Combining movies and reality, in the eyes of the audience, Cheng Yong's small team must be right.

Although it was profitable at the beginning, the selling price was also cheaper than genuine drugs.

Later, he sold medicine at a loss.

Both Sihui and the priest are actively contacting patients and doing their part.

Cheng Yong went to jail, and Huang Mao paid the price with his life.

Even the counterfeit drug dealer Zhang Changlin, because he did not confess to Cheng Yong during the interrogation, made the audience forgive him to a certain extent.

As for the police, like Cao Bin, he simply quit, saying that he could not handle the case and was willing to accept any punishment.

According to the position of the police, everything they do is also their responsibility.

After thinking about it, many ordinary viewers will naturally feel that the biggest villain is the pharmaceutical company!

But now, looking at the reports of the official media and the popular science articles of the marketing account, tell them rationally that pharmaceutical companies...seem to be right?

The cost of drug research and development by pharmaceutical companies is an astonishing figure.

Moreover, according to the general environment and particularity of this industry, many investment tycoons are unwilling to spend money here.

The risk is too great!

Drug development is likely to be a bottomless pit.

You don't know when it's going to turn out and how it's going to turn out.

Even there are not many people majoring in this field, and sometimes it will drop sharply year by year, and talents are scarce.

And some drug research and development is not even a matter of a few years, but the efforts of several generations.

From the perspective of investors, if I invest money in this kind of project, I might as well invest in other projects. Why bother?

Indeed, there are still many people on the Internet who insist on scolding pharmaceutical companies, regardless of whether they ignore it or not.

"Money, money, money, you know money!"

"Oh, the stench!"

"Treat human life as a business, and regard human life as worthless!"

But if we think about it rationally, what if we consider the future development?

If pharmaceutical companies cannot pay back their costs, what about new projects?

How should the industry develop?

What should we do about other fields that have not yet been broken through and diseases that cannot be cured?

And from another perspective, did generic drugs save these people?

If there are no genuine drugs, how can there be generic drugs?

Here, too much is involved, the more people think about it, the more they feel headaches and the more uncomfortable they feel.

One article after another, one report after another, used different angles and aspects to "whitewash" pharmaceutical companies.

And the result of this is suffocating silence.

The scary thing about this movie is that no one is right!

Suddenly, a classic line in it appeared in the minds of countless people.

When watching the movie, they were shocked by this line.

Now, after learning more and more, the shock in my heart is still deepening!

This line is what the counterfeit drug dealer Zhang Changlin said to Cheng Yong:

“[There is only one disease in this world—the disease of poverty!]”

A god-level line!

For many people, it has been several days since watching the movie, and it is a scorching summer, but they suddenly feel a chill in their hearts!

Since everyone's position is not wrong, this made many viewers feel that this movie is extremely amazing and the filming is amazing!

Many people's evaluation of "The God of Medicine" is still rising steadily!

"So I thought I understood it, but actually I didn't!"

"This movie is awesome!"

Many netizens even commented on the Internet: "China is scarce such a movie, and China also needs such a movie!"



The current status of the Blue Star film industry is similar to that on Earth.

Most of the netizens are talking about it, and few of them are boasting.

When you look at foreign movies, either the special effects are shocking and high-quality, or they are very deep and deeply reflect social problems, and even promote social development.

Look at you again, what are you shooting!

But the birth of "The God of Medicine" seemed to make some things different.

Many people really find it hard to imagine that such a work is actually made by a young man who has not yet reached the age of 30, and it is his first live-action movie!

"What else is there that Luo Mo doesn't know?"

"What else can Luo Mo not do well?"

And on August 4th, a number of official media began to mobilize and praised the movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

Originally, because of the [Ten Billion Box Office Project], the major official media would report on these movies.

However, some of the words they used this time are completely different from those they reported on the previous movies.

Praise too hard, praise too hard!

Among them, a well-known official media even specially interviewed Luo Mo.

The content of the interview is not much, only three questions in total.

Luo Mo's answers to the first two questions were relatively simple, as if he didn't intend to talk more.

Like getting skinny for this movie or something.

He replied with three words: "It should."

But the third question, his reply, made many people's eyes shine, and also made many people in the industry fall into deep thought.

The official media asked: "Right now, everyone on the Internet is saying that this movie is terrible because no one is wrong! In this regard, I would like to ask you when you wrote the script, based on what kind of thinking you made this kind of creation .”

When Luo Mo heard this question, he pondered for a moment, and then answered the question with a famous quote from Hegel on Earth.

"The truly worthy tragedy is not between good and evil, but between dilemmas."

As soon as this sentence came out, many ordinary netizens felt even more uncomfortable, feeling like they were being stabbed by Luo Mo again.

——"He just wants to abuse me!"

——"He just wants to kill me!"

Daodaoluo, you have no heart!

