This Star Wants To Retire

Chapter 555 The Bad Guys in the Movie

Xu Jinzhu looked extremely uncomfortable now, and his nose was slightly sour.

He obviously didn't like this sister's boyfriend, but he was moved by his performance.

And in Hangzhou, the two best friends, Xiao Cai and Xiao Fang, were already sitting in the theater, watching the afternoon screening of "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

Today, the two women obviously came here dressed up.

They all wore newly bought JK uniforms, pleated plaid skirts, big white legs, black leather shoes, and white socks in the hot summer.

Before the movie officially started, the two took a few selfies while sitting on a chair, and they wanted to photoshoot after returning home. Xiao Cai wanted to post this photo on Weibo, and by the way, advertise for "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

Before watching the movie officially, the two sisters were talking and laughing.

"I think you just treat me as a tool!" Xiao Fang said while holding the phone to help adjust the camera angle.

"Tch, don't you see that there are a few old women asking for your Weibo account under my Weibo, and think that you have helped me gain fans through your beauty, OK?" Xiao Cai glanced at her plain face. Chest, sneered.

Xiao Fang also glanced at her tablet and laughed louder than her.

After the lights in the theater went out, the two girls started to watch the movie, and they enjoyed it too.

"The shape of this yellow hair is so sloppy and funny, what kind of killer is this!"

"Luo Mo is also too thin, this kind of sickness is super well acted!"

"Hahaha, I'm going to die laughing at this night manager, I suspect he opened the door to a new world."

Although Xiao Cai communicated with Xiao Fang with a very soft voice and a smile, since she still had to write a film review, she observed more carefully and recorded many details in her heart.

For example, the scene where the manager of the night scene dances pole dance is indeed very funny, and a few large words echoed directly in my ears: "You are so coquettish!"

This man is so flirtatious, there really is nothing wrong with women!

But Tang Shiyu, who played Sihui, yelled the loudest and booed the loudest when watching the manager dance the pole dance, but there were tears in his eyes, tears of humiliation.

She felt that Tang Shiyu, as the least developed of the four little Huadans, had really undergone a qualitative change since joining Luo Mo!

Great job!

Including the scene where Cheng Yong and Sihui almost played poker after returning home, it also vaguely showed what kind of life Sihui was leading.

Her daughter seems to be used to having strange men in the house.

And in Sihui's home, there is also love-interest-underwear.

Obviously, if she was really short of money, she would choose to make some sacrifices for the sake of her daughter in order to make a quick buck.

As for the turning point of the movie plot, their tears never stopped.

In the scene where Lu Yiyi died, as Luo Mo's old fans for many years, they felt extremely uncomfortable watching it.

Seeing Huang Mao sitting alone in the corner of the steps eating that dry orange, they felt that the sour orange juice splashed into their eyes through the screen, and they couldn't stop their tears.

"He stabbed himself again! He stabbed himself again!" Xiao Fang felt that Luo Mo was absolutely perfect.

On the road of the knife yourself, are you planning to go all the way to darkness?

You are still good at abusing fans!

Most importantly, Lu Yiyi's death was completely different from Mei Changsu's.

Mei Changsu has returned to Lin Shu's identity, returned to the battlefield, and fulfilled his long-cherished wish.

Lu Yiyi's death was too depressing, too suffocating, and too desperate.

At this point in the plot, Cheng Yong plans to start selling medicine again.

He went to India again to find a drug dealer.

Xiao Cai took out her mobile phone, typed quickly, and wrote down her inspiration.

She recalled the episode when Cheng Yong met the drug dealer for the first time.

At that time, the drug dealer didn't intend to cooperate with Cheng Yong at all, because the money he brought was too little, so he only bought a hundred bottles, which was not rare.

In order to open up channels, Cheng Yong began to persuade him, saying that there are many people in China who cannot afford genuine medicines, and there is a great demand for your medicines.

Wearing a big gold ring and a big gold watch, the tyrant-like drug dealer smiled and said, "Oh, so you want to be a savior?"

Cheng Yong laughed loudly: "I don't want to be a savior! I want to make money!"

He said to the translator: "You tell him that this medicine will have a big market in China, because many patients need this medicine to save their lives."

He stared at the God of Medicine, and said word by word: "Life is money!"

Xiao Cai could feel the transformation in Cheng Yong.

This contrast moved her even more.

You know, the current Cheng Yong is also a successful boss.

After he went to India, the pharmacist said that he could still supply some medicines, so he called Sihui and the priest back and asked them to contact patients who had bought his own medicines before.

He called the group leaders of some patient groups to his factory.

These people were all looking at him with masks on.

Xiao Cai realized that [mask], like [orange], is also a meaningful thing in this drama.

This is the heart defense of the patients.

When they met Cheng Yong for the first time, Cheng Yong saw that they couldn't recognize people wearing masks. He felt that he was disrespected and asked them to take them off.

Later, after they trusted Cheng Yong, they stopped wearing them.

But at Lu Yiyi's memorial service, Cheng Yong walked through the crowd and saw faces wearing masks.

Now, in my own factory, the same is true.

Cheng Yong told everyone that starting from next week, we will sell medicine again, but I can only guarantee that the former patients will have the medicine, please keep quiet and be considerate.

The drug dealer himself was also in trouble. He couldn't supply too much medicine to Cheng Yong, and these medicines were still given out of the past.

The group leader of the patient group wearing a mask said directly: "How much are you selling this time?"

