much reaction.

He was not surprised, he was mentally prepared for this.

The birthplace of the inner demon is such an important place, if he could take it lightly the demons would not have suppressed their human race for so many years.

But Xie Qingyun has plenty of confidence.

Since Qinglong is not here, there is no one who can stop him in the boundless domain.

At the same time as the horn sounded, a heavy pressure appeared at the same time, pressing on Xie Qingyun.

In an instant, the bones of Xie Qingyun's body were crackling, and the divine light on the body surface was dimmed a lot.

It was as if the entire Fuxin Mountain Range was pressing on him.

"Is that you?" Xie Qingyun turned a deaf ear to this and looked forward.

In the passage separated by his sword, a gray figure appeared.

Very similar to a human race, eight feet tall, with a thick beard on his face, brown hair, and an astonishing coercion on his body.

"The first soul of Yuzun." Xie Qingyun continued, stating the identity of this figure.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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