But for screenwriters, directors and others in the industry, this sentence made them fall into thinking. Many people directly liked it, or even forwarded it, thinking it was very beneficial!

"Not appearing between good and evil, but between a dilemma... Absolutely! Absolutely!"

"It feels like a slap in the face, I suddenly realized a lot of creative ideas!"

"I understand! I want to understand!"

"After listening to his words, it feels more effective than watching a hundred high-scoring movies!"

He was taught again, and we were taught another lesson by him!

Many people haven't even fully digested the previous lesson of "Large-Scale Screening".

Good guy, you accepted an interview casually, and taught us another lesson in terms of creative ideas, shooting techniques, etc.!

No wonder, no wonder he can write such a profound script!

The combination of various factors made the single-day box office of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" reach a new high on August 4, reaching an astonishing 294 million!

Many people feel that this is not the single-day box office limit of "The God of Medicine"!

Breaking 300 million in a single day is almost a certainty.

This kind of subject matter, a film about social issues that makes people feel uncomfortable to watch, can actually win such a terrible box office!

Let me ask you a question: Who said that movie depth and movie box office cannot coexist?

I, Luo Mo, were the first to say no!



August 5th, Shanghai, sunny.

Luo Mo opened the curtains to let the sun shine in, feeling happy.

The weather and the box office are actually linked. Many people are reluctant to go out on rainy days.

Xu Chujing looked at Luo Mo's back standing in front of the window, with a smile on his face.

"It seems to be getting stronger again." She said in her heart.

After Luo Mo finished the role of Lu Yiyi, he no longer needed to maintain a thin state, so his figure and appearance were slowly returning.

The whole person looks much healthier and more energetic.

He is very relaxed now.

"It can be said that the military order issued in front of Chief Zhong of the audit department has been completed." Luo Mo said in his heart.

Under the influence of Wang Rong, the box office figure he mentioned in front of Zhong Lin was 800 million.

It's easy to finish in a few days!

Moreover, there are fewer people on the Internet with the rhythm of "The God of Medicine" these days.

Because this group of people found that this movie is a bit immobile.

The more you fan the flames, the more counterproductive it will be.

The fire of hostility towards the film did not ignite, but the fire at the box office was burning brightly.

Although Luo Mo didn't care about some people's remarks, seeing them was an eyesore and affected his mood.

But in the afternoon, Luo Mo received another call from the studio.

After hanging up the phone, he had one thought: "The heart that kills me will never die!"

"What's wrong? Something happened again?" Xu Chujing asked with concern.

"I thought the rhythmic people had stopped, but I didn't expect them to be thinking of new tricks." Luo Mo smiled wryly.

He has too many rivals, and because he is not very "groupy", he often "violates" the interests of many people.

Luo Mo didn't even bother to find out who was behind the scenes, he was afraid...there were too many people, and he couldn't get to the bottom of it.

He just slapped his face.

Like now.

Luo Mo picked up his phone and showed Xu Chujing some screenshots sent by the studio staff.

"Look, since that line [there is only one disease in this world—the disease of poverty] became popular, they began to have new ideas and new routines. Look at these remarks." Luo Mo said.

Xu Chujing read a few articles casually.

"So I deserve to die if I'm poor!"

"Because I'm poor and can't afford medicine, so even if there are cheap generic medicines, I won't take them, and I will die!"

"There are still people who praise this movie. It is obviously not correct, but it tells you blatantly: poor people deserve to die!"

The more Xu Chujing looked at it, the more she frowned.

"What kind of talk is that!" she said.

"We pointed out some social problems, or is it wrong?"

"It has expanded its influence and attention, and it has become a wrong view?"

This is like some righteous journalists will also be bullied by the Internet. Their duty is to speak out, but some people will accuse him of not being able to solve the problem.

Luo Mo smiled, and said: "These people's routine is: whoever points out the problem, then whoever brought the problem, anyway, this person is also guilty."

Xu Chujing looked at him and said, "You still laugh! You can still laugh!"

Luo Mo patted her lightly and said, "It's okay, just wait."

According to the ending of the original film "I'm Not the God of Medicine" on Earth, after Cheng Yong was released from prison, Cao Bin, who used to look down on him, came to pick him up.

In this plot, Cao Bin said to Cheng Yong: "Don't touch fake medicines, no one buys them anymore, genuine medicines are covered by medical insurance, and no one takes Indian medicines."

But in the Blue Star version of "I'm Not the God of Medicine", Luo Mo did not record this sentence.

As mentioned earlier, the Blue Star version of "The God of Medicine", the subtitles and news at the end of the film are different from those on Earth.

So why is it different?

Why didn't Luo Mo take this sentence?

At this moment, Luo Mo put down his phone, feeling peaceful in his heart.

He is waiting.

"Let the bullets fly a little longer."

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