When Cheng Yong heard the words, he said without hesitation: "Five hundred."

For a moment, Xiao Cai and Xiao Fang felt that their breathing was stagnant.

They suddenly felt like crying again.

Five hundred, this is a loss.

In the beginning, he only wanted to make money, but now, he only wanted to save people.

This seemingly weird title seems to have a different meaning at this moment, which brings a special touch to people-"I'm Not the God of Medicine".

The name that made people feel weird at first, but looking at it now, it is so moving!

He was doing extremely risky things. While Zhang Changlin was still absconding and being closely pursued, he took the risk to sell medicine and put money into it.

For some reason, Xiao Cai's heart trembled suddenly.

She had watched the trailer of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" too many times.

She even wrote a 200-word short commentary on the trailer edited by Luo Mo.

Now she couldn't help but recall the ridiculous words Cheng Yong said when he recruited the priest to join the group in the church.

Didn’t God say that saving one’s life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

Lu Yiyi smiled and dismantled the stage, which was what the Buddha said.

But during this conversation, Cheng Yong said something to the priest: "Didn't God say, if you don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

Another ridiculous speech.

So what now?

Where is Cheng Yong now?

What is he doing again?

——If I don’t go to hell, whoever goes to hell!



In the theater, Xiao Cai and Xiao Fang had already cried a pack of tissues.

Huang Mao refused to help Cheng Yong at first, but after learning that Cheng Yong was selling medicine at a loss, he took the initiative to come back to help.

This young man who looks like a killer is the one who expresses the most direct emotions, the most daring to love and hate, and the one who loves and hates clearly in the whole movie.

He was the same as before, following behind Cheng Yong like a follower.

Cheng Yong asked him if he had been home all these years.

He said, "I won't go back. They thought I was dead long ago, and I will scare them when I go back."

Under the setting sun, Huang Mao's long hair made it difficult for anyone to see his face clearly.

Like a homeless stray dog.

"Aren't you dead?" Cheng Yong said.

"Sooner or later." Huang Mao said.

"Let's go back and have a look, shave your head before you leave, your hair is scary enough." Cheng Yong said disgusted.

After the two looked at each other and smiled, Cheng Yong asked him, "Do you really look down on me?"

Huang Mao said, "It used to be."

Under the setting sun, the two walked one after the other on the beach.

Huang Mao is still learning how to bark like a dog to scare Cheng Yong.

"Nervous! Go ahead! Yellow dog!" Cheng Yong said.

The two were playing and fighting, and the sunset was beautiful.

Are you somewhat familiar with this warm picture?

That is the romance before the knife.

At the same time, in this plot, the attributes of the characters are also expressed. From the nickname, to the style, to learning how to bark, to the appearance, Huangmao is all linked to [wild dogs], [mad dogs], [stray dogs] and the like .

And some wild dogs and stray dogs are willing to give everything for him after they have found their belonging and recognized someone.

The police's pursuit of generic drugs has never stopped.

Cao Bin and others searched all the way, and then found the Hemophilia Mutual Aid Association.

Officer Cao Bin intends to start with these "buyers" and continue to investigate who is still selling drugs.

But what he didn't expect was that among so many people, no one cooperated, and no one confessed to the drug seller!

Cao Bin, wearing a black leather jacket, strode into the room and glanced at the crowd sitting on chairs and wearing masks.

"I heard that you didn't cooperate. Our case investigators talked about the evidence, and found fake medicines from each of you. Whether you cooperate or not, the case will be handled the same."

"Covering up a crime is also a crime. I just want to remind you of one thing. What you do is not helping him, but harming him."

Seeing that everyone was still silent, he prepared to leave.

"Leader." An old woman stood up suddenly and called Cao Bin to a stop: "Please do something."

She has white hair, a stooped back, and is wearing an old cotton-padded jacket.

"I..." She stammered, "I just want to beg you, stop chasing Indian medicine, okay?"

"I have been ill for three years, and I have been taking a bottle of genuine medicine for 40,000 yuan for three years." She choked up and said, "The house is gone, and my family is ruined by me. Now I finally have cheap medicine. Call it a fake drug."

"Whether the medicine is fake or not, can we not know?"

"That medicine only sells for 500 yuan a bottle, and the drug dealers don't make any money at all. Whoever doesn't meet a patient, can you guarantee that you will not get sick for the rest of your life?"

"You took him away, we all have to die."

The old woman choked up and said, "I don't want to die, I want to live, okay... okay?"

I don't want to die, I want to live, okay?

Xiao Cai and Xiao Fang burst into tears.

Ahhh! Why is this old lady acting so well and so touching!

Too cruel!

This movie is too cruel!

On the other hand, the medical representatives of genuine medicines are still promoting on TV, advising everyone not to buy such unscrupulous counterfeit medicines.

This scene made the two girlfriends itch, as if this was the biggest villain in the film.

At this time, Cheng Yong was about to drive away from the factory.

But he saw someone waiting for him.

——Zhang Changlin, a counterfeit drug dealer who is being hunted down!

"Bad guy! This person is also a bad guy!" They shouted in their hearts.

This is the person who sold fake drugs before, and later bought the agency rights of generic drugs, and also raised the price crazily. Selling 10,000 is not enough, it has to be raised to 20,000, and then it is reported by people who can't afford the medicine.

Since I can't afford it, then... don't eat it!

This bad guy, why did you come to find Cheng Yong!

"He must have no good intentions!" The second daughter thought to herself.

(ps: the first update.)

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